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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Pretty easy to get beach spoiled in St. Martin! Lots of great beaches there and all offer a different experience. Wife and I have done 3 trips there together and I had been once before we met. We just did 10 days there with both our families this past December. Nearby Anguilla has some great beaches too including shoal bay which often shows up on top beaches lists. Actually trying to decide right now if we want to go back again this winter or take a year off and do a Florida trip. Never been to the keys.
  2. Yeah this was the case for me in my frat house in undergrad. It was obviously an old house. Four shitters in the back of the bathroom with nothing but a urinal type divider in between. Being a gentleman, I would always go around back and make sure it was clear so my girlfriend could go. Most of the 30+ guys living in the house were not as courteous and would simply point them towards the bathroom. On most evenings you better have completed your deuces by 7 pm or so to avoid being surprised by a lovely coed. One time we were having a party and there were so many people there that one of the guys **** in a trash can in his room to avoid even attempting to go during the chaos. Another time I awoke early one morning and immediately had to take care of business. Figured it was early enough that everyone would still be passed out. As I was doing my thing a very attractive girl came around the corner and was treated to the sight. She apologized and left. She returned a few min later as I was washing my hands and leaving and I told her "don't worry I warmed it up for you and even left you some TP". Ahh those were the days...
  3. Pretty much sums it up. Probably a stellar student at UF, undoubtedly taking on a rigorous curriculum that would prepare him for life after football.
  4. Whoa....I'm guessing then its more than obstruction. Ps I've heard of him &Get er done!
  5. Well said. A gift does not have to cost a lot to be worth a lot. As I said before though, I personally think its kind of tacky to not give the newlyweds at least something. If you don't care enough about the couple to give them a little coin, or to spend a little time into making something, sharing a talent with them, etc., you should probably send regrets.
  6. As many have said already, you can read all the ettiquitte and gift advice stuff in the world but there is no set rules that apply to every situation. My wife and I have attended well over 20 weddings in the last 5 years and been invited to another 5+ that we did not attend. They've been everything from high class formal affairs in big cities to low budget casual receptions at private residences. Some of the low budget casual ones were the most fun and special. Yeah it's been very expensive as we had to travel to many, but I can't even fathom not giving some kind of gift. For our wedding, we were fortunate enough to have a big blowout. My wife is an only child and her parents are well off. They had nothing when they got married so needless to say there wasn't much that was spared. Our wedding was actually featured in a popular wedding publication, and id consider it a fairly high class traditional wedding. There were plenty of people that brought no gift. Others who are pretty close family or friends that are well off gave little. We didn't care and don't hold that against them in any way but for me personally, I would feel cheap for not doing at least something. We got some wonderful gifts from close friends that were not expensive, but obviously had a lot of thought put into them and were very personal. I think in this case the gift basket people definitely come off looking cheap and that it was something thrown together at the last minute. However, in no way was it appropriate for the newlyweds to basically "call them out on it". Both at fault and the givers probably should have skipped the reception and sent the basket.
  7. I guess that's why they need multiple wives out there. Combine the intellect of 5-7 and you almost have a real person. Course, that's not why we keep them around anyways is it!? Thank you I'll be here all night!.....Oh wait **** I said that out loud. Sorry guys I gotta go
  8. Just gotta say I love when you chime in Roger. Makes me chuckle every time.
  9. This is correct. Friend of mine is an agent and I asked him about that a few weeks ago post draft right when all the rookies were starting their mini camps. Can't remember all the specifics, this conversation was late afternoon after 18 holes and quite a few cold ones.
  10. http://www.doubletapammo.com/php/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21_34&products_id=658 I think this double tap ammo would probably help do the trick too!
  11. He was a beast those first 2 years here. Ill never forget watching that game against atl when he tore his Achilles. I think it was week 3 of that year. When he slammed his helmet down I just felt sick to my stomach knowing he was done. Sure a few years later he resurrected his career and had a couple more productive years but never came close to what he was. Will always be one of my favorite Bills. Hope he catches on with a playoff team this year the guy surely deserves it.
  12. He's been on twitter as of a couple hours ago so whatever it was looks like he's ok. He had one tweet about the shirt he had on being ruined but hasn't said anything else about it.
