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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I know that it is yet to be determined if Maybinot will ever become a good player. I also know that the sky may someday turn pink and rain lollipops.
  2. EGYLN, You have a Tom for Boner?????? I don't get it.
  3. This is sort of off topic but the discussion got me thinking. I know that nobody wants to sell weapons grade plutonium to the Mormons or else BOOOOOOOM!!!!! But what if they got their own????? I'm not a science guy like you but I'm a little nervous that instead of buying plutonium they might just send a probe to Pluto and bring some back. Can we even stop that? Also: I know there is not a planet called Urania so I am guessing it is a language barrier thing and that Uranium comes from Uranus. Can you confirm/deny?
  4. Sometimes TV actors take fake names. His real first name might not even be Al. The Al were talking about used to sing with Garfinklestein or something like that.
  5. I don't know. It doesn't matter to me whether it is Fox, CNN, ABC or whatever reporting. When there is a story about Canadians I just turn the channel.
  6. Plus they don't last as long as most of the lens caps are stolen and used as pucks.
  7. I never knew that guy's last name. At least now I know his initials but how annoying are people with two middle names?
  8. Well he is bald which could be from poorly aimed dental x-rays.
  9. By now we have all read that the radiation emanating from the Japanese plants is akin to a dental x-ray. I understand that no radiation is good radiation but if the winds blow this stuff to Canada then they will simply be catching up to the developed world. 96.8% of Canadians have probably not had a dental x-ray in the past 10 years so big whoop.
  10. I have no idea what anon is, but I think 4chan is ridiculous. The guy did ok with what he had and yes I am optimistic for the future but if he was so great we would not be drafting third. I remember we won 4 AFC championships in a row. FOUR. And I never once heard of 4marv. In today's instant internet world good and bad ideas both seem to proceed quickly.
  11. They should also be subject to the court of public opinion, but that ship sailed a loooooong time ago. At least it shipped far far away. If you're a star you can get away with what Ben did and not just from a legal standpoint. You can also have fans with twisted minds come to your defense because they think football is more important than cornering a victim and doing unspeakable things. Yay for Ben. Not only can he do what he wants, he can be immune to public scrutiny from much of the population.
  12. Maybe the business owner in the letter owned a cardboard box manufacturing company. That would be a tricky spot. If he supported the guv, he would be boycotted. If he supported the unions, they wouldn't need to live in cardboard boxes anymore. Either way that poor guy is screwed.
  13. It is either redundant or unimaginable.
  14. But you'll have to wait until their head gets to the bottom of a flight of stairs before you can ask.
  15. I have two comments: 1. At the same time this guy was "making a point" ad infinitum about a policy put in place because of the massive amount of dirt bags stealing TVs which led to him paying a higher price for the TV which created the receipt he was whining about, there were people in their own houses being washed to their death in Japan. While the woman ragging on him from the soda machine took time from her day to follow him around just to be a jerk, some kid was killed by a missile from a colonel's plane in Libya. These people need some prospective. 2. and more importantly, Tony said: Beerboy, this would be a great line for you to use as code name Ennifer or Ritney yammer on and on after the bulk of your work is done.
  16. Translation: Fat Bob Capri Sun I'm spending my wife's money Kraft, Jerry Jones and Danny Snyder are too busy trying to screw all the small market teams all the way to Los Angeles for some temporary $$$$$$$$$ that they didn't really have time to put together a comprehensive plan for the players. There is really nothing to worry about here. Once their bloated egos have managed to completely take the wheel and they have pointed the ship inexorably toward the waterfall, then we will give the players more than they could ever ask. See you in September.
  17. I counted 118 words in the bolded area. 119 if you count "you're" as two words. If you are considering using these 119 words in the future please save us all a little time and just type h-i-p-p-y.
  18. Whenever his head gets to the bottom of the flight of congressional stairs.
  19. You can see that he gets his wrist through very quickly
  20. I'm surprised the article didn't mention that.
  21. Of course the new photo is newer than the old photo. Otherwise it wouldn't be the new photo. Geez baldy, just up and face reality already.
  22. But something tells you it is 0%?
  23. JP Morgan did use a lot of dirty jokes on Match Game but I don't see how that applies with all of that other crap.
  24. Sure but it doesn't grow back that fast and your more recent photo has pretty long "hair". There is nothing wrong with being bald. Own it.
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