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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Conglomerated Hockey Puck up 2 points to 19 1/4?
  2. Dude you can't really blame the reporter himself. Rolling Stone has a rule that their hippy writers have to be stoned when penning articles. At least it seems that way. The dude is just following those rules.
  3. Update: The newly free Egyptians are not allowing Iranian war ships through the Suez for the first time in over 30 years. How better to celebrate your new found freedom than raping imperialist reporters and finally restoring pride to the oppressed Iranian fleet? This democracy's infancy is like 1776 all over again.
  4. Two Shea. Edit: Is that the name of the Mets fans website?
  5. Without even getting into how long some flights of stairs can actually be, I would just like to point out that even if you were able to care for 30 seconds you would not be able to communicate that you care and so it would be kind of like a bear falling in the woods with no one there to hear it.
  6. Once it started bouncing and/or rolling, you really wouldn't care.
  7. Do you have to take everything so lyrically? You know when you wouldn't care whether you were being beheaded at the top of a staircase or not? When your head was rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  8. If she is 17 maybe your hero Mark Sanchez can join the team and do some of the disgusting things you mention so that you may continue to live vicariously through him. In case you don't understand.
  9. Are there always 200 of them and do they always yell Jew, Jew, Jew?
  10. You seem to think a head rolling down a flight of stairs is no big deal because it is "a more psychological attack rather than a attack that does large amounts of physical damage."
  11. Democracy train? Really? Give it about 3 weeks.
  12. You're not too worried about mass effects until your head is massively effected as it rolls down a flight of stairs.
  13. Geez dude what if there is a long tube on the staircase? It would roll and still be going down the stairs. I'm just taking a little poetic justice anyway.
  14. That emoticon thing is a perfect circle so it should roll. There is no way of knowing whether it is made of a bouncy material. It also depends on how long a flight of stairs. It may bounce for a while and gradually slow to a roll, or it may roll for a while and take a bad hop off a shoe someone left on the stairs. Plus, I'm not saying the sounds aren't funny, I'm just saying the heads themselves wouldn't think so because they would have no way of knowing.
  15. "Brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" is the term that was used. But you are right. We should question not only the judgment of the woman for being there in the first place, but also question her honesty. She has so many reasons to get her name on the news for being the victim of a "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating". It will probably be a great career move for her. She has probably been waiting her whole life to suffer a "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" so she can cash in big time. And she won't even tell us the juicy details. Like she wants privacy or something. I mean she is a reporter and wants to be the center of attention. Plus the story itself just doesn't seem like it could be real. I mean the Egyptian people are only seeking freedom. I'm sure the 200 people who forcefully separated her from her crew and security team just wanted to get her historical perspective on freedom movements and seek her advice on what to do next.
  16. You know when emoticon wouldn't be laughing so hard? When his yellow head was rolling down a flight of stairs that's when.
  17. Shameless This story milking is almost as bad as the chicks taking advantage of Kobe, Big Ben and that girl harassing Mark Sanchez.
  18. Plus she was probably wearing a short skirt right Kobe?
  19. Without the goal posts one of two things would have happened: The Sabres would have won in OT on a shot by Myers or: The game would have been canceled because the nets would have kept falling to the ice.
  20. Maybe and maybe not. And it means nothing. Under Armor is a major company that didn't get there by just throwing millions away. Contrast this with the Brady Quinn situation. He got a two hundred dollar endorsement deal with some chocolate milk company that no one ever heard of. You may remember the commercial. He was walking on a treadmill or skipping rope or doing some other girlish activity and at the end he drinks some chocolate milk. He turns to the camera and says "Now I'm done." No Brady, the proof that you were done came when you could only get an endorsement deal for chocolate milk. Follow the money.
  21. This is one of the comments under the article. This is a very perceptive comment by someone who must be as smart as a rocket surgeon. Our domination of the planet has led to global warming which has caused the cold temperatures which has killed the rabbits which has caused the 40 wolves, not 400 wolves, to kill 30 horses which have no right to be defended because they have cast their lots with humans and are just a bunch of brown nosers anyway. Look at what the horses do all day. Walk around with humans on them just hoping that they will get to win the Kentucky Derby if they kiss enough backside and only one horse a year wins that thing and there must be at least 1000 horses on Earth. It's a joke. Plus horses are mammals and they fart which only causes more global warming which will make it even colder which will kill more rabbits whose mammal farts are much smaller so it won't help anyway. Wolves are also mammals but maybe we should leave them alone because of guilt but if we see one that farts a lot we should kill that one.
  22. Three words: Follow the money. Anyone who thinks Newton is not an NFL talent should take a good look at this endorsement. Scouting departments might make mistakes. TV commentators might make mistakes. Big corporations with the resources of Under Armor DO NOT. This contract is a virtual guarantee that Newton will be a HUUUUUUUUGE star in the NFL. He could still get hurt or possibly run into off the field problems but so can any player. Didn't Newton just have a workout for the scouts? Do you think UA was there as well? This deal proves he has immense talent that translates to the NFL. Congrats to UA for outbidding Nike. If Denver and Carolina miss this, let's all hope that the Bills do not. We will all regret it for years.
  23. Is Michael Jordan his father? Do you mean NBA All Star games?
  24. I thought you had found Sage and this was an Ennifer thread. Your title is deceiving.
  25. Please try to do a better job distracting him so he stops linking videos about cross dressers.
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