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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. They should have told the world its sex and refrained from mentioning its nationality.
  2. Wrong thread.
  3. Being born Canadian isn't enough for this poor kid to overcome? I mean seriously.
  4. Cheeseburger in Paradise is your cousin?
  5. Sorry dude. I just get confused about what is serious. I posted about politics in the "Rashard Mendenhall thinks Osama is a cool dude" thread, which was clearly a mistake and now I thought the thread where people were calling each other fish face ad a court jester was a goofy thread. I guess I don't get it and should rely on you for advice because you are so smart. I know you always ask WWFLPD? which should be good enough for us all.
  6. Guys, Let's keep this on the down low as far as the outside world goes, but I am so angry I couldn't just let this one go. Here are the basic points from a text I received yesterday afternoon: Boss, I know you have sources so I wanted to explain something that happened before you heard it from somewhere else. First of all thanks for the great tickets to the Indy 500 yesterday. Right on the finish line? You are too good to me. And before you get worried, the after hours session with code name Panica is not the issue. That went fine. It is not a real difficult job for the most part except she likes to have her 2 toy poodles and chihuahua watch. That gets a little weird as one poodle is male and the other is female and it gives them ideas and the chihuahua is a freaky little devil. Panica is not exactly nice either and I don't think she had showered after the race. I sat in section REDACTED row REDACTED seat REDACTED all day just like you said. It was a great seat. With about 10 laps to go I just couldn't take it any more. The hot dog guy hadn't been by in an hour, and the soda guy wasn't any better. The race was almost over and I still hadn't had dessert. wtf? You know me and the sweets. I got up and hurried to the concessions. Don't ask me why but there were so many people in the common area that it took a long time to move anywhere. I had to go all the way behind section REDACTED to find what I was looking for. By the time I got it, there was no time left to walk through the common area and get back to my seat for the end of the race. I decided to walk down the aisle to the front in section REDACTED and then across to my seat in section REDACTED. At first this was a good idea. I got down to the bottom fast and some people seemed annoyed but things were ok. Then I looked up and saw the race was in the last lap. I tried to hurry up to get back to my seat but those cars just go too fast. Because of the emergency situation I fumbled around looking for the continuum REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED you had lent me. This is where things went bad. You may have seen the interview with the driver that crashed on the last lap. He said he hit "marbles" after the last turn. Boss, I think you should hear it from me: they weren't marbles. While reaching for the continuum REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED I accidentally spilled my dessert. It was dippin dots. They went all over the track and before they could even melt the Army car crashed into the wall. I feel really really bad. Please send my apologies to the racing team. I know you know how to smooth stuff over better than me. I am glad I was able to pull it together and take care of Panica. You don't have to thank me, it is my job. P.S. Maybe it isn't the right time, but if I have one complaint it is that they don't keep the concession stands open after the race. After I made sure I didn't actually kill the driver, I went right back up for more dippin dots cuz mine spilled. They were closed which is an outrage. Can you talk to someone about that before next year. They could sell a lot more after the race. Thanks and sorry boss. I had to redact some secret parts but you guys get the idea. I can't take this public because he will be in too much trouble. That is why I am bringing it here some he can feel ashamed in front of some people at least. Do you see how he spends 1000 words on explaining and about 10 words on what he actually did to screw things up? God that is annoying. Scorn away but let's keep this between us.
  7. Maybe she was wearing a short skirt. [/kobe & ben aplogists]
  8. Dude. Chicot was also in a sitcom in the 70s about and old man and his young forbidden latin lover. It was gross but it did break down some boundaries. It was the first sitcom to have a gay couple AND the first sitcom with a hispanic lead. It was called Chicot and the Man.
  9. That's seems harsh man. I mean who could blame the Fisfacians if they created a charter calling for the death of all Chicotians worldwide? Personally. I am not a fan of all this violence but in the case of Fishfacia it should be understood.
  10. ... When your head was rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  11. Dude. It might be logical to talk like a robot when you are 4, but when you're all grown up it doesn't really make sense any more.
