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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Wouldn’t like the all red look every week, but love it once a year. We have great unis, thank god we got rid of the horrible 2000 Era look.
  2. At Pro gun club outside of Vegas you can blow up a car. We almost did it
  3. My wife is a coffe snob. It’s usually just us two so we usually use a very similar goose neck kettle for pour overs. Also have the larger chemex when there’s more than just us. I only started drinking coffee about 2 years ago when our son was born but it didn’t take me long to graduate from “I’ll drink any ole gas station coffee” to total snob. I really feel like there’s a huge difference. We just got back from a week at Disney and brought our own coffee from local place here in Cbus along with our kettle and travel pour overs. It was worth the hassle.
  4. Agreed on Lucas Oil. Absolutely no atmosphere. Felt like a hockey game. I liked Detroit’s stadium as far as domes go. NOLA was fun also.
  5. Best part of the RV lot is you can take a nap then get right back to it!
  6. I’m already tailgating. It’s never too early!
  7. Anyone else in Ohio going to the game!? I’ll be there then heading up to the Ralph Sunday to the RV lot to start the tailgating.
  8. Kelsay had a pick six early in the game also. T McGee took a kick back too I believe. That game had everything but a W. I remember sitting in silence in the parking lot after just in a daze. MNF at Seattle a couple yrs ago we played pretty well but still lost. We’ve won a couple Thursday night games in last 5-6 years but that’s about it.
  9. I was initially very skeptical on his game translating to the NFL. Having watched him a few times now I think I was dead wrong. He sure looks like he’s got it. Chiefs are fun to watch, unlike us.
  10. Damn I’ll be up there for MNF and took Monday and Tuesday off but wife would probably kill me if I didn’t get back home till the wee hours tues night / wed morning. Sounds cool though!
  11. I honestly don’t remember seeing him do anything this year. Didn’t even realize he was getting snaps.
  12. Haha, next year will definitely be going down to 4...
  13. I’m going to lose my ass on seasons this year. I have 10, and I’m lucky to get 6 in my group for the non marquee games.
  14. Bummed I’m missing out on this one. Everyone there have a great time! Green Bay is a pretty unique Nfl venue. Been there a couple times for work but never to see a game. Will have to wait another 8 years or whatever to check it off the list.
  15. And yet we’re a play away from Peterman....yuck
  16. My wife and i talk about our biggest regret from our younger days is not doing a semester abroad during undergrad. Miami U had a damn campus in Luxembourg for Christ’s sake in an old castle! Obviously seamless process for the academic portion since it was really just a branch campus. They also set up class schedules to essentially have 4 day weekends to travel / explore ??‍♂️
  17. Happy to donate. Just over two years ago we lost my mother in law to AML leukemia. We also have a 20 month old so this really hits close to home. Some very close friends of ours went through cancer with their first little guy around the same age. There were certainly some trying times, but now he is a happy & healhy 5 year old and you’d never know he was a cancer survivor. Modern medicine is pretty amazing. Sounds like your family is in great hands with the medical care. I wish you all the best!
  18. Lines at the gate to get in did seem longer / slower than usual.
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