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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Liter is French for gimme some !@#$ing cola before I break those !@#$ing lips!
  2. I've eaten there! Good spot!
  3. Yeah and most of the other airline carries wifi services don't even support streaming video in general.
  4. Oh yeah I felt the wrath for pronouncing "Lank ister" wrong when I came to Cbus. About got sent back to WNY!
  5. When he can take a tackle without breaking a rib, I'll get excited
  6. Gotta check your math, week 4 is only like 2 months away....
  7. Yes "buddy". I don't need a lecture on how living near train tracks is noisy. I've spent more time in a month around trains than most probably spend in a lifetime. I was just pointing out it's completely feasible to not hear a train approaching from behind, especially if you're wearing headphones. The guys operating three things are human also. It's possible they didn't see him. Could have been bs'ing, not paying attention, or doing a million other things. Heat rising from tracks and the perspective from being up in an engine cab can play tricks with your eyes. So while you want to be a know it all, I'm just saying the whole situation isn't that unfathomable, even though it certainly could have been avoided.
  8. I work in the railroad industry buddy and I promise I've spent more time around the tracks than most people. Trust me there are plenty of sections of straight track where approaching trains are fairly quiet. If he was running with his back to the track it's very feasible he didn't hear it coming even with a set of basic headphones.
  9. He probably was wearing headphones but oncoming trains are actually shockingly quiet. Unless he was near a crossing where they would be blowing the horn, a train can be almost on top of you before you know it. Amtrak traveling at high speed is even more quiet & fast approaching.
  10. Ditto but I believe we were driving simply to tie the game not take the lead. The fumble return put us down 14 I believe.
  11. Maybe toss in some kind of "low risk" skills competition or something for each position group.
  12. Yeah seemed to be out of position a lot and was quick to bite on receivers moves.
  13. Awesome! We honeymooned in French Polynesia (Moorea & Bora Bora). Next time we go there we're staying longer and going to do some more islands. Thought about checking out Rarotonga. So far have a late summer trip planned out west. It's something different for us, we're usually tropical/beach people. Couple nights in Vegas, 3 nights in Grand Canyon general area, 3 nights in Sedona, then a final night in Vegas before the morning flight home.
  14. There definitely is. I've attended games there a couple of times now with the local Bills Backers chapter as an "out of towner". Check out Bills Backers of south Floridas Facebook page and they'll probably have info. Both times we got involved with their organized events were awesome minus the game result!
  15. I usually like common man. You're right about T-bone though he's especially awful when he's in command. Agree on Carpenter also. He started off a little slow but has turned out pretty well. Beanie just isn't quite polished enough.
  16. Thanks. Obviously seemed like a mind blowingly difficult thing to do. But I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg will figure it out.
  17. The practice of anchoring the putter against the body is banned, not the long putter itself.
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