Thought he did about as good as can be expected there. He had him up high but you can’t just let him go. He didn’t rip him down and he certainly could have
Looks like he’s trying to cash in. He also spouted some stuff about Resurgence brewing a couple weeks back but then just saw he tweeted something the other day promoting an event there. Seems like poor taste and or he’s getting some bad advice.
What a horrible story. Of course don’t have all the details but sounds like the victims were probably just trying to protect their female friend in a bar, something we’ve all probably done at some time. Makes me sick to think that something like that could happen to my son someday. We live in a pretty effed up world.
I think this will hold true.
I noticed that too. Certainly not set in stone but it came from an “official” source. Would be fine with me, won’t have to change any travel arrangements that way ?. Would also rather travel home Sunday instead of Monday to either continue the celebration or to wallow in my tears.
RIP....He lived in same Cbus suburb as we do. Few years ago my father in law was in Panera or something wearing a Bills hat (in laws adopted the Bills when I came around) and Golden Wheels saw it and chatted him up about it. They BS’d for 5-10 min then went on their separate ways. FIL said he was a super nice guy.
I miss Tom Modrak....??♂️
crap I didn’t realize he was deceased...sorry to speak ill of someone no longer here, just a little jab about how bad our FO was for so long
As someone who was born in 84, thank you for this. I knew the “basics” of the earlier stuff but really cool to get a cliff notes version of how the games actually played out.
I booked flights a couple weeks ago but it’s pretty risk free since it’s southwest and I can always get the money applied elsewhere if it doesn’t end up Houston. They were pretty cheap too. Only one daily direct from Cbus though so wanted to jump on it. Bought 4 tickets to the game, went the cheap route. Figure I won’t have too much trouble selling if it ends up being something different as cheapest are now going for more than what I paid. Staying at the Holiday Inn right by the stadium.
If you’re in a position that’s federally regulated and subject to testing, that will always trump states laws (for now at least). Doesn’t matter if it’s medicinal and you have a prescription or if your sparking one up at a Phish show, all the same.