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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. How is "You're an idiot" digging a hole?
  2. A democracy is being born in Egypt? :lol: :lol: You know when you'll realize that Egypt has not turned into a democracy? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  3. I'm not trying to squelch your freedom of speech, just asking that you leave this thread open for discussion on Mormons owning cats. I think you should have the right to start 300 threads on the same topic if you'd like. This is especially true when someone has denied you your Viagra.
  4. I have nothing against flowers but do NOT want them in my water. Are you turning into a hippy?
  5. I know. That's why we should put stars on their clothes and give them all star tattoos right? Well, that plus waiting in line for Viagra.
  6. Dude I wasn't even in the kosher aisle the whole time I was at the store. Keep this in your own threads.
  7. These people are getting hard to tell apart. Some are "conservatives", some are "liberals". How will we know who they are? Should we have them all wear something to tell who they are? Maybe something we can pin on them. How about tattoos so it is more permanent?
  8. Rumor has it that on the day they were cut, the Jewish Viagra lady was seen leaving Ralph's luxury box.
  9. Who is cheering that? I just don't think some old bag in front of you in line is treason. Get some prospective on this whole thing. Yes all of the Oy Vey's are annoying but if you were smart you would just DVR the Real Housewives. You wouldn't be in a hurry to get home and you could do stuff like rewind and slow motion.
  10. As an FYI, the more you ignore the Viagra theory, the more it becomes obvious that it is true.
  11. I pretty sure you're actually just pissed because you had to wait a long time for Viagra.
  12. I have 911 in my contacts list in my smartphone. I only have to hit 5 or 6 buttons and I am on the line with emergency services. Let's see Grandma's rotary do that.
  13. I sort of felt bad about the teeth but at the time I thought he was a bomber. After the fact I am not too upset either. I mean he named his cat Marmalade and he doesn't think he deserves to get kicked in the mouth? Plus, he runs back to the Oreo aisle like a puppet on a string because the wife tells him to do it? I think three teeth is about right. I don't know anything about any three wolf moon t-shirt. Beerboy said something about three cougar moons last Saturday. Is that related?
  14. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they use a VERY high percentage of the overall medicare budget. They are probably the #2 demographic for medicare. Now take into account that most old people are Jewish. Next imagine yourself as Dexter standing in line waiting for your high priced Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and penicillin. Some old Jewish bat says Oy Vey about 400 times complaining about the co-pay and all you're in a rush to get home with your prescriptions before Real Housewives hits the air. Can you honestly say you wouldn't be a little bit mad at Israel?
  15. So I'm at the grocery store minding my own business and a whole mess ensues. I usually have one of my employees go to the store but today I felt like getting back to basics. I hopped in the Bently and headed for the store. At first everything was great. I got some good deals on fruit and vegetables. There was some hippy a little bit behind me so I switched the organic bananas with the regular ones just to screw with him. I'm sure his wife Astrid will be able to taste the difference and yell at him for weeks . I also overheard some lady complaining about Capri Sun which is cool. Anyway I get toward the last aisle and I see a Mormon dude there with a shopping cart 3/4s full. He looks all flustered as he is talking on his cell phone and he looks angry too. Then all of a sudden he quickly leaves the aisle and disappears around the corner. I thought this was weird but even weirder is that he left his cart there. I figure I better follow him but as I start to go I realize that the cart is probably the key to the whole thing. So I look in his cart: Some fruit milk eggs cereal but then I see a bag of kitty litter and a box of matches. He also left a cell phone in there. This obviously could have been a bomb. So I called homeland security. I didn't leave because I wanted to watch out for the other people at the store. There were even some old people and I have as much or more respect for them than anyone, but let's face it they need help, so I stayed. Holy crap there were police cars and helicopters and I think a tank and a SWAT team and mass panic. They came up to me in aisle 10 and ask me to go to aisle 3 to identify the perp. I get there and the Mormon dude is face down on the ground with a box of Oreos laying in front of him and he is yelling and getting handcuffed. He struggled free from the agent just a little bit so I kicked him in the head. That store is efficient too. The next thing I heard was: "Jimmy.....Jimmy to aisle 3 to clean the teeth off the floor". After a whole bunch of talking and yelling and a look at his cell phone by the bomb squad it turned out that he was only acting all weird because his wife called him to remind him about the Oreos. He was complaining that he was already past that aisle. That's why he left the cart. Oh, and they also have a cat. I think he said its name is Marmalade. Anyway now the Homeland security dudes get all pissed at me for following their own rules. I wish they would make up their mind. Just a weird day. I'm not sure if there is a lesson here but it is probably that Mormons shouldn't have cats.
  16. Mallett "Starter ready"? I don't think so, but maybe some of the scouts do. He already got an
  17. Pass him a couple of low hearts then.
  18. I thought all you guys used MySpace.
  19. Want another questionable Gabbert stat? His first name is Blaine.
  20. Dude, you can have your fun and all, but do not start messing around and stirring up they.
  21. Which ones are the alien lizards again?
  22. What do you think about Dresden?
  23. Oh come on. Ask him how he feels about Dresden.
  24. Today's game is about speed. You get this from: Cornerbacks, Running Backs, WRs, LBs, You might get this from: Safety, QB, TE, DE You cannot get this from: OL, DT Think of it this way: Many years ago there was an ice age that covered the Earth. If the people back then could have chosen from any available boat they would have taken an ice breaker. It moved slow and methodically but it dealt with the problem at hand. Today we do not have those problems so we have cigarette boats and jet skis. Now think of yesterday's NFL as the ice age and today's in warmer climates. Would you rather build a team around ice breaker/lineman or cigarette boats/CBs? And are you kidding me with Mallett? He is too slow to play QB in 1970 much less today. In an effort to give credit where it is due, he does seem to be nimble if not fast. Maybe his audition for will move him up a few draft boards, but he should not be on the Bills radar.
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