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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but realistically when you put stuff like this in threads it confuses them and that is ageism.
  2. Dude in your last avatar picture you were bald and now you have "hair". I'm just saying but everyone is going to know.
  3. It seemed like the guy was racking his brain trying to remember. He wasn't giving up, he was just asking for help.
  4. Nah. The hispanics root mostly for the Florida Marlins. I'm pretty sure the Somalis will root for Pittsburgh.
  5. Probably grapes then.
  6. Sounds yummy. What did Jerry Brown have?
  7. Ok cool. I knew you met the gov. He should have just lied and said he liked the dude playing the music. What did you have to eat?
  8. His off the field exploits were bad enough when he was just awkward with the press about drug allegations.
  9. It sounds pretty stupid and it is not dirty at all.
  10. Dude, you don't have to start in. Yoshi is a celebrity and for all I now he owns 4 or 5 restaurants. He wouldn't be able to be in all of them at the same time. I went to Planet Hollywood once. The food sucked and they have like 400 celebrity owners and not even one of them was in attendance. I'm glad Yoshi was there so you could meet him but you don't have to get all worked up. And don't lecture me on owning my own business until you have had to listen to code name Ennifer or code name Dameron Ciaz yammer on and on for hours. Believe me, I get it that Yoshi has to put up with all sorts of crap. I also know that sometimes you have to do the work if you want it done right.
  11. You mean Occum's Shaver but your conclusion could be correct.
  12. That's him. I don't get the apostrophe thing either.
  13. Dude was Yoshi there? Is Yoshi tight with Jerry Brown? He always seemed apolitical to me.
  14. Really? Frankenstein ran a 5.3. Lurch logged in at 5.28.
  15. What about Chinamen? There is only one of them in the whole league. What style? Hair style? Clothing style? Skin color style?
  16. You really want to make fun of Noone when his reputation is that of someone who holds a gun to people's heads?
  17. I did not say anything about your acrimony nor would I. If your wife is cool with your profession then by all means acrimony is a good thing for your. I was just pointing out that you confused everyone with the initials thing LDS. Nobody seems to know what you meant.
  18. Shouldn't you wait and see what happens before posting that?
  19. Beerboy got us off track with his acronyms. To get this thing re-energized I will say that while most terrorists are Mormons that does not mean most Mormons are terrorists. I don't like all of these racial overtones but facts are facts. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and some people don't want him as president because of that. I don't think it is fair but people have the right to vote. Some people think Obama is faking being a Christian for votes and that he is actually a Mormon. I don't like Romney or Obama but not because they are Mormons or accused of being Mormons. I don't like Romney because he is as cardboard as Al Gore and wouldn't have to worry about the rules concerning women anyway because those are enforced by the women. Obama is basically a hippy. Anyway I digress. I don't like the burkah driver's license thing but other than that I think BYU should do whatever they want.
  20. In what ways can we group QB's other than skin color? Do left handed QBs have to PROVE IT? Italians? Catholics? Guys named Blaine? Or is it just black people that should be lumped into a group and judged collectively? And just to be clear, you did say that Doug Williams "absolutely does not cut it" and that you are totally unfamiliar with him is the same post right?
  21. Can that be caught by sleeping with a Mormon chick wearing a burkah? If so, that is the connection. If not, consider that the source is Beerboy.
  22. I don't get it. Anyway, do you know this dude Noone that holds guns to everyone's heads? Does he work in collections on commission by any chance?
  23. We are not talking about LDS. We are talking about Mormons. What are LDSs?
  24. Did Doug Williams cut it?
  25. I agree that we have religious freedom in this country and the Mormons should be able to do what they want with their school. The dude agreed to it so rules are rules. That doesn't mean we can't criticize the rules of the Mormons. I don't think it is fair that sex is illegal, women go around wearing burkahs and geez.....coffee....really? Anyway the burkah thing is tricky because it could be a national security risk and that must be weighed against religious freedom. Some Mormon lady once tried to have her driver's license picture taken wearing a burkah. That doesn't make sense unless she wore that very same burkah every time she drove which would probably be only one time if she lived near roads with cliffs. Anyway Gordio who is this dude Noone and why is he putting guns to their heads?
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