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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Really wanted to do Lambeau but it falls on a bad week for me. I’ll be in Indy for sure.
  2. The company I work for is a railroad contractor and we do work on 6 of the 7 clsss ones, as well as a number of short lines. I’ve traversed thousands of miles of track over the years. It’s true that the majority of crossings are “unprotected” (no gates or flashers). It costs a ton of money to outfit a crossing with gates or flashers and to maintain it. There will always be lots of rural crossings that only have a crossbuck sign. As for speeds it’s really more dependent on the engineering of the track and geography of the area than just population proximity. There’s lots of track out there that’s 60 mph freight and 80 mph Amtrak very close to heavy populated areas. Of course there are also plenty of speed restricted areas through major metropolitan areas. Engineers get into deep **** if they’re caught speeding even 1 mph over the max speed for that segment of track. Most likely taken out of service immediately. Also, if they’re traveling significantly slower than track speed for some reason, the dispatchers will get on them pretty quickly.
  3. Screw that punk. If his parents can’t teach him about consequences, glad someone can.
  4. I’m sure the restraining order helped too ??‍♂️
  5. Super bowl 25 (I was 6) Kevin Everett walking onto the field Ralph Tribute Watching drought ending reaction videos knowing in a few days I’d be going to the game with my dad
  6. Sweet baby Jesus...If anyone around here is a Tool fan, they absolutely killed it tonight. I’ve seen them twice before tonight and it was just jaw droppingly amazing. Unreal...crowd was amazing too
  7. Ive seen a ton of Bills gear so far at ROTR. Have talked to a bunch of Bills fans. Yesterday we had to evacuate the stadium for almost 4 hrs for what amounted to a few drops of rain. Oh well, made up for it once we got back in. Stone Sour & Avenged Sevenfold were the big names last night, both real good. Tonight is Tool which is my favorite band, so I’m pretty pumped.
  8. Decompressing after night 1 of rock on the range here in Cbus. Love this event! What other shows are people seeing this summer? Last weekend saw a great Pink Floyd cover band “wish you were here”. Hard to beat live music!
  9. Holy crap they’re speaking in tongues!
  10. Wow...that really is crazy. Shocker they’re in financial trouble...
  11. Tool schism anyone?
  12. She’ll be successful in life...??‍♂️
  13. I added 2 seats and also got one section closer to mid field. I was surprised they were available
  14. I’ve seen a whale in a tree. I was tripping on acid, but it was definitely there.
  15. Was thinking about going out there with the wife and little guy. Not sure if we’ll make it this year, but it’s definiely on the radar.
  16. It really was something else wasn’t it? The X lot was pure insanity, but in a good way. One of my favorite times at a Bills game in spite of the eventual result. The pure excitement and anticipation of seeing something many of us didn’t know if we’d ever see again was just a cool experience. Game was a dud, but we were in it and the weekend as a whole was worth every penny. Met a lot of great Bills fans that weekend from all over the country. I could get used to meaningful games again!
  17. Awesome moment. Really proud to be a fan of this team cuz this is the stuff that really matters. I’m plenty guilty of being an ass when we debate our team but when it’s all said and done we all have the same goal. Praying hard for you Pancho!
  18. Whatever Mike. How’s the value on my Kirk Gibson rookie card this week? You have the latest Beckett?
  19. Anyone that’s spent any time being regularly exposed to sports radio outside WNY knows that GR is total amateur hour.
  20. Vid pretty much sums up my feelings when it happened
  21. So we’re def taking a QB....ha
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