  12. He is both. That is my point. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  13. I have never said anything stating my opinion about the legality of pot, pot vs. alcohol, etc which should offend anyone. The problem is that the pot heads place pot with such a high priority in their lives that any perceived affront to their precious weed is taken as some sort of judgement. I guess this is part of the paranoia. Many pot heads would give up their family before they say a bad word about pot. Many do. I find it sad. Part of this tragedy appears to be because of errors on the part of the police. At least that is what is being reported in the pot laced media. It could well be true. Part of it is also apparently because of the pot problem we have in our country. None of the pot heads can acknowledge that at all. They don't even have the guts to say this guy is collateral damage in their quest to toke up. They can't even see that when Osama BL started toking up his terror plots became dumb like lighting underwear. I am glad Osama started smoking but not so happy it is happening to fellow citizens.
  14. How was I wrong this year? I said an unusual team will win with Dallas being the most likely. I did not make predictions on a series by series basis at all. How does the Dallas prediction look so far? What percentage of people without knowledge of the script would have predicted Dallas when the playoffs started? 2% maybe? I agree that there is only a .00000001% chance of Lebron being traded. My point is that in Feb 2009 my reading of the script was: 2009: LA over Orlando or Atlanta in 5 2010: Lakers/Celtic 7 game series. I did not specify a winner but did say I leaned toward the Lakers 2011: Unusual team; at the beginning of this year's playoffs I analyzed further as to which team might fit the bill. 2012: Lebron James' team I made all of these predictions in 2009, not on a year by year basis. When I made the original predictions nobody knew where Lebron would end up after Cleveland so technically I did not pick Miami, I said Lebron would get a ring in 2012. To stick to that I cannot technically predict Miami in 2012 but I think we all realize that Miami is very likely to be Lebron's team next year. Get it now?
  15. As you know, my general analysis of the script has been on the mark. This year to me seemed to be the year for "an unusual team or inspirational story" to be the winner. I have a hard time seeing Stern allowing Miami to rise to the top so quickly. It simply wastes a story line that can be built. With that said, my specific predictions have been so-so. In 2009 I did predict the fake injury to a Celtic which can be viewed as specific I suppose, and did say Lakers in 5 over an Orl/Atl which turned out to be Orlando. In 2009 I also predicted a 7 game C's/Lakers series in 2010. I got into trouble in 2010 trying to pick individual games. I don't know whether the series this year will be 4, 5, 6, or 7 games. My gut tells me 5 or 6 and that 4 is more likely than 7 but I think this is getting too specific to be predictable and I will just stick with Dallas this year and Miami winning next year. I suppose I should say Lebron winning next year to be more consistent but I would be shocked if he somehow got traded, so Miami/Lebron are interchangeable. Scripted. Not rigged. And do a little research on when I said this would happen and what happened in 2009/2010 and how my predictions held up there. Even Buftex is starting to see the light. I'd really rather not start fresh with you. Just do some linking/reading or ask 'tex what I predicted.
  16. You are so right. Everyone should smoke pot. If only they would we'd be such a productive and enlightened society.
  17. God forbid anyone not abuse themselves, their family and anyone else they some in contact with. That would be like totally uncool man and like how would anyone get like enlightened? Let's just pretend one of the root causes of tragic events like this doesn't exist and blame 100% of the outcome on one entity. We wouldn't want to take any responsibility for anything other than being like hip and cool man. We wouldn't want to grow up ever. No waaaaaaaay dude, that would be like the man getting you down.
  18. Can you explain the difference between a jerk circle and a circle jerk?
  19. He never called you gay.
  20. Please tell me you didn't intend to help him off the bridge for just enough time to change into a proper t-shirt.
  21. Did you watch the confession of an economic hitman? If not, how can you comment on this? Plus the other "geist" movie seems real too. It's was made by Zeit's brother Polter.
  22. No offense but I think I covered all of this with my Sponge Bob analogy. You are being repetitionary.
  23. Wasps are too gangly for any kind of dog to shoot out of their mouth. Only Giraffes can shoot wasps but there is a lot of upkeep on guard giraffes.
  24. I think you misunderstood. If you're looking for kinky go to Joe the Six Pack's teenage video fantasy thread. Honestly though my advice would be staying away from it.
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