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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Newsflash: The dude is paralyzed everywhere below his loud obnoxious robot mouth. This paralyzation includes his butt, therefore he does not poop, ergo there is no butt wiping necessary.
  2. I don't know anything about that. Tell your sister Emily I said Yo. Aboot? Are you from Canada?
  3. That fat guy in the 7th round plays kicker, offense and defense. Bye Bye Lindell. I wonder if he can punt. Maybe you can get an interview. I'd be interested in his off the record thoughts on too much defense making the defense worse.
  4. You make a point because after all the federal government is going to be busy telling businesses which people to hire and when. They won't have time to build levees.
  5. Once you said you were agreeing with me I re-read your post. Except for the first sentence and lack of capitalizationary skills your first paragraph is intriguing. I will have to do a little more research but still think we would get tired. What do you think about a team alternating drafting players for O and D? In even numbered years they could draft O with their even numbered picks and in odd numbered years they could draft D with their odd numbered picks. I don't see any flaws there.
  6. It is really the same thing as the original post only the opposite. If you draft all offense the offense will be great and control the clock and scoreboard but also tire themselves out leading to turnovers and the defense will be unable to stop anyone and the tired offense would be back on the field dropping the ball again. You would see a lot of blown 4th quarter leads. You need balance. In a perfect world a good team would alternate drafting players for O and D. In even numbered years they could draft O with their even numbered picks and in odd numbered years they could draft D with their odd numbered picks.
  7. This dude is really dumb but tries to sound smart. It is stupid quotes like this that point him out as a phony. He is good enough to cover though. If someone calls him out on that quote he will just spout some gobbledygook about how in the space time continuum 49 years could be 49 seconds and he will talk like a robot when he is saying it. The stupid reporter will buy it hook, line and sinker. He better watch out with the gay bashing stuff though. That could land him in trouble. If people think he is a homophone, bashing God will not be enough to redeem him.
  8. They need to hire but they aren't hiring? Define need.
  9. Is Alexander the life story of the dude that plays George Costanza? Because I could see how that might be boring.
  10. I really have no interest in how you acquired this special knowledge of yours but there are other forums for it. Like Penthouse Forum.
  11. I am saying that if our defense gets too good it will stink and then we will be back where we started. Under your way of thinking that would mean we would have to draft even more defense and that would make us even worse and I'm not sure when the cycle would end.
  12. Yes it snows a lot in Buffalo and yes snow is technically water, but it is really only in the second half of the season and you really can't swim in snow anyway and if you were an octopus you couldn't breathe snow and would freeze.
  13. Article I don't know why this guy has to bash everybody. I am used to religious people getting bashed but this guy takes it too far. "Fairy story"? Really? Um.....Dear Mr. I talk like a computer so I sound really smart......I have a news flash for you. There are plenty of heterosexuals that believe in God and while we're at it I am sure there are lots of homosexual atheists too. What is next with this moron trying to divide people? Is he going to say the jews zionists wear stupid hats but the Pope's hat is cool? you Mr. Science guy.
  14. I didn't see it so I can't comment. Was it any good?
  15. I'm just saying if our defense gets too good then our defense is going to stink out loud. I thought the ink in your first comment was hyperthetical. If you are talking about actual ink I think that would be illegal in the NFL and if we take too many fifteen yard penalties and have a superb defense that will make our defense ultra crappy. I know the Patriots do stuff like that but I doubt we would. Maybe in our first home game and our first road game we can get away with it because we have new uniforms this year and we can say they weren't all the way dry yet.
  16. Maybe he did. I made a thread titled Osama and the subject of the thread is Osama. He wants me to change the title to be more descriptive. I don't get it.
  17. This makes sense and thanks for the well thought out response. Here is the thing though: If the defensive octopus has 12 arms, one for each player and one for phsychosymantec advantage, they might keep strangling the opponent and the arms would eventually get tired. This is fine if our prey can out swim their 8 armed defensive octopus but when we can't all we'll have is a tired defense with a chromosomal defect which can't be helping at that point. Our defensive octopus will me limp and the other team's offense will swim around freely. What I am saying is you need balance. If your defense is too good it will hurt the team and your defense won't be too good anymore because they were their own worst enemy.
  18. How do you think the Knicks "won" the draft lottery and got Patrick Ewing? If you were an owner and Stern told you not to draft Jimmer, would you draft Jimmer?
  19. I know we needed help on defense but am worried we helped it too much. If they keep generating 3 and outs and the offense is limited in the talent department the defense will eventually get tired. They could be their own worst enemy.
  20. There have been a lot of arguments on here about whether we should draft DL or DB and what each does for the team. I have my opinions on the matter but was wondering about a different topic. Is drafting defense so prominently a good idea? Think about it. If you have the best defense in the history of football then your highly drafted players will only be on the field 3 plays at a time. The other team will be 3 and out a lot. While this sounds good, it leaves you with a bunch of lesser offensive players because they were drafted so low. You get what you pay for and the offense will go nowhere. Sooner or later your superstar-laden defense will tire and give up some points. It will result in slow boring games where we lose 3-0 or 7-3. If we drafted offense, the players would stay on the field longer and score. The defense, although not as talented would be well rested. They might give up some points in the beginning but by the end they would be getting turnovers. I was happy after the draft but now that I have had time to think about it I am getting worried.
  21. And then he started smoking pot thank God. He was no longer able to plan cleaning his own house much less any attacks.
  22. Updated through round 2. I shouldn't do this because although I have been good at seeing the script from a high level, I have sometimes tried to do too much. Last year I tried to predict individual games in the Finals instead of being satisfied that it would go to 7. Anyway, my prediction for next year, Miami, will have some holes to fill to get the title. The three stars need some role players. I'm sure there are two vets out there that can be signed and help off the bench. I think that will happen. Still, there is one thing missing....that one great story that puts them over the top.....you know what would be a great story? A rookie coming in and contributing and being wildly popular. Can anyone think of a potential exciting rookie that can "miraculously fall" to Miami in the draft? I think I can but I don't want to go out on a Limmer...
  23. It is great that the kid is still alive. That is the #1 thing here. Instead of celebrating that, the "article" probably written by yet another hippy, goes on to talk about pot pot pot. It does not say a thing about proof that the pot is what help the kid. It does not appear to mention that the kid did not actually smoke pot. It sloughs over the fact that the dad appears to be a stoned out spliff man from way back. Pot cured his attention deficit disorder? Lololololololol. Tell that to Osama Bin Laden. Oh yeah you can't. He lost his attention span. First some pot entered his brain, after a sufficient amount of pot and the ensuing stupification, a bullet entered his brain and he is dead. Good. Anyway, the thread has devolved into glorifying pot over the life of the child. Awesome. The one post seeming to talk about the kid first turned into a joke about illegal aliens. Next we get a post claiming pot cures fibromyalgia. OMFG. Is it also what gives the tooth fairy the ability to carry all those quarters despite her size? It is great that the kid is still alive. That is the #1 thing here.
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