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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Please keep comments like that to the Poojer dating threads where they belong.
  2. Has anyone see the cool new internet dictionary? I looked up "projection" and instead of a definition there was a link to the post I quoted. It is cool that it is so up to date but I don't see what RK's post has to do with movies. In other words, I don't get it.
  3. The rain in Spain fall mainly on their planes.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIbY_IWT3fk
  5. I didn't know baseball was an option for him. Was he drafted by an MLB team? This will give him leverage if nothing else and some dudes just prefer baseball. He could have a long career there if he is good.
  6. That would be blood. It went elsewhere.
  7. Has anyone noticed The Big Cat's recent absence? I will not be contributing but you guys could start a bail fund.
  8. If I am singing that correctly it is not the song you say, it is the Bad News Bears theme song.
  9. Holy crap you screen writers have each others back no matter what huh? If you ask me Swift is an idiot for using Jack Black of all people to try to make a serious comment about politics. When he peed on the fire to put it out, what were the political implications there? It was potty humor pure and simple. I don't disagree with your overall premise but your buddy who wrote that crappy movie is still an idiot.
  10. We should charge a penalty I mean a tax under the commerce clause I mean under the power of congress to tax to anyone that fails to read the OP.
  11. This reminds me of the Michele Bachmann Filet Show.
  12. Volatility is not the risk with Canada. The drilling season there is July 2nd-July 17th. It is too cold the rest of the year. Plus the fact that they are stupid makes the production too slow to be reliable.
  13. So all we get out of this crap is a new event at the X games? A mash up of skateboarding and bowling? That is not worth the money and won't pull ratings IMO.
  14. Plural? How many black folks did you marry? And you couldn't make it work so you got a divorce? Did your racism cause these divorces?
  15. I am not too political but I think it is ridiculous how the libs like you just skip right over Obama with your criticism. AA, then Mormon the Scientologist. Aren't you forgetting somebody? I get it with Bush the AA, Romney the Mormon and then I suppose Travolta or whatever but why not at least TRY to make fun of Obama a little? First commie president maybe something like that? He is also the first black president and that's unfair to criticize but it didn't stop you from attacking Romney's religion or Bush's "AA" alcoholism. Geez dude at least try not to be so thin skinned and at least try to make a joke about a dem.
  16. I adjusted his post to include anyone to whom you'd answer "Yes...I would". Happy Birthday.
  17. Does anyone know if he got what he wanted for his B'Day? He was asking for a cornerback. Happy Birthday Bill.
  18. Like he had a choice? He did what Stern told him to do.
  19. The Human Chia Pet shaves messages like that into his head.
  20. If you do a little math that means that at least 33.1% of the people that believe UFOs exist are correct. This means they exist because it says CERTAIN. Anyway I wish they went more into why Obama would be better than Romney at this. Personally I think Bill Pullman did a decent job once he started listening to Jeff Goldberg. I know that was a movie but Obama and Hollywood work well together and he has probably seen the movie. On the down side for Obama he hasn't done anything about the UFO made of circular rocks that is at the bottom of the ocean in Finland or wherever. Who knows what kind of crap Romney watches. Romany's Bain stuff makes me worried that he would want to assist in the takeover but this is all speculation. I wish the article had more detail.
  21. Deny this latest development pot heads. Just ignore it. Keep defending your precious pot as the savior of the universe.
  22. I am not angry. I do question Harris' motives as to me it is clear to see he only wants to get laid. Anyway I question Jimmy Hogwart's in the same way but I am not angry about that either. As for you I question your use of punctuation but I am not angry at you. You can question someone without being angry at them. You can also dismiss someone with out anger. See how that works? To be clear I never called Harris gay, but if he is, so what?. I'm not sure where you're going with that part of your post. Even if he were gay, there is no difference there at all. Gay people do stupid things like that to get laid too.
  23. Mad? What on Earth makes you think I'm mad? You think I'm religious because I can spot a guy like Harris that can't get laid making up crap in an effort to get laid? Why would I be mad about that? People like him are on opportunity for me to make $$$$. How does pointing out that Harris is an uber dork make me religious? There are tons of dorks out there with no clue that come up with other crap to get laid. Some of them are preachers. Look at Jimmy Hogwarts back in the day or Pat Robinson. They couldn't get laid except for Pat with Tammy . I knew their religious stuff was an effort to get laid and even that barely worked. Hogwarts needed to pay hookers. Anyway, I guess pointing that out makes me atheist. So I guess I'm a religious atheist. Is that it? I'm still not mad though.
  24. You and your family are in my thoughts. Like so many others, I am not sure what else to say beyond that. I have faith that although she was small and her life was short, Abigail knew she was loved. God bless.
  25. You should PM Hurricane Ditka with this information. Stat.
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