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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. You are all very witty. You know who isn't so witty? People whose heads just rolled down a flight of stairs, that's who.
  2. Your friend's heads thought it was a bit more than just short tempered as they rolled down that flight of stairs.
  3. A person can only be reckless because of legal implications? So if a 65 mile an hour road is a sheet of ice and you continue to drive 65 because it is legal, is it possible you are being reckless? It doesn't matter if Ozzie and Harriett existed or not. There could have been 12 billion dirt bags living back then for all I know. Just because there were 12 billion of them doesn't magically make them not dirt bags and it doesn't excuse Sanchez.
  4. I hate to speak for Green Lightning but it does not sound to me as if he is trying to establish a moral high ground. It sounds to me as if he is lamenting the continuous spiral of the moral low ground. It used to be that people who did things which were legal but wrong were met with public scorn. The word is called shame. At the current rate it will have no place in the dictionary at some point. In today's world, not only do some refuse to heap shame upon a predator bedding a 17 year old girl, but they continue on to cite legality as the only measure of right and wrong. They seemingly celebrate these disgusting episodes. You seem to chalk it up to being young and having a good time. The 17 year old girl is still a 17 year old girl. It is a shame.
  5. Some rich Red Sox fan should hire two lookalikes and buy them front row seats at Fenway right at third base. The chick can feed the dude popcorn all night and they can put it on the Jumbotron.
  6. I think Green Lightning, not me, was the one making the connection between Ben and Mark. If you read more carefully or smoked less pot, you'd remember this since it was only about two hours ago. I also never said he did anything illegal. Is that the pot again?
  7. Is Sanchez on the child abuser list?
  8. His mood swings may be able to be managed by adjusting the bolts in his neck.
  9. 2nd thoughts yes, but she offered an excuse so there were no third thoughts. As you point out it is basic psychology and it is abnormal. Good summary. Do you have any thoughts on why so many people tend to leap to the defense of losers like Sanchez who sleep with children? This is correct. And of course you know that in reality that a starstruck 17 year old is not actually an adult despite what the laws of some backward state might say. But hey, a loophole is a loophole right? What a glorious conquest for the great Sanchez.
  10. Let me see if I have this right. You're not sure whether it is correct etiquette to tip the cable guy and you care enough to ask, but you are sure it is correct etiquette sleep with a 17 year old and you don't care what anyone else thinks about that. Do I have that right Travis?
  11. I'm guessing you found a $20 bill on the street.
  12. I never commented on legality, just humanity. What is the legal age in Thailand? 4? Maybe Markie should move there.
  13. I'll take "Bull$*1t lines a kiddie porn dealer uses" for $1000 Alex.
  14. And your refusal to acknowledge that a 24 year old in a position of fame should at least have the decency of not scarring a 17 year old emotionally is callous at best. Perhaps Sanchez should have spent the extra 5 seconds looking for a 22 year old. I know his time is valuable and all but he'd probably be better off looking for legal loopholes in the tax code than the statutory rape code. Yes Kobe, blame the 17 year old. God forbid Sanchez is expected to have a scintilla of self discipline on his own.
  15. Rape is rarely funny whether it is "legal" or not.
  16. Maybe they purchased the rights to the banana slug from Pegula.
  17. Dear Meazza, Maybe he just thinks a famous QB conning a 17 year old girl into bed is low. He is not saying it is illegal in the backward state where the disgusting act of cowardice was perpetrated by a pervert who obviously has issues respecting human decency. Perhaps he is just pointing out that Sanchez is a sexual predator like Ben and that it gives him a good run at the Super Bowl.
  18. Is "given credit for" what they are calling Frankenstein these days?
  19. That's just what you told your wife. You're getting the story all mixed up again.
  20. His theory goes like this..... Big Ben raped a woman and made the Super Bowl. Sanchez might think he'll win it if he one ups Ben so he goes for a 17 year old. Both have been accused on multiple occasions so they are even there. Sanchez' rape seems to have only been of the moral variety though since some states allow adults to take advantage of children. It is unclear whether Sanchez has actually one upped Ben. We won't know until next year's Super Bowl. I am not saying I agree or disagree with his theory, I am just explaining it. Get it now?
  21. If there is a lockout the odds shift to 0.00 to one. Don't think there isn't big money out there trying to make sure there is a lockout.
  22. Are there any other rules you've made up that we should all know about?
  23. Meazza is that you?
  24. I have a boat with that name.
  25. From the article: Now why do you think that is?
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