  13. I'm hoping to be there to see it! Like many in WNY, I didn't care a hell of a lot about college football growing up. Started getting into it a lot more when I went away to school at Miami U because tickets were free for students and we had some guy named Ben Roethlisberger. I think I went to every home game during my 4 years and even a few roadies. MAC championship @ BG, and the obligatory ass kickings @Mich & OSU. Good times. Ben's last year was pretty special and would have been a perfect 14-0 if not for season opening loss to Iowa on the road. Lost 21-3 I think, but he threw a pick 6 in the redzone right before half that was a potential 14 pt swing. Really started getting into it when I moved to Columbus and I consider myself a Buckeye fan. Hard to live there and at not follow the Bucks even if not a fan. It will never take the place of the NFL for me (unless the Bills move of course) but I've come to enjoy it. Maybe I'm subconsciously getting a backup plan going in case that ever happens. Anyways hope UB keeps it somewhat respectable but Go Bucks! Ps if anyone is thinking about going I recommend it. The 'Shoe is a pretty cool place to see. Fans aren't too bad for games like this. Tailgating doesn't hold a candle to the Ralph although there are many bars near the stadium that are a lot of fun on gameday.
  14. Did the same with my ribs today. Foiled them with a little mixture of Red's apple ale & cider vinegar. After the hour wrapped up, slathered a little BBQ sauce on half, left the rest dry and finished em off for 30 min or so. Turned out pretty good! My smoker got a workout this weekend. 10 lb Boston butt, 4 lb beef brisket (first one needed to experiment before I go big), 3 huge racks of baby backs. Also did a bunch of burgers, dogs, and sausages on the Viking out by the pool at the in laws. Diet starts tomorrow....ha
  15. Lagunitas little sumpin sumpin ale is awesome. Also a big fan of Stone's IPA which I think I saw mentioned earlier.
  16. I have the "smoke vault" made by camp chef. I've had it for about a year and a half and I recommend it for a good all around, entry level smoker that won't break the bank too bad. I like the propane heating element, makes controlling the temperature a lot easier. Usually just set the temp to medium and let it go. Seems to stay fairly steady around 225. Usually have to replenish the wood chips/chunks every 1.5-2 hrs. Have done lots of ribs, pork shoulder, and believe it or not burgers. Haven't done a brisket yet but may this weekend. I love having it and experimenting with different dry rubs, types of wood, and sauces. After i get a little more experience ill probably step up to the BGE or something a little more high end.
  17. How would a sherrif that works at the Ralph have weekly arrest figures from all other NFl stadiums? Asking a serious question. Obviously they would have accurate numbers for the Ralph but doesn't seem like its info that would be trickled down to and shared amongst 31 other enforcement groups. It's not like they're all working under one company/department.
  18. Care to enlighten me with Saturdays winning powerball numbers? Im as sick as everyone about spending $ and time on a loosing product year after year, but I'm willing to give the new regime a chance before I write them off.
  19. No friggin way....
  20. FWIW, Buddy specifically brought up Troup the other day when they had him on Sirius NFL radio. He said that he was finally 100% healthy and good to go. He kinda sounded a little excited an seemed like he was hoping for him to contribute. I'll believe it when I see it and perhaps it is just wishful thinking from Buddy, but if he can contribute a bit that would be a plus.
  21. If you want to bring a knife to a potential gun fight hats off! If anyone breaks into our bedroom they can expect some 9mm and or .40 S&W hollow points heading their way depending on which one of us acts quicker.
  22. http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/05/13/official-24-returns-may-2014/ It's official! Jack is back!
  23. I'd drink her bath water....wait...I mean, "make sure you rub that meat down real good before you throw it in there!"
  24. I'm usually an optimist like you but just can't do it here. Really don't like this move at all even though Rolston didn't to a terrible job as interim coach. I really think the team needs a whole new outlook coming from outside the organization. I have no clue how you can keep Darcy. I am still very happy Pegula bought the team but maybe him being more like a "fan" makes it harder to clean house of the guys he interacts with on a daily basis. I hope I'm wrong but I see 2-3 more years of mediocrity before a full out blowing up.
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