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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. they say it is only good up to sixc beers. what i want to know is who the hell is hungover after 6 beers? anyways, in o-chem we learned that vitamin b (i think) can help with hangovers so maybe there's some in the chaser.
  2. I've heard it called a bomber a few times, but I don't think its common by any means. I know down in fredonia there was a sub place called the bomber house.
  3. they better have the common courtesy to give a reach around....
  4. got another one. "the eiffel tower." like usmc's wobbly h, it involves 2 guys and a girl but also a high five.
  5. i hate that every time they talk about ricky williams they show him on that 60 something yard run during the snow game in buffalo.
  6. boy i thought i was one of the few to know about such classics such as the "tony danza", "the crazy pellican", and the "rusty trombone." Here's one i dont think i've seen yet....."THE GRAVEDIGGER"
  7. ya know where we got our "unheard of" punter that now is prob top 3 in the league.....yup NFL E
  8. dammit! i was supposed to be there but things didnt work out and im not able to make it home. i really hope that there's more tbd tailgates throughout the year though, as i will be there for a few other games and even though im a noob it would be great to be there and have a couple labatts with you guys!
  9. I know at some stadiums there is some areas of "standing room" which could affect the number. Also, the record probably reflects actual attendance. Just because a game is a sellout, it doesn't mean every seat in the house is actually occupied.
  10. I think you're mistaken...The season starts in less than a week and I'm pretty sure every player on the team has to be in Buffalo, and will be there throughout the week as they gameplan and practice to get ready for the game.
  11. God bless you and everyone else over there. Oh yeah and need it be, KICK SOME ASS!
  12. I just returned from one of my favorive things in the world, a thursday night happy hour. Through my fraternity we have 5-9 happy hour at a bar here at school, complete with $1 pitchers the entire time. I just had a 35 min in depth convo. with someone who isn't a Bills fan and we both pretty much agreed about our prospects for the season; Losman plays decent and we're a wild card team. Sorry to draw attention to my stupid post but it just made me realize how freakin' excited I am for the season to start, and regardless of how the season ends up its my favorite time of the year. Cheers to all the Bills fans out there like me that get a little booze in them and will talk till the sun comes up about how great our team will be. Cheers to everyone and 10 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. When Wiley was just getting in the league, he rode my bike around at training camp in Fredonia one time. He was popping wheelies and stuff and I was just waiting for my bike to fall apart. lol
  14. yeah the heavy stuff was here in ohio all day today so it should be moving up that way. It rained strong and steady the entire day without letting up for a second. I think I got completely drenched 3 separate times today too and from class. I can't even imagine how insane it must have been to be in the middle of that storm at full strength.
  15. This guy is a grade A jackass....
  16. It's okay because it is a correctible mistake and we won't be seing a repeat next week, even when ballhawk Jared the Subway guy is lurking in the secondary.
  17. Thats really weird because the same thing started happening to me. They even sent it out to my new apartment here at school. I enjoyed the articles in the last 2 issues. It is definitely nice to read stuff written by guys that are actually there observing the team. I mean its nothing too much more than I can find out here, but it further fuels my Bills addiction and if it keeps coming here free what the hell right!?
  18. agreed 100% but for some reason whenever I see the word "execute" it just makes me think I'm being fed a load of BS....hmm I wonder why
  19. Awesome. Should be a great time. I can't believe its only 1 more week till we have some football that actually counts!
  20. Thanks for the help! I think Miami will keep it respectable but by no means am I expecting us to win. Our seats are in sec 338 row 40. I didn't expect them to be great but it will be cool just to be there. Also, if I wear a Miami shirt into the game and keep my mouth shut will I be ok? I can handle the sh-- talking, etc. but I just don't want to get into any dicey situations.
  21. Next weekend I will be heading up to Columbus to watch my beloved Miami U Redhawks take on Ohio State. Regardless of the outcome of the game, it should be a good time. I was wondering if anyone from the area knows of good bars to go to before the game that are close to the stadium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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