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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. Last night's episode was great. I think my favoite part was the quick crab people reference towards the end. I love how they now kinda mix it up between doing the "current events" type episodes and the familiar off the wall WTF type episodes. I can think of a couple episodes off the top of my head that nobody mentions a lot but are a couple of my favs. One is the Korn halloween episode where its basically a spoof of scooby doo. Also, the one where Kyle goes to the Jewbilee retreat and Kenny wants to come. All kinds of stuff happens and they end up summoning Moses, who is a giant colorful spinning top who requests popcorn necklaces and soap sculptures....classic stuff.
  2. TKO is simply the man. I love the fact that he plays for my team. He is the kind of person you love to root for because he represents everything that football should be about. Even all my Bengal friends around here have nothing but good things to say about him. Btw, a lot of people around here are starting to compare Odell Thurman to TKO. He's got a ways to go but he looks like he's going to be a heck f a player.
  3. On the gameday preview page at Billsdaily, they have a very telling stat: when Willis gets the ball 20 or more times, the Bills are 10-1. We all know that that's the recipe for success for this team but jeez that just jumped out at me and made me think what the hell were the coaches thinking in some of those early games!? Especially the NO game!!!! Arrgh ....Sorry for the pointless thread but I've been up all night studying and that just p'd me off!
  4. "I was this close to having a whole week without any bedtime accidents."
  5. Team America is by far the funniest movie I have seen in a while. I finally saw it about 2 months ago. "I was nineteen years old when the musical Cats came to our town. I couldn't wait to see it. After the show I was asked if I wanted to go meet some of the performers backstage. Man, I was thrilled. But when I got back there, they were drunk and out of control. Rumpus Cat and Macavity kept feeling up my leg. I tried to leave, but, Rumpleteazer held me down, and... I was raped by Mr. Mistoffelees. " -Chris, Team America: World Police
  6. I'd say its much more impressive what the Pats have done in past years regarding injuries to proven veterans, than what the Bills have done without a couple rooks.
  7. Ahh never mind. Either Broncos or Ravens game here.
  8. Cool. Maybe I can save a little $ and not have to go to the bar this week to watch.
  9. I did happen to catch it in surround sound at my buddies place. A few of us watched it a little ahem...impared, and we all thought it was great.
  10. Oh schnit I totally forgot about that one. I actually enjoyed Darkness Falls a lot.
  11. Bingo!... I just saw the one with Cartman and the hippies too. Great stuff
  12. The grudge and the ring are similar types of movies. IMO, the grudge was not as well written of a story as the ring (doesn't make as much sense), but it had all kinds of freaky images and scare the crap out of you moments. I was definitely a little freaked out in the theatre and my gf was really freaked out. Probably would be the perfect kind of movie for your step-daughter's get together.
  13. The Ring has a lot of scary imagery/jump out of your seat stuff.
  14. Any South Park fans out there? Tomorrow the new season starts and I'm pretty excited. Right now they have the "metrosexual" episode on where the queer eye guys are really "crab people." Hilarious stuff. I don't know how the hell they come up with some of the stuff. I happen to do a great Jimmy impression that my friends make me do all the time. What are all of your favorite episodes? My roomate has every season 1-6 so I can see all the classics whenever
  15. "....and Manny looses the ball after being blinded by the tit...eer I mean sun..."
  16. Exactly...Evolution is technically the change in allele frequencies over time for a population. This does happen and it can be proven. If you check out some genetics and some phylogenetic systematics (cladistics) a bit and really get familiar with the ideas, it makes sense. Fossil evidence and our knowledge about living things on earth today allows us to construct relatively accurate lineages of organisms over time that are based on shared, derived characteristics. It's definitely the best way to scientifically explain what we see in the world today. Does it provide all the answers? Heck no, but it gives us a good idea of what's happened since the earth formed. Having said that, I was just going to say the same thing as CTM. As long as you don't take Genesis 100% literally (lots of the Bible is not meant to be taken literally), you could believe in evolution and say its God's plan for us. I mean God by definition is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent so all he'd have to do is set the "rules" and then watch everything unfold. This also allows for free will to be thrown into the equation. I know this isn't the kind of stuff they teach at Sunday school but its very interesting to think about and learn about.
  17. For the record, I'm pretty sure the majority of people in scientific fields believe in God and most of them believe in the typical "Christian" God. Belief in evolution does not prevent you from believing in God. In fact I think the more things we discover about the universe, the more it calls for there being a supreme creator that must have put this all together. From what I remember in one of my philosophy classes a couple years ago, that is the general idea of the "design argument", which is one of the strongest arguments for the existance of a higher power.
  18. Like I've said before, it's not right and I don't condone people being complete a-holes, but you have to know what to expect when you are going to a game. Especially one that has a later start and/or if you're sitting in some of the more "active" parts of the stadium. Like some people mentioned, there are the alcohol free family sections and the club level seats which I think are great options for those looking for a more tame experience. Bottom line is that kinda behavior has always went on and will continue to go on so either make appropriate arrangements, be prepared, or wait till the kiddies get a little older.
  19. here's something funny from the cheerleader's profile: Toughest part about being a cheerleader? Overcoming the stereotype that is placed on women who are cheerleaders. Three words that best describe me: Down to earth, loving, and true. ????
  20. http://countrymusic.about.com/library/blarrest.htm enjoy!
  21. I think it was prob 4-5 years ago. Him and Kenny Chesney were playing at the Ralph. I think they were hammered and we're screwing around backstage and Chesney stole a police horse. After ignoring the officers that were yelling at him to get off, I think they tried to pull him off and McGraw came over and punched a cop in the face. I think the charges were eventually reduced or something.
  22. Well I guess it just shows that Tim McGraw is no Norman Einstein. Although I may have had a hint after he was stealing police horses and fighting cops in Buffalo.
  23. Boy I'm sure glad the NFL contracted him to do this gig for all 17 weeks of the season. I mean it's not even getting old, annoying, repetitive, painful, etc.
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