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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. I was in Colorado last weekend skiing....I enjoyed myself...?
  2. That should be a great time to be there. Plenty of action but avoiding the craziness of the first rounds. Good luck!
  3. Yep I’ve heard it’s absolutely insane. I would definitely pre-plan if you’re thinking of hitting any of the “popular” places. If not, something like Bally’s or Paris might be the best chance and they’ll prob be slammed also.
  4. Yeah I think it was some local place that had a very limited number of comparable projects. It was dirt cheap though!
  5. Bally’s sports book is about as basic as it gets. Wouldn’t make a point of spending time there. I always like Legasse’s stadium in the Palazzo. Sure it’s overpriced sports bar food that’s just “ok”, but I like the vibe.
  6. Not quite that easy
  7. I ate 8 of my 10 tickets for the jags game this past year ??‍♂️. Not to mention the beating I took on the December games. I’m renewing, but my number is going down.
  8. Long week at work and I’m now drinking woodford, so yes ? oh and one week from now I’ll be in Colorado with my wife for a ski trip and might be well into the edibles so double yes!
  9. Is anyone else watching this train wreck of an attempt at a “late night” show with PK Subban hosting? Good lord this is bad. So bad I just poured another whiskey. Dahlin has that so much more than I can remember seeing in one of our guys for a while. I think even more so than Jack. He makes so many incredible little plays that go unnoticed by most people (unless they’ve played)
  10. Was at the game earlier in the year, but have to be out of town this week for a work conference ?. Can’t believe the NHL schedule makers didn’t consult me first...
  11. Yeah they never do surgery on broken bones for the general public. Bastards...??‍♂️
  12. Watched about 20 seconds. She seems smart
  13. I know they overachieved early in the season & during the streak but man, they’ve really lost it.
  14. I’m sure you will find a match, and not necessarily from where you would expect! My mother in law needed a transplant and my wife & other family were not good candidates for a match. However a completely random person on the registry was a near perfect match! Stay positive & give it hell!
  15. Hockey, snowboarding/skiing, golf.
  16. I was there for that one. I was 11 ??‍♂️
  17. Our cat has slept in bed every night with us since the day we got her. Often times on top of my legs until I move her. For a little 10 lb cat, she’s quite the bed hog.
  18. Scandella blows and should not be playing. Bad sequence of events in last 5 min to ruin a chance at points. I know this season is almost like found money, but it’s going off the rails quickly. Real good chance they don’t make the playoffs.
  19. Talent doesn’t mean squat if you’re not on the field.
  20. The Colts bother me. I know a few colts fans and they’re annoying as hell. They’re a very “under the radar” spoiled fan base. The year of suck for Luck, their games were a ghost town. Some friends that live in Indy (but are transplants) pretty much say the same things.
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