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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. I thought he imposed tremendously as a tackler last year. Made a few great open field tacked that saved a TD or two IIRC.
  2. I wouldn't want a huge yard but also wouldn't want no yard at all. I also realize it's very different living in Columbus, Ohio as opposed to out in Cali or somewhere like that where just a little piece of green **** is such a commodity. We found a solid balance in that we have a front yard and small sliver of a side yard that takes about 20-25 min total to mow with a push mower and no back yard. Our driveway wraps around in an L shape into the garage and the space between that and the house is a stone patio. rest of the area buts up to fences with our neighbors. I travel a lot for work during spring and summer and despite all the wonderful qualities my wife has (believe it or not, she is not looking over my shoulder right now), mowing the grass was never something she latched on to. Not really sure why I even posted this as it pretty much has nothing to do with the original topic. I will admit I've been drinking though. On a side note, heading to San Diego in a couple months for a short wedding weekend. Anyone have any advice for me?
  3. Sorry Easley people (I was one) but he's as good as gone. Seriously if this guy had any chance of doing anything even remotely productive for this team he'd be in there making plays against backups. Roosevelt will make the team over him. Time to move on, roll with what we have and expect next years draft to be WR and LB early and often
  4. Hate to admit it but I'm having my doubts about Shep as well. Seems like he's always just a half second too late on everything. Hope I'm wrong and he steps up this year. At this point he looks to me more like Poz and less like an impact player.
  5. I think they really do try and tell them to work on some stuff but make it a priority to not get hurt. As Legartett Blount lays on true turf for the bucs
  6. LB's look like crap. Shep bit and got burnt on that last big gainer.
  7. Pretty ugly so far. Doomed!!!!
  8. Can't believe there isn't one going yet. D line looks good, rest of d not do much. Kelsey still sucks!
  9. I think when attending an NFL game you should fully expect to hear foul language and lots of it. Also expect to see plenty of drunks that may be acting loud and obnoxious, but really aren't "hurting" anyone. I was brought to both Bills and Sabres games as a child with the understanding that I would see these things but that it is not ok. I can only think of maybe a time or two when my dad had to ask some really drunk people to chill a bit on the f bombs (literally every other word) and it was at the old Aud. I'd say generally speaking, that kind of stuff will not change so just deal with it or stay home. Where I draw the line is when you have people pissing and or puking in the stands and or on others. I have been plenty drunk at Bills games, even to the point of being pretty much "blacked out". Not necessarily proud of it but it's happened. Even those times I never was remotely close to vomiting on anyone or urinating anywhere other than the bathroom (or maybe the woods outside the stadium). That kind of behavior is totally unacceptable and is what needs to be eliminated from the game day experience. I'd have to agree with the suggestion to use the txt line, as I've seen it used a couple times in my section and it seems to be pretty effective. Like others have said I think a preseason game actually leads to more of the really foul behavior than a regular season game even though it seems like it shouldn't. Lots of younger fans that still might be out of school but old enough to go to a game on their own and get someone to supply their tailgate with booze. Tickets are practically free and for the most part nobody cares about the game after a couple series. There's even less incentive to get "into" the game. It's like an amped up version of recent late season home games when the Bills have been out of the playoff hunt except with some nice weather thrown in. Kind of a recipe for trouble if you ask me. NFL games generally are not really family friendly. I've been to other cities for games and while maybe somewhat more tame than the Ralph, I wouldn't say the places were light years ahead or anything. Expect some swearing and drunks, and maybe even a fight or two. Hell you can't go out to a bar half the time without seeing a fight let alone a giant bar with 75k people in it! People who are falling down, passing out, puking, pissing, yeah get rid of em. That kind of stuff shouldn't be chalked up as just part of the experience, IMO.
  10. Yeah you're right and all these moron GMs that keep drafting left tackles high in the draft are completely out to lunch....give me a break
  11. Have been to games in Miami (2x), Cincy (3x), Jax, and Indy (RCA dome). Miami fans are idiots but atmosphere there has been good due to the amount of Bills fans there. Despite the awful game there last year, we had a great setup with the Bills backers group in Hollywood. At the big easy bar they had pregame warmup party night before with Sabres game on followed by a show by Tom Santori. Day of game they had a party from 8-11 all you can eat and drink folowed by coach bus transfers too and from stadium with booze on the bus. Total cost $30 I think. Doesn't get much better than that. Cincy is decent. They have one "main" tailgate area and bunch of other scattered areas. Fans are generally friendly, in their mind as long as youre not in Black & yellow you are ok. Lines for port o pottys in lots are insane, by mid morning I was venturing over near the railroad tracks to take a leak. Jax was a complete joke as far as pregame atmosphere/tailgating goes. Stadium is in a great spot on the river downtown and there is a cheap water taxi that takes you from hotels across the river to the stadium. You can bring open alcohol on the boat. The tailgating is pretty much confined to an area under a highway overpass and is about as intense as a preseason game. Stadium half empty and just an overall lack of enthusiasm. Everything seems "forced". Indy was somewhat similar. Tailgating sucks due to downtown stadium. Lots of uninformed fans that jumped on the Peyton bandwagon but most were pretty friendly. I thought it was kind of weird seeing football inside. Felt too sterile. More like a hockey game. I'll be going to lucas oil this year and looking forward to it just because it's such a massive structure. Might make it to Cleveland game this year not sure about the setup there. I really wanted to go to Arizona this year but have a conflict this weekend. I've kind of decided to make the Miami game an annual trip when it works for my schedule just because it's worked out so well logistically. A little golf, a trip to south beach, and then staying a little closer to the stadium in Hollywood which still has some decent nightlife but isn't as expensive as south beach. Next year I'll definitely be going to the game in New Orleans. Also decided to go to Nashville next time we play there, it's a great city. Also, have an in with Panthers tickets next time we play there. Wife's aunts' future husband has seats on the 50 a few rows up. Got invited last time but couldn't go. Really like seeing some of the other stadiums and it's fun and different to be cheering for the road team. That said, wouldn't trade the Ralph for a thing!
