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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. I'll start off with some Blue's at dinenr then go from there ...gotta love havin a little sister as a DD. haha
  2. lol I know it seems insane...I did manage to turn her into a big Bills fan though. Watches the game with me every week at the bar, knows the players, loves going to the Ralph. Even bought a Mcgahee jersey a couple weeks ago. Figured I better hold on to her for a bit...haha
  3. haha you're right on about that one. Bmw's, lexus', Benz's all over. The girls here are amazing and I'm lucky I got one now that I've been with for close to 2 years. She probably falls in the category of the more traditional Miami student that you're speaking of.. ....
  4. Hard to not like a player like Bruschi off the field. Hopefully he recovers and does whats best for his family. On the field, I suppose it can't be bad for the Bills chances against the Patsies.
  5. Hey trust me I'm not the typical "Miami Kid." I come from a middle class family in WNY and I'm here almost entirely on loans. I'll be paying them off forever but hopefully it'll pay off in the long run. Now the other 90% of the kids here....probably a different story.
  6. lol thanks for the suggestions. We're just looking to not freeze to death and not have to make the 40 min drive home completely wasted. With some of the guys I'm going with I wouldn't be surprised to see one of them doze off in a front yard, its happened before. Udonkey, maybe I will see ya on the road as I will be headin home from Oxford the night before or early on Saturday (friday is our last day of finals). I know a couple UC students by the way.
  7. I'll be attending the Broncos Saturday night game with 9 of my friends. We're a bunch of broke college kids who will be looking for a couple relatively cheap hotel/motel rooms to crash at after the game. We're all pretty heavy partiers and we plan on tailgating for 6 or 7 hours before the game, so by the time the game is over none of us will have any business at all getting near a car. If anyone has some suggestions, that would be great. Thanks!
  8. If you enjoy rides Cedar Point is well worth the couple hour drive. I've gone every summer the last few years and even bought a season's pass last summer. They have 16 roller coasters including the tallest and fastest one in the world (top thrill dragster) and another one that held the same title a couple years ago (millenium force). Overall, there's about 8 or 9 coasters alone that you can go on over and over and not get sick of.
  9. I've been lurking around the board for a while now but finally decided to sign up and post. I may be wrong but doesn't Ron Edwards actually weigh more than fat Pat? He could end up being a nice "clogger" to compliment Sam's explosiveness. Anyways, I think that our D will be just fine next year with an Edwards/Anderson rotation.
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