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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. They are from CT which basically makes them Ma$$ holes.
  2. Hey baldy your avatar is from when you still had hair so you shouldn't complain.
  3. I was overstating it when I said "never see the field". It should have been "ends up playing five times as many plays per game as Maybin or less". That is practically never. Playing but bombing the first year is also acceptable as is, for QBs or WRs only, riding the pine for a year and then stinking when they get in.
  4. Did Obama get involved in some Naivete scene controversy too? Did he say he would ban them and then he allowed them? I don't remember that.
  5. Like any legitimate defense contractor is going to accept Canadian money anyway.
  6. What player from this draft will turn out to be totally useless? It doesn't have to be someone the Bills pick, but should be someone in say the top 50. By totally useless I mean barely ever see the field. My pick is Mallett. He is far too slow for the NFL.
  7. He made this list and will be able to provide for her.
  8. As a nation, that is true. As a household, many budgets are balanced by ignoring the need for high priced dentists and books and stuff.
  9. If the media was responsible for reporting every time a moron did something stupid, it would make newspapers about 4,000 pages every day. This guy was a nothing until some idiot reporter decided to listen to him. It is not their job to report every stupid thing they hear. Can you imagine the number of stories about Canada if that were to happen?
  10. I know how it could have been avoided. If the moron reporters just ignored this guy because he is a douche. No story makes him just another loser nobody knows about.
  11. So I sent Beerboy out to get me some Ben and Jerry's. I like Cherry Garcia even though it is named after a pot head but just about any flavor would be fine. I look in the fridge later and find a bunch of Haagen Daz or however you spell that Swedish crap they call ice cream and get this: Beerboy blames Sammy for eating all the Ben and Jerry's. He says he bought the right kind and that Sammy ate it and then got Sven to go buy more. He says Sven screwed up and bought the Haagen crap. The funny thing is that it has happened before. Evidently Sammy has had enough of taking the blame and got photo evidence of "someone" buying the Haagen puke.
  12. Got 'em all correct except that one. I put Alexander Haig.
  13. Elephant poaching.
  14. I didn't really explain myself I guess. It is unusual to have on air personalities babbling like idiots, but claiming it is unusual for a Canadian is a stretch don't you think?
  15. This article details a supposably connected set of occurrences and their potential connection to a US government plot. Normally, after having learned stuff on this forum I would immediately say: US government maybe, but only if the JewsZionists told them to do it. In this case though I think they are stretching. Look at one of their suppoably "strange" events: Does anyone think a Canadian collapsing into gibberish is all that unusual? I mean sure, usually they are speaking in gibberish from the get-go, so maybe the collapsing is unusual, but still.
  16. He also is biased against Eric King and Justin Geisinger.
  17. I have asked him to explain multiple times and still don't totally get it. One thing though, if you think Eric King was below average you are a sub human.
  18. It is possible you are taking a selfish look at this whole scenario. Yours is but one heart. For the really big $$$$$$$$$$ Stern has to maximize the number of hearts. By the Finals you and all will be rooting for the eventual winner and even the Grinchiest of hearts will burst with joy.
  19. Davey got some heartwarming practice last night with the Cavs "win" over the Heat. Isn't that nice to see the crowd so enthusiastic? I have to give him credit though, he is keeping this year's story under tight wraps. I really doubt it will be Shaq. Sorry. I know you like the C's. I think I'll know more when we get closer, but looking at the playoff standings let's give it a whirl with teams that have a realistic shot at making the playoffs. So far it seems the West has the better story line options. 1 y-Chicago A return to glory from the Jordan days???...not enough story so far. 2 y-Boston NOPE; sorry dude; Shaq angle highly doubtful....over Kobe maybe but same Final 2 in a row? Nah. 3 x-Miami 2011-12 Champs, not this year 4 x-Orlando Personally I don't see it...late breaking development? 5 x-Atlanta Lousy sports town and will not drive proper $$$$$ 6 Philadelphia I haven't followed it enough to know. Is there a story here? 7 New York Actually, a possibility as far fetched as it seems. 8 Indiana Don't I wish?....Maybe if Butler wins and Stern wants a tie in but I doubt 9 Charlotte Will re-visit if they get in 10 Milwaukee Will re-visit if they get in 11 Detroit Will re-visit if they get in 1 x-San Antonio These guys have something on Stern, still I doubt it. 2 y-L.A. Lakers Phil Jackson's last hurrah? I'd hate to see it but a real strong possibility 3 x-Dallas Interesting...Mark Cuban finally gets his win. He is shilling ABC/ESPN for penance as we speak. 4 x-Oklahoma City Don't know enough to comment.....will research at playoff time. 5 Denver George Karl....no more Melo....hmmmm 6 Portland See Atlanta...more passion but smaller place....Maybe a Bill Walton angle? 7 New Orleans It's been done with the Saints even if it was legit....would be cheesy. Not impossible 8 Memphis Don't know enough to comment.....will research at playoff time. 9 Houston Will re-visit if they get in 10 Phoenix Will re-visit if they get in 11 Utah Will re-visit if they get in It is hard for me to see anybody from the East winning at least at this point. Also, most of the west have some realistic angle.
  20. He misspelled it that's all. He meant all the cold places.
  21. Maybe your swastika scared away all the Jews Zionists.
  22. Did you strangle a co-worker?
  23. Maybe it is time for a little history lesson. As you have so correctly but rudely pointed out by wishing me dead, alcohol is bad for people. You earlier stated that it's not fair that alcohol is legal while your beloved pot isn't. Leaving aside for the moment that you sound like a jealous child asking why he can't jump off the house because his brother jumped off the bridge, I would point out that neither alcohol usage nor pot usage is something to which someone should aspire. Here is where the history comes in. Back in the early 20th century enough people realized the damage alcohol did to our society. So many people saw this that a Constitutional amendment was passed banning it. That required 2/3rds of the states to agree. It passed because people were sick of seeing the neighbors kids and their moms getting beat up by their drunk low life "father". Once instituted, prohibition, which is a mixture of the words "probation" and "alcohol" was nearly impossible to enforce. Not only were the means of production relatively simple to fabricate from ordinary items, the distribution channels and demand for the product were firmly in place. If production, distribution, or demand could have been stopped, the overwhelming number of Americans supporting "alcohol probation" would have won the day. It could not be done and prohibition was repealed. At the time of prohibition pot existed but only in peace pipes and stuff like that. Remember, loser hippies had yet to be born. It was illegal because demand was low, production although relatively easy was also low, and distribution was almost non-existent. Fast forward a few decades and those things changed. Today's situation is similar to what alcohol had during prohibition. Maybe pot will get legalized. This will never change the fact that wife beating drunks and mind numbed hippies who think they are enlightened are not exactly pillars of a successful society. Although prohibition failed because it was hard to implement, fewer people drank during its tenure. Once booze became legal again, we had more drunks. The same will hold true with pot so congratulations. We will have more Canadian like zombies wandering the streets wondering what the world would be like if red were blue and blue were red. P.S. I would like to re-emphasize that alcohol was such a problem that a constitutional amendment was able to clear all the necessary hurdles. People must have really hated what alcohol did. Think about it. No one has even tried an amendment since the ERA in the 70s/80s. That didn't even come close to passing and it was far far far from controversial. How many times have you seen a pitcher where his ERA wasn't mentioned? Not very often right? Even this widely accepted and benign statistic could not gain national acceptance. Personally, I don't want the Feds involved with baseball even in a non-confrontational way so I am glad it didn't pass. Anyway that would mean different rules for the Blue Jays than the rest of the league and at the time of the amendment the Expos were still around too.
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