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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Its mentioned in quite a few episodes I think. Cartman cloned one after he got stem cell research approved ?
  2. What kind of savages do you think we are? Its take a shot...Sheesh, get it right. Chugging a beer out of an ass crack is just downright classless.
  3. If you’re ever around one, try Raising Canes for fast food chicken. You can tell it’s actually chicken.
  4. Makes sense. Could see how it could vary greatly from state to state depending on what the criteria are. Could be as formal as a signed tenant agreement or as simple as rignts being implied with having a common understanding of living together. And probably every scenio in between. Damn lawyers.
  5. My wife’s an attorney and I just asked her in general terms about this situation. She’s not in property law but said that from what she could remember she thought it was generally fairly difficult to obtain “squatters rights” and its usually based on a fairly lengthy amount of time. She also thought that most states didn’t really have common law marriage type stuff on the books anymore that would give rights to property. Also said that every state is totally different though and that it could be totally possible. So id say unless someone around here is a lawyer in Georgia we have no clue without doing some research.
  6. I’ve been three times. Bills are 0-3 in those games and we were kicked out once (long story). Probably would be better off taking some of the other good advice in this thread, but I will say there are some great local Bills backers chapters that really put together a great gameday experience. Lots of fun even though the games themselves sucked.
  7. Reverse sear is great for cooking for a group.
  8. Got two briskets in right now. Ribs & wings in the morning. Having our big party tomorrow since the 4th was on a Wednesday, should have 30-40 people coming by.
  9. I thibk Darnold will at least be a starter for many years. Not sure if he’ll be a top 10 guy, but maybe more like a Dalton or something. You can win with someone like that. I too am worried about Allen. He could be awesome or epically bad. Of course it’s all pointless speculation at this point, but at least it’s almost July. I need training camp reports in a bad way....
  10. Next up for me Brit Floyd July 27th
  11. Thanks for the clarification Jerry
  12. I think many people stopped reading a long time ago. Hence why he’s unemployed. At least Timmah would put out some original, well written articles. I have zero problem with a dissenting opinion, but Sully’s garbage was just lazy.
  13. I owned both a JP Losman and a Trent Edwards jersey. Never buying a QB Jersey again.
  14. Or suck the chrome off a trailer hitch?
  15. I think Timmah was overall pretty good at his job. He really did put out some great features over the years. That being said, I won’t miss him because I don’t really read a ton of the snooze anymore and I think he’s a douche because of his antics. I’ve had a handful of twitter “exchanges” with him over the years and he’s the epitome of a keyboard bully / troll. He must not have much of a life to spend the amount of time on Twitter he does. Not surprising.
  16. I always had a little bit of that feeling with him too. You could just kinda tell that he had battles demons at some point. Always liked his work a lot. RIP
  17. He lives in Westerville, (north side of Cbus) which is where I work. About 5 years ago my father in law was in a local store wearing a Bills hat and Golden Wheels chatted him up about it. FIL said he was a great guy.
  18. Thats exactly the situation with ours! Expensive decorations aren’t they?
  19. Lucky you. My wife has at least 10 of her bags. We also have Kate spade China that’s never been used in almost 10 years ??‍♂️
  20. Every once in a while the CUE system in my Caddy acts up. It will look like my Bluetooth is paired and all, but the music won’t play off my phone. I usually have to turn the car off and on to get it going again. Oh and also once in a while when I do the remote start in the winter, the heat doesn’t kick on. Pretty horrifying stuff, I know...
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