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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. The thing I hate most about the draft is how all these "analysts" grade each team before any of these kids play a down in the NFL. We won't know for years whether this draft was successful or not. I'm too drunk/lazy to look up recent grades, but I'd guess that if you reviewed the first "post draft" grades over the past few years, most wouldn't hold up.
  2. I didn't say that we don't need a QB. I'm just glad it wasn't Tebow. You make it seem like he's a sure thing franchise QB. And in all honesty, I am done with Edwards but I think I'd rather watch him under center than see us spend a high pick on a big question mark in Tebow and proceed to see him be ruined by the Bills when he would get thrown into the fire far before he would be ready (you know that if we drafted him, there would be people calling for him to start from day 1 when it seems like a consensus that he is a 2-3 year project).
  3. Aside from the fact that he has major ?'s about his abilty to play the QB position at the NFL level, something about him just bugs me. I know he's a "winner" and is a great kid but he just seems kinda fake to me. His image just seems so contrived and almost phony. I can see how a bunch of 18-20 year olds buy into him but is some 30 year old veteran going to respect him because he's a hard worker? These guys all bust their ass or else they wouldn't be in the NFL and I just think he has flaws that won't allow him to become a great QB. Some of the stuff I've heard on the radio the past few days has raised a good point; in all the scouting stuff about him you hear more about his "leadership and intangibles" than his actual ability. They made an analogy today along the lines of a girl that you say has a great personality. I know this post is nothing of substance but figured I'd throw in my two cents like everyone else has over the past few months.
  4. We did 3 nights on Moorea and 4 on Bora Bora. We did a ATV tour on Moorea that was a blast! Nobody else signed up so we had a private 3-4 hour tour of the island on quads. Very cool place.
  5. Did just that for our honeymoon this past October. It was amazing. The scenery almost doesn't even look real, it's like a movie set or something. It was very private and very peaceful. The people there are wonderful as well. I've done the Carribean a few times and will be returning this winter, but French Polynesia was in a world of its own. Much less "party" atmosphere and felt very exclusive. It was accordingly very expensive but worth every penny. We fell in love with the place and are already looking to go back for our 5 year! edit: view from our bungalow http://www5.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID..._NAME=snapfish/
  6. I hope your sarcasm button was on.....
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermontti_Dawson
  8. Awesome! A Friday night show in Columbus. Count me in!
  9. +1 for Giraldo. Saw him at a little comedy club in Cincy when I was in undergrad and he killed. I was in tears laughing more than once. He's got an interesting background. Graduated Harvard law and worked for a short time for some big corporate law firm in NYC before giving it up to persue comedy.
  10. Ok... Let me preface the reason for this thread. It's Sat night, wife is out of town, Sabres get a big win, and I'm drinking alone flipping channels and surfin the net. So comedy central is playing one of his stand up specials from Madison Square Garden last year. I'm 26 and graduated from undergrad in 06 so from what I gather I'm still close to being in this guy's "target audience". I've seen a little bit of his stuff here and there and all I want to know is how the hell does anyone find this guy funny!? He is absolutely horrible. I haven't even cracked a smile. It's scary that so much of the population can "believe" in something just because it's what they're "supposed" to do. Seriously during this crap, he's going through his routine and a few thousand people are laughing and screaming before he even makes a punchline! ....terrible
  11. Yeah because buying a Team's jersey and putting your name on it like you're actually on the team is so much better. I can understand if some people might not be into wearing player's jerseys, but putting your own name on a pro team's jersey is about the lamest thing you could possibly do. Hell just wear a t shirt instead.
  12. Noticed that about a third of the QB's mentioned in that article had their names misspelled / wrong. I'm no spelling whiz myself, but it's hard to take an author seriousy with that many glaring errors. Even a quick proofreading job would have brought to light the errors if the author really knew anything about the NFL....Sorry it's pet peeve of mine to get sports figures' names completely wrong (ie: former Bills GM Tom Donahue, former Cowboys reciever Michael Irving, etc.)
