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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. The Jews run Yugoslavia too? This crap is getting serious.
  2. I'm pretty sure the Mormons are the ones lopping of heads, but maybe the Jews are really at fault due to beards in a movie. I'll have to check with Dexter. Until then let's just say that irregardless of whether I get it or not when my head is rolling/bouncing, it won't matter because I'll only have roughly 30 seconds anyway. Sammy is too smart to get caught in a mousetrap anyway unless Carl has him in another one of her spells and tricks him but she is too nice to do that.
  3. Ask yourself this: What is more patriotic than taking people's money? Think about it. You take money from one side and call it free speech. You take money from the other side and call it standing up for the little guy. What do you have at the end? All of their money and the ability to say whatever you damn well please. I recommend coming up with a message that each side can interpret as being in line with their philosophy but in actuality you are just talking in circles. That way when payday rolls in for the rubes, there is more money coming your way, everyone thinks their message is getting out and nothing is actually getting done leaving the opportunity to rinse and repeat. Get it?
  4. I heard about this QB guy on the radio last year that might be a sleeper. I'm not sure where he went to school but his name is Jay Clocker or something like that. I am not confident enough to put him in yet.
  5. Are you saying Dexter is heavy? Just a little bit or more like a hog?
  6. I don't get it.
  7. Is that the dude that invented Goebbels baby food? The Goebbel baby right? Don't hide that dudes face and/or Peter Pan behind your fake link.
  8. Still don't get it. Don't try to explain, I'll wait for Dexter's input.
  9. I don't get it.
  10. What about lollipops or gummi bears?
  11. Seeing that guy's face and 0:00/9:51 was enough to stop me before clicking.
  12. Do they even make kosher Happy Meals?
  13. I don't like that guy every since he dumped code name Weese. That broad makes Ennifer seem like Stan Laurel. She NEVER stops yammering.
  14. Can someone tell me which ones are the lies and which ones are the damn lies?
  15. Dude you have a lot to learn. It is about principals, not money??????? Money is the principal. It is also the principle. Soros learned this years ago but he only caters to half of the population. Dunce. I'm not telling you to get off your high horse. I'm saying get on the other high horse too and make hay from the whole stable. P.S. You misspelled penny which is a lack of respect for money.
  16. Maybe someone ate all the lentils that were in the bags.
  17. Nothing new came to light today but rest assured the research goes on.
  18. Dude I think you're missing the boat here. You should play both sides and get more $$$$$$. What could be more conservative than that? If this is all about politics then count me out. That is a waste of time unless you can trick people out of lots of $$$$$$.
  19. Thanks dude that is a convincing argument. Are you directly involved? Do you get a commission? Can I get in on this if there isn't much work? Can we play both sides and get commissions from everyone? Is there one of these that is: Campaign To Defeat Israel P.O. Box 601684 Sacramento, CA 95860-1684 I could probably get a boatload from Dexter and that Mormon dude with fewer teeth. Let me know.
  20. He said you needed to go back to the second grade so I guess that makes your reply redundant, doesn't it?
  21. Do they only burn half of it? Don't they get scorched fingers? Do their volunteer fireman use Bibles for arson?
  22. I am starting to come around to to well reasoned arguments. There are a couple of things I don't get. Israel wanted Osama to stick around because Osama doesn't like Iran. Do I have that right? Israel wanted Saddam gone because Saddam didn't like Iran. Do I have that right?
  23. Dude I am not a racist or anything but a lot of Mormons have that Middle Eastern look. The guy was on his cell phone speaking in arabic and in an angry mood. Thus.........Mormon. Anyway he was yelling "Yalla, yalla, yalla, bleep Allah oreos bleep." In retrospect I should have picked up on the oreos thing but for all I know oreos is Mormon for bomb. I'm sorry if my details aren't up to your standards. Maybe I'll pick apart your thread next time. Sheesh.
  24. Here is my mock draft by round. It is incomplete now as I am just going with my picks in which I am confident. I will update it as we get closer. 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - Casey Matthews 4a - 5 - 6 - 7 - What do you think so far?
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