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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Can't Peters play OLB?
  2. I just had a scary thought. How bad are we gonna get smoked when we play the Pats on Sunday night at Gillette!?
  3. Boy, Northwestern is quite the team too.....lol just kidding it was a nice comeback win.
  4. I really like the throwback jerseys but I don't want them to become our permanent jersey either. Now I do agree that they should be able to wear them more than 2 times a year, maybe more like 4. I think its cool having a "special" jersey that can be brought out for big games, national tv games, etc. I'm in the minority in that I like our current jerseys. Especially when they dont mix and match the pants and jerseys. The blue on blue look is especially badass imo. Most of all, I have a Milloy away jersey and a new McGahee replithentic home jersey that I still want to be "current"! .....(even though I will probably get a throwback sometime this season. Almost got one before the season, but saw the McGahee replithentic at the Galleria and loved the sewn on numbers and name)
  5. thank God...just landed safely
  6. yeah cuz all the stuff that is posted here is football oriented and or appropriate...lol
  7. loved that look he had on his face when they showed him a min ago
  8. yeah except for that flea flicker bomb for a td he just threw....lol
  9. lol. I didn't even realize what I just did. Time for another beer...or is it?
  10. I just saw the commercial and noticed something. What the hell is Big Mike Williams doing on that play!? Next time you see it, check it out. He comes off the right side of the line and looks like he's going out in the flat for a screen pass or something.
  11. I'm not talking about Holcomb, I'm just playing devil's advocate and talking about the decision to cut Drew and go with JP. Trust me, I'm glad Drew is gone, but I just hope that our offense dosen't take a year or more to come around. Then we start loosing guys on D to free agency and age and we're back in 2002....
  12. Yes it is, but with a "super bowl" quality defense and a near miss of the playoffs last year, I thought this team was geared towards a playoff run. Trust me, I understand JP will have growing pains and its only week 2, but I thought the QB switch was supposed to make the team better. I know I'm just stirring the pot and playing the "oh sh--" card, but I just won't be that happy with an 8-8 season. This defense isn't built to last too much longer guys....
  13. unfortuneately, this game gave me scary flashbacks of the 2003 bills..... 2 games, 1 td. that's not going to cut it against the elite teams of the nfl. our o-line is suspect and our d still can't get off the field on 3rd down, or shut down the run consistantly. i'm starting to think we may be in for a 8-8ish season.
  14. like I said in another thread, how bout he throw the damn ball away!? that would have been a better outcome imo....
  15. smart to take that safety? yeah they were ready to kill him but how about..THROW THE BALL AWAY! rather have a grounding penalty ( we're already inside our own 5, whats 1/2 the distance) than give them points and the ball.
  16. Didn't see a score prediction thread anywhere so I figured I'd start one up. I'm gonna go with: Bills: 20 Bucs: 13
  17. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2159738 Geesh! Those girls don't mess around! A .365 bac might have even had me beat this past Sat. afternoon.
  18. Curb Your Enthusiasm Family Guy South Park Six Feet Under (even though it just ended) Law & Order (svu prob my favorite, criminal intent least favorite) honorable mention: Da Ali G Show (def one of my fav's but not enough episodes) CSI Oz (ended a while ago but it was great. nice having it on demand now) And I know once I finally get with it and start watching enterouge consistently, it'll be up there.
  19. You can definitely expell more air when in a standing position. We did an experiment in one of my biology classes last semester that measured this. I would think that more air expelling would equal louder yelling.
  20. It's our homecoming weekend at school. Last night before the bars, we got the night going pretty good with a big party at one of my fraternity's annex houses complete with live music and 90 cases of free beer. Right now, I'm about to head to the bar that we have rented out from 9 am till 1 pm. I probably will be too wasted to make it to our football game at 2. Oh yeah the bar will have $1 pitchers and mixed drinks. It's basically a recipe for trouble. Bottom line, I'm planning on a s-hit show today followed by me passing out at some point then springing out of bed at 11 or so tomorrow to get a good seat at the bar and start it all over! I know its been said a million times but IM SO PUMPED! GO BILLS!!!!!!!! ENJOY THOSE COLD ONES EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
  21. I heard that he was the reason for the fall of the Roman Empire too.
  22. great choice. prob my second fav, but i think i'll have to represent wny and go with the labatt's this sunday....well at least until i get drunk then i'll prob go with the natty cuz blue is pretty expensive at the bars here.
  23. I too am here in Bengal country and lots of my buddies are Bengal fans, so I've watched/listened to a decent amount of their games the last couple years. That color guy is hilarious esp when Chad Johnson or someone is making a play. The play by play guy is giving the commentary, and that color guy is just yelling in the background "Go Chad! Go Chad!"....Always makes me laugh that he doen't even pretend that he's trying to be impartial. I haven't got to listen to a ton of the Bills games on the radio the last couple years, but I get the impression that Van Pelt is kinda like that too.
  24. Geesh...what's the world coming to when you cant even pass off some good old fashon donkey meat soaked in tiger urine, as real tiger meat anymore?
  25. youre right that people dont get hungover because of dehydration, but its not quite because of impurities in the alcohol itself, its what your body does to the ethanol. This is from a section in my o-chem text that says there is some evidence that vitamin B1 may be useful in curing a hangover. "...An oxidation reaction that takes place in animal cells is the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde is responsible for the feeling known as a hangover. Thiamine pyrophosphate (the coenzyme of vitamin B1) can convert acetaldehyde to acetyl-CoA..." so maybe there is some vitamin B1 in there somewhere. regardless, like you said the things blow so don't waste your $. I just had to look that up cuz I specifically remembered talking about it...boy i bet my mom would be proud to learn that her son is learning such practical things at college...lol
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