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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If 12 armed bandits entered your home and killed two of your children and your wife, but you managed to take them all down and help another child survive; the body count would be 3 of your family members and 12 armed bandits. I'm sure this would anger armed bandits the world over.
  2. Really. If you're not free to lob mortars around for fun on a Tuesday afternoon, are you really free at all?
  3. Sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure you want to make it racially motivated. It will work great if you're only mocking white people but if you have to expand to other groups, some will be more sensitive. Granted white people could keep you busy for a while but most shows tend to lose their edge unless they mix things up. You could go with Mormon suicide bombers as chapter two but that is controversial because the Mormons always have excuses why blowing themselves up is actually smart. This would also lose the comedy aspect. Mormons are also a religion, not a race. No good. Canadians are mostly white and you would run out of film or digital media to store everything on. Plus they are not technically a race. Belgiums? Forget I said that. I suppose you could go for black people but it would be tricky. A lot of times they do the same stupid stuff as white people. When you make it specific and say that skin color causes actions you get into a slippery sloop. But I guess you already did it with white people so who cares? Drunk Irish people might work for an episode but again, white. Chinese people that do stupid stuff like speaking up or standing in front of tanks? Stupid, but not really comedy. How about basing it on age instead of race? Babies are always good for a laugh when they spit out their food and although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, let's face it they tend to crescendo in doing stupid things in life's latter stages. You could have a show just about old people driving to the grocery store. Anyway, good luck with your project.
  4. Did the massive earthquake turn bingo from a 5*5 game into a 4*4 game or are the writers of that parody simply too stupid to come up with 9 more lame jokes? Well, 8 more. The middle is free.
  5. Discuss....
  6. A couple of observations/questions: 1. Although this thread is dumb, I hadn't realized that Gene has yet another fake hairdo hiding his baldness. This one is the worst yet as he evidently thinks gray will make it more believable. At least I learned something. Next, If everything goes to stojan tomorrow, I wonder if the people surviving will start straightening up because they realize they only have 5 months to change their image. My guess is that Gene will not challenge Jesus as he claims, but ask him if he can mow his lawn or wash his car....you already asked this in a general way but I thought I'd get specific. 3. Will Ricky Gervais be available for interviews and will there be a pay per view apology from that guy that talks like a robot? Lastly, GvG has given no indication that this is in fact true but the big man does not tell me everything.
  7. I didn't see it but tennis never seems to translate well on film. Most sports do, but for some reason not tennis.
  8. Th one with George Clooney running the server farm with all Sun computers was so bad I didn't even watch it. Why would they even make it?
  9. I remember when this guy got drunk and spouted off and Manning called him an idiot punter. Good for him straightening his life out. Some of the anti-religion crowd here will bash him but it is better than drinking binges. Also did you notice the date-line? Some people around here will NOT like the name of that particular town.
  10. So if I have this straight you are a financial professional telling this guy to go ahead and play the lottery every week and not just when it gets big?
  11. And a t-shirt. Don't forget the t-shirt.
  12. Was that convention in Vegas? I must have missed it.
  13. I think different things are "arranged" at times. Fixed is such an ugly word. One of these possibilities is Jimmer being passed over until he lands in Miami. They win the title with his help and it helps build a story line for years.
  14. I understand your point but hope you are being facetious. You are aware that a billion is not some infinite number but just a thousand million right? If I said you'd get a thousand million instead of saying a billion would you still really retire at 57? Say you lived to be 90. That is 33 years which leaves about 30 million a year to spend. That is just 15 million each for you and your wife. I think you meant to say trillion which makes more sense.
  15. Thanks. I am just sick of people assuming Mormons are going to strap bombs to themselves all the time.
  16. Obama sounds a lot like Osama and we elected him. So what if Romney has the same religion as Osama? Not all Mormons are terrorists.
  17. I don't throw my CFLs in the regular garbage. I go down to the river and feed them to the flying carp.
  18. You misunderstood. I said to draft D with the odd numbered picks in odd years and O with the even numbered picks in even years. That is why I have a problem with this year's draft.
  19. I think they will get smarter when they have to buy this crap. I realize my house is bigger than most people's home town, but $50 a light bulb is still steep. I ran a quick inventory on my property and discovered the number of 100 watt bulbs on premises is 194,368 plus 4,973 in my garages. At $50 per that is $9,967,050 which is not that much money but enough to at least notice. Plus this crap takes Sven forever to install and I am paying him hourly. This does not even take into account 60 watt bulbs which are numerous and the whole aesthetics of the thing. If the average house has even 10% of my bulbage that means over $990k per household which will probably impact some people's budgets and tick them off. With the price of gas and fuel for Fleer Jets having gone up, people are probably ticked.
  20. Simply because of this.
  21. At least through next year.
  22. If the Bills were relocating to Toronto, why in the heck would they come out with brand new uniforms that have a BUFFALO on the helmet? Think people.
  23. That machine is so boring it must have been made in Belgium.
  24. I did not make the analogy I just responded to it. If I had made an analogy it would be different. Like this for example: Think of our defense as George Forsberg when he fought Mohammed Ali. He was just pounding the crap out of Ali all day long. Then think of our offense like the breaks between rounds. If the breaks were longer, then Forsberg could have kept up his assault but the guy kept ringing the bell. Think of that guy as being Brian Moorman. Moorman is not a jerk mind you and neither was the bell ringer guy. They were just doing their job. The next thing you know, it's one two and a Bing Crosby and Ali is the champ and Forsberg has his tail between his legs all the way back to Sweden.
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