  12. I was at the game in Miami last year and when it became apparent it was a serious injury I said that's the last time we'll probably see T McGee on the field in a Bills uni. What a shame. Easily one of the best and one of my favorite players over this decade plus of crap Bills football. He was always a true professional and made tons of huge plays especially early in his career. It's a cruel game in that he's suffered through all this dysfunction, and now when seemingly on the cusp of turning it around he can't be part if it. I know it's a longshot and I'm pulling for him, but it just seems like his body just can't do it right now. Hope I'm wrong but if I'm not, thanks T McGee! Your jersey is one that WON'T go to the back of my closet!
  13. I pony'd up the 5 for the pay version of night sky. It's pretty cool. Like breaking it out late at night around a fire while having some cold ones!
  14. Very excited for this as well as the new daily Sabres show. Buffalo sports radio has been a complete joke. Live in Columbus Ohio and I realize it's a much bigger city but the sports radio is awesome there. Syndicated espn BS until after cowherds show but after that all local programming till evening. Obviously one of the biggest college markets but just so much better and more "put together" than WGR is. The guys that do the afternoon show in cbus literally make me laugh out loud at least once every drive home and while OSU is obviously king they cover all sports and do a decent job. Aside from all the obvious criticism over WGRs negative bias, it's remarkable how little the on air personalities know about other teams and leagues. I understand you cater to your audience but would it kill them to have some informed talk about the major stories that aren't Bills/Sabres related? Anyways, rant over and I really think this new format will be a nice thing for locals and buffalo transplants alike.
  15. Give it some time, you'll be clearing out room in the freezer before you know it...haha j/k congrats on finding a good one. I'm there too and although sometimes we each would probably like to stab the other in the eye (both kind of hard headed so makes for arguments that go nowhere. Plus she's a lawyer so has a way to twist words!), still nobody else I'd like to spend my time with. It's great to find someone that "gets you". My wife may have never watched a football game in her life before we met but now is a season ticket holder with me that tailgates like a pro and gets more nervous than I do during games. If you got the right one all those good times together just enjoying each others company far outweigh those inevitable tough times. Congrats again and go bills!
  16. Hate to say it but that was my first thought as well. I mean yeah she's cute and seems sweet but c'mon..."so what do you think about the film room?"....."so what do you think about the new field?"..."so what do you think about the tour?"...Also she always asks a question then immediately follows it with another question that merits a different response than her first one. Hate to criticize someone in a field I know nothing about but just seems so sloppy and no preparation. Very similar to most of the crap that "sports writers" spew out these days.
  17. Have been waiting on the mid level "limited" jerseys from nike to become available. Browsing the Bills store a bit ago and they now have these available for Freddy and Fitz in the home color. I immediately ordered a Freddy. Hopefully they make some away jerseys in the future as I don't have a current away jersey. Ill let everyone know how it is when I get it. Go Bills!
  18. Guess it wasn't quite bad enough to prevent him from going down to Fredonia once in a while and creeping on 18 year old girls at Sunnys!....or so I've been told
  19. I am usually of the "simpler is better / salt & pepper only" club when cooking beef especially good beef, but came across a recipe that is a little different but I like it. Done them a few times including yesterday and it's been very well received each time. Roasted chili peppers, some jalapeños and onions all diced to mix in with 80/20 beef. Form some big old patties then use a dry rub that I made from a BBQ cookbook recipe to rub them all down. Get my smoker up around 200-220 with some hickory and a little apple in there and let em go for maybe a little more than an hour. They really end up with a unique flavor from the rub, peppers, and smoke but still are very juicy because if the low heat. I know its a little off the path but I really do like them for a different twist. Just got this smoker a few months ago and doing my first shoulder tomorrow wish me luck!
  20. http://instagr.am/p/MmRszfjTTG/
  21. I think I might have that beat. Wife had a Bills helmet cake made for me as a grooms cake at our rehearsal dinner. I'll try and find a pic.
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