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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. McCoy is one of the guys who was still acting like a pro out there and giving 100% effort this past Saturday. Don't have a ton of respect for him as a person but he seems like he has a passion for the game and leaves everything out on the field. He got a big deal and is living up to it.
  2. Cuz it wouldn't have looked like amateur hour if Pegula came out and said "yep I told Rex get to the playoffs or he's fired". Then you and all the other negative Nancy's would have been complaining about the meddlesome owner.
  3. Loss is fine with me
  4. Glad I decided to sit this one out.
  5. RIP Craig. My mother in law lost her fight with the same type of leukemia in May. Comes on fast and not a lot of treatment options if the bone marrow transplant fails. Hopefully we'll start to see some breakthroughs in treatment.
  6. Stay out of the water?
  7. Saw them in Cincy this summer had a great time.
  8. Panthers aren't done yet!
  9. Congrats! Should grab a hat or t shirt to remind you of that when the Buckeyes are in the playoff and Penn St is fresh off a cotton bowl loss!
  10. Staying home in Cbus with our new 1 week old Bills/Sabres fan! Family from WNY heading down today for the weekend. Skipping the game Sunday, probably only the 5th or so home game I've missed in about 10 years. 2nd one in a row also due to my sisters wedding on the Pats game weekend.
  11. Where can I get whatever you're on?
  12. 😂 Summed up Bengals fans perfectly. To the OP, glad you had a good experience there. I've been to Cincy 4 times I believe and had mostly positive experiences as well. After the why so serious / Stevie game we had some losers try to start a fight with us for literally no reason other than the fact we were wearing Bills stuff and won. Another time some guys that were trashed started with us in the parking lot after the game but we diffused the situation and ended up playing catch with them. Like anywhere (The Ralph included) the "good people" always far outnumber the idiots, but the idiots always leave more of an impact. Cincy is one of the better away experiences I've had, but I've seen some ugly there as well. Really like Mad Tree Brewing Co and have been buying their stuff a lot over the last 2 years or so. Psychopathy is a great beer.
  13. Would rather spend a 1st on someone who might not get torched week after week, and may actually try and tackle someone instead of paying that bum 12+ mil per year.
  14. Right..we've proven to be capable of winning 6 out of 7.
  15. I literally said the same thing to my buddies. Not proud of it, but I've done coke / stimulants before and he was definitely on something.
  16. Did I miss something?
  17. I think they actually work ok considering the time involved, convenience, and lack of a mess. I've had wings from an air fryer and while clearly not as good as the real thing, they're definitely passable and probably better than 1/2 the crap you get at restaurants outside of WNY. You can definitely use them for "battered" items and infelt like it's actually perfect for reheating fried chicken. Brings that crisp back out!
  18. Sorry I've been drinking all day, didn't come out right but i meant exactly what you said. He's roasted by 10 yards and is turning to look for the flag before the damn play was over when there was clearly no contact. Gilmore has certainly played himself off the Bills this year, and most likely cost himself some money with whoever he ends up with
  19. That totally sucks man. Sorry that had to happen to you. It's pretty awful that we have to even entertain the idea of that happening, yet it does weekly. I'm also a season ticket holder in the lower bowl (109) and even though we're in the "good seats" I've seen and been involved in some garbage situations. As someone said earlier, I'm all for the prices of tickets going up. You can never get rid of all that behavior, but higher prices will certainly help limit it. Sounds like you got screwed today and that isn't acceptable
  20. All while the ball was in the air?
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