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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Agree 100% soaking the wood is pointless. Just an extra unnecessary step. Like most I started off soaking but the more I read and experimented I found out it really didn't provide any benefit.
  2. Can't imagine how hard that must be. And a few great friends are better than a bunch of crappy ones! Not a normal Xmas for us this year either as my mother in law is battling leukemia. She had a bone marrow transplant on Nov. 15 and luckily got out of the hospital on Dec 7 so we are very thankful to have her home for the holidays. Definitely a time of year to be thankful for what we have even when it's not easy. I'll cheers you one from Ohio and hope although difficult you can think of some good memories and smile tonight. God bless and Merry Christmas!
  3. I was at that game. Had a nice view from near the 50 in the Dispatch suite.
  4. When the 12 rows in front of me sit, I'll sit. Until then I will be standing.
  5. Yeah if you saw his performance at Rock on the range last year it was pretty clear he was back on the junk again. It was awful, and I only saw it on TV.
  6. Now we're talking! They're touring in Jan btw. Going to see them for the first time in Nashville can't wait. Or your neighbor's shower.
  7. Worst halftime show ever? Wow. Just painful.
  8. I honestly don't think it's an overreaction. The guy got torched his first game back then crapped himself again tonight on MNF. Bare minimum he's not back next year. A street FA could have same "production" at about 1/4 the price
  9. I sure as hell would. The guy has frequently shown he can't be counted on. There's no reason he should be on the roster come tomorrow.
  10. Figured I'd go with a little opposite take on the "what did you do that caused the Bills to lose" threads that were circulating a few weeks ago. Pretty good stuff in there so here goes. Let's take it back 6 years to the season opener. Optimism at its highest, TO in a Bills uniform, MNF at Razor against our hated rivals. The Bills play brilliantly for what about 55 minutes? Then we know what happened. A Pats score followed by the McFumble. I did was any other self respecting Bills fan would have done. I calmly and quietly walked down the stairs into the storage room of our basement. I picked up a hockey stick and proceeded to go to town. Nothing was safe. Metal coffee pots, plastic storage containers, etc. The stick itself was turned into pieces by the brick wall. After a few minutes of destruction i sat at the bottom of the steps for 10-15 minutes then calmly walked back up stairs, showered and went to bed. Pretty sure my wife feared for my sanity. Fast forward to this morning. After years of unnecessary crap piling up in the basement, I decided today was the day a thorough purging and cleaning was to commence. I came upon the back corner where most of the remnants of that night's destruction had been consolidated and still sat. I had left them in a pile there all this time as some kind of sick and twisted momento or offering to the football gods. They have certainly not listened and this is a new era of Buffalo Bills so what better time to exercise the demons right? I cleaned up and bagged all the debri from that fateful night and just dropped off a packed Jeep Grand Cherokee worth of garbage at the landfill. So there you have it folks. We can breathe easy again, as brighter days are ahead. I've gotten the ball rolling who else is going to help me?
  11. Gio Bernard & Jeremy Hill from Cincy say hello.
  12. Haha glad I'm not the only one who remembers that. Mike Greenberg was also pretty close to anoiting him the next Brady/Manning/Rodgers as well.
  13. Not much else to be said. No way in hell we should lose in that fashion to a crap team like that. This is the worst I've felt about a loss in a long time, and that says a lot.
  14. Absolutely !@#$ing disgusting
  15. Agreed. I'm a big EJ guy but he's done.
  16. Get well soon Bill in NYC! Pretty sure I can speak for many when I say that I greatly enjoy his weekly 10 thoughts posts. Sending prayers his way!
  17. On our way back to Cbus great weekend in Nashville. Probably the most Bills fans I've ever seen at an away game. Ugly for most of the game but a W is a W!
  18. I'll be watching the Bills in Nashville
  19. Scared the crap outta me.
  20. Started re watching the series a few months ago but then got away from it. Always loved it back in the day. Hopefully will get back "caught up" before the new episodes start up again.
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