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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Maybe he did. Then again, Maybinot.
  2. Wow. Just wow. At least you came right out with it. A lot of people are anti-semantic but most try to hide it. At least you admit it but I have to be honest with you, I find all racism disgusting and hope you change some day.
  3. I don't get it.
  4. Is Racism's mom's brother the father of stereotyping?
  5. I care because last time a congressman did this Joe the six pack made the picture his avatar. If he stays consistent and true to form this crass picture will get him banned and he will blame the jews zionists.
  6. You kept a piece for your web show? Gross.
  7. Your avatar seems to indicate that you recently had surgery. How did it go?
  8. His analogy made no sense I can tell you that. He said: "If I was giving a speech in front of 45,000 people and someone in the back threw a pie, would I spend the next 2 hours of my speech responding.....". I have three real problems with that: 1. 2 hours? What kind of speech last two hours? 2. Are there 45,000 people on Earth that would attend a speech by this particular nerd? 3. Who the heck has a strong enough arm to throw a pie over 45,000 people? Does the pie have wings? It doesn't add up.
  9. How can he possibly provide a link if the media refuses to cover it?
  10. Canada? Really? What are they going to report on? A human interest story that someone in their 30s who still has 14 teeth?
  11. Can you confirm for Dayman that I said a prominent Celtic would suffer an injury that killed their chances and that I said it before Garnett was hurt. I'm not asking you to agree it was fake, just confirm my prediction. And Dayman how is a prediction in Feb 09 that the 2010 Finals would be a 7 game series between Boston and LA non-specific?
  12. Let me look, I'll get back to you. I am busy at the moment trying to hide Sage from Ennifer.
  13. You sound just like Buftex sounded in 2009. What is not specific enough when I said in Feb 2009: Lakers over Magic or Hawks in 5 after a Celtic receives a faked injury. See Kevin Garnett. See Finals results. How was that not specific? Also in Feb 2009 I said the Lakers and Celtics would meet in in the 2010 Finals and it would go 7. Was that not specific enough 18 months ahead of time? In Feb 2009 I stated that in 2011 an unusual team would win. This means not the C's Lakers, Spurs, or other teams usually allowed to win but a consistent also ran. The Mavericks fit that mold perfectly. They have been fighting an uphill battle for years, sort of like the Malone/Stockton Jazz who were not allowed to win. It is true that I only picked them as the top candidate at the beginning of these playoffs, but I picked a "team like them" 30 months ahead. I then said Lebron James team would win in 2012 which was 42 months ahead. You can wait 12 months for this to come true if you'd like. How is this not specific again? It can all be looked up with the search function. Most posts are in threads with "NBA" in the title. Don't believe me? Too lazy to look? Ask Buftex if what I typed above is 100% accurate.
  14. Is that a fancy word for red dot?
  15. It's almost as if someone were writing a script setting up a good guy like Brown versus a bad guy like Lebron. Hmmmm. Bad guy wins round 1 just like the TV show Batman.
  16. I didn't read it but it is interesting to discover that that Fake Fat Sunny dude is black. I never knew.
  17. He works for me. Duh. Anyway I only gave him the Boysenberry 3. I have the Acai 2 which is sweet. There is even an app available to make b. harami understand the Israeli/Palestine conflict. I haven't tried it yet because watching that thread is too much fun.
  18. Dude. Stuff happens. I am just busting your chops a little. The people on this board have promised not to say anything. It won't get back to anyone. The kid is 23 for Pete's sake. He will have plenty of chances to win Indy. P.S. The reports back from code name Panica were generally good so kudos on that. She did request more canine involvement next time and I just said no.
  19. I think you have dippin dots confused with dessert.
  20. Happy Birthday. You should do a birthday edition of your web show.
  21. I get products before the are released to the general public. They are usually 4-7 generations ahead. This particular text was send from a Boysenberry model 3 over a network called REDACTED.
  22. Beerboy spilled his dippin dots and screwed up the Indy 500.
  23. I didn't even know Cam was jewish zionist. So they control the NFL draft too?
  24. It couldn't possibly be their fault? They were pushed into it? They can't even take ownership of slaughtering a child? Again with the counting numbers of dead people. How about counting the number each side INTENDS to kill? And I don't mean right before they pull a trigger or shoot a mortar. I mean as their stated goal. And the four year old kid with the slit throat was not "playing the role" of a victim.
  25. Dude the Cheeseburger in Paradise ordeal has its very own thread. You are confusing people here.
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