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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Other than those women, the other 5% are Joan Cusack.
  2. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but can you imagine trying to give directions to an old person in that town? :wallbash: It would be like that old Laurel and Hardy skit Who's on first?.
  3. Maybinot will probably not be able to ever have an impact on an NFL game but it sure would be fun if he used McShay as a tackling dummy for the "extra work" he is putting in.
  4. Look at this. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the baby but facts are facts. Most pot head hippy losers take up the habit out of a misplaced effort to "expand their mind", boredom, peer pressure, or lots of other unjustifiable factors. This poor kid just happened to have a loser for a mother. Maybe if the State takes the kid away it will create an opportunity for a decent life but a fetal brain is a terrible thing when wasted. God forbid they leave the baby with the loser Mom but they probably will. I know a lot of the apologists around here say pot is not addictive and it is no worse than blah blah blah.....but would anyone really do this to their baby boy if they had control?
  5. No because you stole the materials from her when you built your stupid house. Duh. Here is what you can do: If you live in a poor country you can sue someone in a developed country on behalf of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the ultimate commie.
  6. Ron Jeremy is a bird?
  7. Sven has already signed up as a donor. He is getting a tattoo in 2 inch letters that says: "Been there, done that, got the t-shirt." He wants to be famous.
  8. I think if the Bills didn't draft corner backs this would have never happened. As long as we keep doing this we will have smaller, weaker coffee and that is no way to sell donuts. We need to draft clods like Mallett to get good coffee back.
  9. I don't want to shock too many people and this might seem really outrageous even for this thread, but there may be a 1 in 10 thousand chance that Casey Matthews is not our fourth round pick. You asked for outrageous so you got it. I know it seems crazy.
  10. If he slips to the mid second or beyond it may also be an indication that he is a hot headed slow clod that will not be able to flourish with the speed of today's game.
  11. No but they have to have their heads shaved for the operations that pass the brain back and forth so they look bald like you.
  12. I don't know about that. They seemed to really talk up the jew Zionist that won the Masters.
  13. I am going to work some football into my answer. Ryan Mallett actually recorded an upbeat little ditty.
  14. My mock draft was similar to yours.
  15. In the 4th quarter, the middle linebacker was always a viable target for Drew.
  16. I'm sure the pot will expand his mind and help him make quick decisions.
  17. So you want to draft a hippy loser?
  18. You are so right, but I wonder how Mallett would feel about being drafted by a team like the Bills with less than 30 OL on the roster.
  19. I should have known all the salad tossers would be out in full force to divert attention from the topic of this thread.
  20. You should check in with Ricky Gervais before posting stuff like this. He is the authority after all.
  21. Over the weekend the jews Zionists took over Augusta National. Are we really to believe this Schwartz guy could win from out of nowhere without the backing of the jews Zionists? Will they stop at nothing and control everything so they can push their agenda? Have they silenced Dexter?
  22. Back to the original topic....well sorta. Do Canadians burn quarans to stay warm from August through June?
  23. Was that Rory Fitzpatrick? I forgot. I only know of 1 sane person who would select Enroth over Miller in the playoffs. It would be the head coach of the opposing team.
  24. Geez your favorite team the Bills keep getting screwed by the refs and your favorite economic system hippy-commie keep getting screwed by the CIA.
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