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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I didn't know they made pools of vodka. Do they have to use chlorine?
  2. If there is anything this article proves it is that pot is like totally cool. :huh:
  3. Sometimes he's a little obtuse with his writing style. Maybe if you hecne the italics you'll be able to figure it out.
  4. Don't feel the need to help other people. Just try to be more articulate. It may help in areas other than this board.
  5. My welcome what?
  6. How many young black women Zionists can there possibly be? Not many. That's why the Fiesta Bowl hired old white guys.
  7. Take out an ad in the yellow pages already cheapo. Nobody on here wants the blah blah blah about investing.
  8. Not if they're jew Zionist volunteer firemen.
  9. There are better ways to write. Look into them. I thought you meant Jimmy was wheelchair bound. You said: You should have said: Hecne the italics or not, the way you worded it was extremely unclear. What if Obama gave a speech written by Dexter but with some delicacy and I said: That could be interpreted as me thinking he stood up to them, but it also could be interpreted as me thinking he hadn't done enough. Glad to help out her. Have a nice day.
  10. In my mock in another thread I had Matthews in the 4th and Lee Smith in the 7th. Did you copy that from me? I have since removed Smith from the 7th because I'm not sure.
  11. Oh. That must mean it never actually happened even if it did.
  12. I have removed Lee Smith because I'm not so sure any more. It seems there are a few choices there. My modified board is at the top of the thread. I'll continue the updates at a later time.
  13. If he is admitting everything it seems his face will be on camera which will make it difficult to see his rear end burn.
  14. Or so the Zionists would have sub humans believe.
  15. Very nice.
  16. So he's not a criminal just a rapist?
  17. Is that the half their volunteer firemen burn for arsons or is it the good half?
  18. Well it certainly isn't sympathy cards because the Zionists have no mercy.
  19. That was Christians. Unless maybe the Zionists told the Christians to do it. I have no opinion on this. I don't want to be a parrot.
  20. The article was about Carter but the picture was Dan Ackroyd in Nothing But Trouble.
  21. Dude you sound like a parrot on that USS Liberty stuff. Got any actual proof? You know where parroting leads. Plus any insight on the iambic pentameter would be appreciated.
  22. Dude you are missing the point. It was not about King at all. I'm just trying to find out if I'm a sub human or anyone can be a sub human based on lack of knowledge about something as unimportant as football. Forget the King example. If I said the sky is blue because someone told me, and the sky is not really itself blue rather the way light passes through it makes it look blue, would I be a sub human? I don't even own a deck of cards but whatever. I am just wondering if the bad Jews Israelis worship the iambic pentameter or the Star of David. Are they really Satan worshipers? What is their end game?
  23. 1. Charge extra 2. She's the client. Your leg goes behind your head.
  24. She's a bored housewife and just got $800k???????? After all I've taught you, how do you not know what to do in a situation like this? Get on the situation dude.
  25. When did they change that? Did too many Canadian horses pull their groins on the ice?
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