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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. That is some BS. Hopefully my Redhawks didn't use up all their magic the other night and can put up a good fight against Oregon.
  2. Dude.........you need to get laid
  3. More than a couple in my 19 or so years of competetive hockey. Had two or three over the years that were kinda like the brawl tonight. As you said, good times....
  4. Didn't you post about 5 times that you couldn't watch or listen to the game and wanted to see footage of the brawl, blah blah blah. Kinda hard to say it's the game of the year when you didn't even see the damn game.
  5. Miller was !@#$ing amazing in the shootout. Great win for the Sabes
  6. BS call on Briere. Miller making some big saves.
  7. The young guys are playing HARD. I really like what I've seen so far from all of them. Ryan is the next one due for a goal as he's had a bunch of good chances throughout the games he's played.
  8. Unless he's signing for 2-3 mill per year (which he prob wouldn't) I say let him go. Use the $ elsewhere and go with a Hargrove/Denney combo and maybe grab a late round DE. Kelsay is ok, but for the most part has been a poor man's Schobel.
  9. He can't even keep down a little whisky either. What a puss...
  10. Requiem would have to be at the top of my list too. American History X is up there too.
  11. Done. Here's to a full and speedy recovery.
  12. Like I said, it's all a little fuzzy but I'm pretty sure she was!
  13. Last night after the disappointing Sabres loss here in Columbus we went back across the street to R-bar where we had been before the game. Some time later a guy approached me and said something like "now that's a good looking sweater you have on there" (I was wearing an old style white Pat Lafontaine jersey). When I looked to thank him, I realized it was Danny Gare. I was semi-surprised but I said something like thank you very much Mr. Gare blah blah blah. He says call me Danny, etc. and we proceed to shoot the schitt for a couple min. Now I was pretty trashed at this point so I don't remember exactly what the conversation was like but I remember saying that all of us in Buffalo appreciate all he did for the team and miss him on tv. He was very appreciative and cool about it. A little bit later he came back by me again and talked to me a bit. He introduced me to his daughter and offered to sign my jersey. By this point I'm gone so I say what the hell (I realize today that it doesn't make much sense to have a Danny Gare autograph on a Pat Lafontaine jersey but what the hell). I got a picture with him and he went on his way. I know it's not that big of a deal but it was pretty cool and he was a super nice guy. If I wasn't so drunk already, I would have seen if he wanted to go take a shot or something. I think he was pretty trashed too though.
  14. Just got back to C-bus after spending the week in Indy for work. Just cracked a beer and about to head downtown in 10 min or so (my gf lives about 5 min from the arena). I think we're hitting up R-bar before and some other arena district bars after. I got my new Pat Lafontaine white throwback jersey and old logo hat on, and I'm ready to see a Sabres victory. Anyone else going? Should be a lot of Buffalo fans there to make for a great atmosphere! Go Sabres!!!!!!
  15. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Can the Colts D hold down the fort and win the game? Man what a great game. How freakin sweet will it be next year when it's our guys out there laying it all on the line in a playoff game
  17. HOLY SCHIT!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST LOST THE BALL!!!!!
  18. How crazy would it be to see a Vinatieri missed field goal loose the game for the Colts as time expires?
  19. The drivers here in Ohio are AWFUL. Throw in some rain or a little snow and they somehow get 10 times worse.
  20. Are you F'n kidding me?
  21. I'm surprised nobody made one of these yet. After the 2 night, 4 hour premiere, what are your thoughts? Like last season, I think they started off with a bang. Lots of action right from the get go, with many developing side plots. ****SPOILER ALERT****** It was pretty shocking when Jack had to shoot and kill Curtis. Also, actually having the nuke go off that early in the season should set the ground for some crazy schit. I like the fact thay they're showing bits and pieces of how bad being held captive by the Chineese has f'd up Jack. *******END SPOILERS********* Overall, very good so far and has the makings of a great season. I wish there were a couple more episodes on right now!
  22. Is it really too much to ask for a starting MLB to shed some blockers and be more of a force near the line of scrimmage? I think there are a lot of NFL MLBs other than Urlacher that satisfy these lofty standards.
  23. Freakin let them tie it up with less than a second left in the first period. 2-2 after one, Sabres look like sh-- in their own zone and on the powerplay (go figure).
  24. I like Fletch, but his position is due for an upgrade. He's on the wrong side of 30, isn't particularly fast, and cannot shed blockers to make a tackle. Sure he's made some plays, (especially this past year) but I want a MLB that's going to blow through a blocker and make a tackle near the line of scrimmage not 5-8 yards downfield. Sorry London, you've been a good hard player for the team, a leader, and an asset to the community but it's time to get younger and more athletic at that position.
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