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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I don't get it.h
  2. That's not really his name is it?
  3. I don't watch a lot of TV but sometimes will watch the news at night. There is a lady on one of the channels, i'm not sure which one, that seems to make a lot of sense every time I turn on her show. Her name is Mary Grace or something like that and she really does act with a lot of Grace. This is a case where the name matches the person. She seems to talk about a lot of important topics and/or stories of the day and every time I watch her she seems right on the money. I only tune in once in a while. Is anyone here a regular watcher?
  4. Illegal Canadian immigrants seeing american chicks for the first time.
  5. This explains why the Bills always draft defensive backs.
  6. Eskimos are human so that is 2/3 human but you can't have 1/3s you can only have 1/4s because of grandmas and grandpas and stuff.
  7. A monkey would freeze to death in two minutes in Canada. Air go a half monkey would only live four minutes.
  8. I'm busy and only had time to read the thread title. I couldn't even click on the video. Can you summarize why Glenn Beck is looking for VA Bills?
  9. Linebackers are people who sometimes end up doing what the sheep and/or OL want and sometimes are able to break free of the sheep and act more like smoking freedom types and/or DBs. I guess in this instance they would be like that dude John Adams who admittedly seems a little weird because he hates barbeques but at least he still likes chicks.
  10. Here's they way I look at it and when I do it makes me surprised you hold your opinion: Think of the anti-smoking crowd as offensive lineman. They are both like sheep. On every play, they go where they are told, not using their brain or reacting to the situation with flexibility but simply acting like robots. Now think of the people who favor freedom as if they were defensive backs. They understand that no two plays are the same and they have to react and be flexible and adjust their actions depending on the moment. They need to tolerate other people or they will be called for a penalty. It surprises me that as someone so in favor of smoking freedom that you would hate defensive backs so much. How do you rationalize that?
  11. The parking word is spelled parallel. You are thinking of non-parrells which are chocolates. I have never had a parrell, but the non-parrells are pretty good. I like them frozen. Anyway I get some of this supposed advanced technology ahead of time to test out. It will be at least 5 more generations before they add the squirrel feature so I will stick with manual for a while. Hitting squirrels is as much about feel as it is about speed or turning and the computers just can't seem to get that.
  12. You are both so snobby that you can't even see that Bomb Ass White Booty #2 is tops in the series. And before you point out the scene 3 snafu where the stage hand stumbles into the picture just before the money shot, I'd like to point out that if you look closely, you'll see that the stagehand bears a striking resemblance to Beerboy. And I'm not sure it was a snafu.
  13. Don't leave out Bob Kraft whose company makes Capri Sun which you can't even drink without spilling some so you have to buy more.
  14. Don't worry about the nomenclature stuff with most of the dudes on this site. They're not dumb, but they don't always get the nuance and/or historical perspective. For instance, I once got into a whole conversation about Mormons and one Middle Eastern dude got all huffy about how Mormons weren't real Muslims. Ok I suppose but when we get all pissy about what type of language of branch of a religion or whatever it makes it harde to communicate. If I were you I'd just get to the point and not worry about the whole German thing.
  15. Do the acidic Jews come from a different place tha regular Jews? And why do they have to be so mean that they get a nickname like that?
  16. I stopped reading right there. James Madison is a good school but not that good. Most years they don't even make the tournament. If they had to father our constitution then we are screwed. I don't want any school doing that but wouldn't MIT be a better choice? Anyway killing commies is a little harsh and if they advocate that in school it is wrong. I don't like commies either but killing is killing. Anyway the rest of your post is really long so I didn't read it. I will say this: Do you know when you won't be able to write long posts using your right of free speech? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  17. No. Don Cornelius was the Planet of the Apes guy. I'm pretty sure Don Powlus was Soul Train.
  18. Hey Don, weren't you the host of Soul Train back in the day? That was a good show.
  19. Do the chinese like Kobe for his hoops or for the way he treats women?
  20. Gold plated copy of Stern's script?
  21. Congratulations on your team winning next year. I'm sure it will be fun.
  22. A good script doesn't hurt either.
  23. Jordan had the benefit of better scripts.
  24. That wasn't me. It was another dude at the Hindenburger meeting. That guy will buy anything. Every time he goes somewhere he just starts throwing the cash around. Don't tell anyone, and you won't here this in the press because the guy would lose face, but a couple of us decided to screw around with him. We took the stamp, made a copy on a regular color copier and replaced it. Then we took the real stamp and put it on a post card to the guy. All we wrote on the post card was: Most of the Hindenburgers are old and I have as much or more respect for them than anyone, but let's fce it, most of the time their pranks are lame. Ruining economies and controlling stuff is funny but it gets boring. Most of the young ones came up with this stamp idea. It made the meeting pretty fun.
  25. Updated If I had to point to one moment when I decided to put Dallas on top, it would be when Mark Cuban was announced as a guest on ABC's show called Shark Tank. It pointed out that he was moving in the right direction for Stern and probably traded a little behavior for a trophy. I always like Cuban and am happy for him. I also find it interesting that the Heat are being set up as big time bad guys going into next year. Stern has really taken a page from the wrestling stuff. Walking down a hall, camera's rolling and mocking the opposition? Really? Then today the quote from Lebron that the haters have to go back to their miserable lives and he is still rich or whatever. Really? Reminds me of this. They have a big marketing department and should be more original. Anyway, I am thinking the Jimmer thing may be a good theory. He helps them win, they don't like the attention he gets and strife ensues. Just a theory, there are a lot of ways it could go. bump
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