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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Cool of them to mention Hammer's. Although Indy and Cincy ranked higher? Cmon man....
  2. Yeah dude looks slow as hell. Any big time college player would handle him easily using their quickness and leverage to get him off balance.
  3. For the good of the team, I'm staying home this year. Went for my 3rd Bills in Miami experience last year and unfortunately my record is now 0-3. Did have a great time with the Bills backers of south Florida. They really had an awesome setup from start to finish. Too bad we got stuck in traffic forever on the way over! I'd highly recommend getting in on their group activities if they're doing it again this year.
  4. I was the DD this week and only had 2 beers all day at the game. And obviously no shots. We typically do shots of fireball that my wife smuggles into the game in her bra after the first TD. It's my fault.
  5. Thanks for providing some perspective. Despite the meltdown for the majority of the game yesterday, we were down a score with 4-5 min left and still had a chance to tie at the end of the game. I think if we had stopped them and Bradham doesn't get that PI call, we would have scored and won. With all the penalties and playing about as bad as you can imagine on defense we made it a game. Next weeks game is huge. If we win it could be the start of a nice run. If we lose, could be trouble and the division would most likely be out of reach already.
  6. No need to apologize as you're obviously not the type of fan I'm referring to. You're absolutely right that all fan bases have their share of complete a hole fans. I've been to many many games at the Ralph, and have also been to about half a dozen away games to see the Bills and the Pats fans in general absolutely have the highest % of said a holes IMO. Never seen a fanbase as a whole come into an opposing stadium and disrespect the home team's city and fanbase like they do. It's the "everything New England is Gods gift to the world" crowd. Bills fans can be bad in a lot of ways but in my experience going to away games we usually like to enjoy the opposing city instead of trash everything about it. It's easy to be that way when all you've known is your team's success. Of course the old timers remember the bad times and are almost never anything but good fans. The Pats fanbase is inundated with people that jumped on the bandwagon in the early 2000s and people with no connection to the Pats at all except they became good so started rooting for them.
  7. What's the lotto numbers for tonight?
  8. Once again this game reaffirmed my deep rooted hatred for their fan base. Had a number of them around us, and many were totally fine. Had normal, civil conversation etc. Then of course there just has to be a couple complete a holes that just can't be normal fans cheering on their team. Mouths pretty quieter early on, then when Pats started taking control their mouths suddenly wake up. And not just the cheering for their team. It's the tone and the "talking to my group of Pats fan friends but in a way that's obviously instigating the home fans directly in front of me." You know essentially the talking down about your team, city, after every stinkin play then acting like they're sweet little angels when you finally hit a breaking point and tell them to STFU. I was DD yesterday and drove back to Ohio last night so wasn't even drunk. I had to tell some punk that if he didn't STFU I was going to knock his teeth out. I'm totally fine with cheering your team and hell even good natured back and forth. I absolutely can't stand when they constantly run their mouths saying things that they know are going to get a rise out of a home team fan then throw their hands up and give the "what I'm just trying to enjoy the game" routine. They are the absolute worst fan base when it comes to this. Such spoiled little brats most of whom aren't even from New England or know anything about pre Brady. I really can't wait till they suck and their pathetic fan base disappears back into anonymity. They've already showed in the past they're a fanbase that disappears when their teams are losers. Just too bad it's been a while since that's the case with their football team.
  9. Russel Wilson just got paid after 2 straight Super Bowls. We have a little time.
  10. Certainly doesn't portray himself in a way that I would expect a true professional would.
  11. Will be making the trip up from Cbus as we do every game and can't wait! Also hitting up Nashville this year. Sec 109!
  12. I have no explanation, but these posts make me chuckle...
  13. Remember that time we traded Kelvin Sheppard for Jerry Hughes? That was fun.
  14. I assume you mean how easy it is to get something FOR a Kiko jersey in the parking lot. Not that there's anything wrong with getting one...
  15. That sucks. Hate to see that kind of stuff happen during the offseason.
  16. I think that's where he's at. Looks like Wet Republic from what I remember.
  17. Great advice. I kinda had a similar but less eloquently stated motto. They're all crazy. It's up to you to decide the level of crazy you can handle.
  18. Yeah nice guy to just leave the cat.
  19. Good thing i have my 6! Man it will be fun if we become a winner again. These "lean" years have been trying at times as a season ticket holder living out of state that usually makes every game. I know lots of others in the same boat hope we're all rewarded in the next few years. Nothing beats a big W at the Ralph!
  20. Just booked my room for Nash! My group is all going. I expect to see lots of Bills fans on broadway that weekend
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