  13. Whenever the Sabres play on VS., the play by play guy always finds a way to throw in the term "Sabre rattling."
  14. Looks like I'm not the only one drinking tonight, I sense a little frustration! ...I know what you're saying and I agree that there is much more at work here than all the 'Trent is a p*ssy and is the worst player to lace up the cleats in NFL history" crap that goes on here but....there are a few things that leave him plenty of room for criticism. Like you said, the guy initially showed a LOT of promise and did things early on in his career that made a lot of us optimistic for the future. He played smart football, was accurate, and kept drives going. He led 4th quarter comebacks with calmness and efficiency. He wasn't afraid to take a hit and i think his confidence was peaking in week 5 last year. This was all "according to plan". I really think that as of right now, that hit by Wilson was the turning point in Trent's career. That play alone showed where he was at that moment. He saw that Wilson was about to wreck him and still stepped in and threw a strike to Hardy for the first down. Fast forward to this past season. We all know that Trent struggled for most of the remainder of the 08 season but we expected him to rebound and progress. He played great in the MNF vs the Pats this year. The TD drive he led to put us up 10 was the kind of thing we haven't seen in years from a Bills qb. Somewhere in the next few weeks though, he lost it. I'm sure a lot had to do with his coaching. Dick knew he was on the hot seat. Our offense had a coordinator that was a quality control coach less than 2 years ago. The line started getting beat up. There were a lot of factors at work. The disheartening thing though was how Trent just seemed to crumble under it all. I'm not saying I can totally blame him, especially just knowing the very basics of the circumstances. The way it all unfolded though just really made me second guess my initial feelings about him. He still refused to develop an intermediate to long range passing game despite two good running backs and some pretty good recievers on the field. I have a feeling that a lot of this was what he was being told to do by the coaches. To me, the biggest indication of Trent's psyche was that when he lost the job this year, it seemed like nobody cared (including himself). He didn't show any fire or passion to "get back what was his". Teammates didn't stick up for him. To me, something just seemed like he was content to sit on the bench and be out of the mess that had become the Bills. Like I said, its hard to blame him, but if he really was going to take the next step you would hope he would try and rally the team around him not alienate himself from it. I know I'm all over the place on this and I have been drinking but it just seems to me like the previous regime totally f'd him up in the head. Can he wipe the slate clean and get back on the track that most of us thought he was on? I don't know. I'm not 100% ready to give up on him, but at this point I'd say there is a good chance that he ends up a career backup that can come in and play at a decent level for some other team. I hope I'm wrong but I guess we'll all find out for sure in a few months.
  15. Let's Go Redhawks! My wife and I are Miami alums (hence my username). Hope they can get it done this year after pulling a "Buffalo" last year and choking away a 2 goal lead in the final minute of the National Championship game
  16. I don't think they were ripping Family Guy because they were jealous. I think they just sincerely think it's not funny. Now, I love both shows (although gotta give SP a leg up) but what they were saying about FG in that episode is so true. There's a loose plotline with tons of just completely random stuff thrown in there. There's no deviation from the "formula" in FG. I will say that they do a great job of incorporating pop culture and more obscure literature/theatre references in the show but they all fall in line with the "cutscene format". There's plenty I like about FG and still laugh out loud at it. I think SP is more "intelligent". They can use the same old gross out/fart joke kind of stuff but also take on serious issues. Some episodes of South Park may be "funnier" than others, but often times the ones where I don't laugh out loud a lot will reflect some of the best writing. They're both good shows in their own way but I gotta give it to SP for the overall quality of the writing.
  17. ....Wow that's one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while....And we all know that says a lot.
  18. I've lived in Columbus since i graduated undergrad in '06 and will probably spend the rest of my life living there (job, In-Laws). I really like it, its big enough to get a taste of "city life" but small enough where its easy to get around. You won't confuse it with Chicago, NYC, LA, etc. but there's lots of growth, lots of great places to eat and drink, and it's brought me more into college sports (never really big on college sports growing up in WNY). On top of that, I'm still pretty close to my family in WNY and plenty close enough to have Bills season tickets! I thnk I could make the 4.5 hour drive in my sleep by now!
  19. In HS did a 10 day "school trip" to Costa Rica with plenty of partying High school spring break in Myrtle. Many 19-20 year old weekends in Niagara Falls, Ontario 3 Years of college spring break in Panama City, Fl. Weekend of houseboats on Lake Cumberland, Kentucky 1 year of college spring break in Negril, Jamaica Last year in Miami for the Bills/Fish This year in Jax for Bills/Jags (normal games in Buff don't count)
  20. I believe we were last in the league in run D last year. There is literally no way to be worse! (relatively speaking of course)
  21. Bummer he was my favorite on the show. RIP Captain Phil.
  22. I talked about these same points with my family during the season when Trent lost his job. If he really had any of the "it" factor you would think the guy would have fought like hell to get his job back. He never showed any fire or desire to get back what was his. I was at the Jacksonville game and we were in early enough to watch warmups. It looked to me like he was totally content tossing some passes to the Justin Jenkins and Jonathan Stupars of the world off on the side. It may just be me but little things like that and the "not a Bills fan" comment made me feel that he really doesn't have the passion or desire to be a great player. His confidence is shot and like it was pointed out in the thread the team didn't seem to rally behind him at all. Could a coaching change or better o-line get his career back on track? Maybe. I get the feeling though that he'll end up somewhere else as a 2nd or 3rd stringer and be completely content.
  23. I don't think anyone said that his broken bones won't heal. I'm no doctor, but I would think there's a pretty big diffenence between simply breaking your leg and having both bones in your lower leg snapped completely in half. Nobody knows at this point where Wood will be 8 months from now (probably his doctors included). There's a lot of variables in a serious injury like that. I think the good thing to take out of this is that it doesn't seem to sound like a career threatening thing whether he is back next season or not.
  24. He does a great job making sure the cups on the table get filled with gatorade from the dispenser!
  25. This same thing happened to a buddy of mine a few months ago. Coincidentally, he was out of the country at the time and one of the fb friends that got sent the message contacted him and asked him if he needed help. I think he may have got credit card info hacked into as well. Crazy stuff.
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