Sorry to hear this. Always remember, no matter what the statistics say, there IS hope. Even when it’s the worst of the worst, there are stories of survival and that alone should be the focus.
My mother in law was diagnosed with an aggressive subtype of AML in 2015 and when i started researching, it was pretty horrifying.
Its inportant to remember that you need to do all you can to be there for your mom. It’s going to be hard, and it’s going to suck. There will be times of friction between you and her and any other family involved. But it’s your job from here on out to be part of the best support system she can have.
My mother in law lost her battle in 2016 and it still affects us every day. But even in the darkest times, we never lost hope. It CAN happen so always keep that positive attitude. The mind is a powerful tool, and attitude is a big component when dealing with cancer. I wish you all the best of luck, and will be praying for your mom’s healing.