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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. #mockobamaday is trending hard on twitter right now. Good entertainment if you enjoy a bunch of libs getting their panties in a bunch!
  2. Haha...also, it's hard to keep your "driving manners" in a state like Cali with a non stop barrage of cyclists, skateboarders, and other morons out there acting like they have the righ of way.
  3. Had a great game. Showed the potential that has kept him on the roster this long. Gonna be tough to get it down to 6 WR.
  4. Sometimes dumb luck is good.
  5. Loved what I saw from the D just purely from a schematic standpoint. What a difference. Looks like shockingly its gonna be hard to cut down our receivers. CJ looked just like last year minus the fumble, and Fred looked like his old self on that pass play in the red zone. Loved the fact that guys were playing hard till the final whistle. Also liked how EJ settled in a bit after the early jitters and had a great 2 min drill. Going to be an exciting season I think with some ups and downs, but looks like a different attitude which is good. Go Bills!
  6. Dumbasses. Feel sorry for the kids that have to try and make it in the world with morons like that as their guides.
  7. Yeah and some of the Espn guys said they would make the playoffs and they spent a lot of $ in the offseason!
  8. I'm rooting for Bane to show up and implode the playing surface.
  9. As Bart Scott would say, "can't wait!" Was just thinking about it today and getting pumped. Nothing beats the atmosphere at the Ralph for an opener. If EJ starts and puts some points up, and the D is harassing Tommy Boy the place will be crazy. Our plan is to pull into the RV lot Saturday morning and get situated. Thinking of bringing my smoker and throwing on a beef brisket as soon as we get there for the gameday main course. Probably burgers, dogs, sausages for lunch Saturday. Maybe a little surf and turf steaks and shrimp for dinner Saturday night. No matter how hard we party Saturday night ill be up at the crack Sunday morning ready to rock and roll! I guess you could say I'm slightly excited.
  10. If a manager at the local pizza joint or sub shop is knocking down six figures then I guess Im definitely in the wrong line of work!
  11. Agreed. I usually will tip a few dollars especially if its one of the places that I frequent. If its just a sub or something ill throw in a buck or two and the change. I'm sure most of the workers at take out places like that aren't knocking down mega dollars and if a couple bucks can put a smile on their face or even a beer in their hand I'm all for it. I consider myself a good tipper and have a soft spot for people in the service industry in general. I travel a lot for work and stay in hotels and eat out all the time. If seen some pretty awful behavior by customers over the years. I understand you expect a standard of service but I hate when I see people treat servers like dirt just because they feel some kind of entitlement.
  12. http://www.shopthebills.com/c-j-spiller-jersey-2013-nike-limited-home-buffalo-bills-jersey.aspx From Bills store online.
  13. If Rogers and or by some miracle Easley can turn out to be a legit physical outside presence, this WR core could be very dangerous. Stevie gets open period and if we can get a QB in there who will consistently get him the ball I feel like his reception and yardage numbers can grow significantly.
  14. This. I know it's been said over and over but dude acts like a 8 year old who is taking his ball and going home. A less than 5 min scanning of his twitter feed confirms.
  15. Great comparison considering this guy hasn't even coached a game yet
  16. Well yeah I guess you could call it that when you don't inflate to the recommended psi....zing!
  17. José María Stealth Come get some
  18. Good call. Love APC & Tool.
  19. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FLhqrJ57tLk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFLhqrJ57tLk The lyrics combined with some of the stuff Staley said before his death made this pop into my head immediately. He lived for quite a few years after they filmed that concert but he knew even at that point that drugs had taken control of him.
  20. "Have you ever tried farming NOT high!? It's boring as ****!"
  21. Ditto. Throw in a Xanax, Valium, or klonopin and I'm good.
  22. On the 4th did beef brisket and pork shoulder in the smoker. Brisket was probably around 10 lbs after trimming and went about 13-14 hrs. Pork was two separate 7-8 pounders. First was done around same time as brisket but the second one took closer to 16 hrs for whatever reason. Had two smokers going and the one I did the pork in is a little more finnicky. All turned out great though. Yesterday was leftovers, burgers, sausages & dogs. Today was same for lunch then bacon wrapped filets for dinner. First time doing steaks on the in laws bad ass Viking out at their pool (just moved in a few months ago). It's got one of those sear setting burners for super high heat. Had it around 500, minute or so on each side then finished off on other burners. Some of the best steaks I've ever done!
  23. Pffft...15 mil is chump change compared to these two bad boys that I've seen up close recently while on vaca http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limitless_(luxury_yacht) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_(yacht) Also saw this one although didn't get nearly as close. Was on boat tours for the other two so got within feet. Hard to even fathom the amount of $ it takes simply to maintain them http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_(yacht)
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