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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm surprised that China is so open to disclosing their military expenditures to real clear politics in a truthful manner. That is very nice of them.
  2. I think you are right. If we take a CB instead of a QB we will be much better off. Think of it this way: A CB is like a laser beam. He is quick, focused and devastating. A QB is more like a rifle. Sure, he can be devastating but he is not always on target and not as precise as sometimes necessary. Sometimes the rifle is rendered ineffective by a laser taking him out. A rifle is focused sometimes but when lasers are darting all around the rifleman can get flustered. Much like you, I say laser 2012.
  3. It sounded like him but I don't think it was. Difficult to tell really and at this point I'm more interested in the Stevie Johnson drop. That movie sucked. Were you one of the extras just laying there? Wait? Were you the one that farted?
  4. Look dude you don't have to help but being mean is not nice. If you can't find the clip, no big deal, just say so.
  5. I knew that was coming but I already tried Google. I thought some of the tech guys on here might know of other sites specifically for audio. Google finds a lot. I found the radio broadcast of the Heidleburg crash and other cool stuff, but not Miller's call.
  6. I think you're right about that. The Ravens were the other OT game. Anyway, it must have been classic Van. Did you hear the broadcast?
  7. Most of your ideas are stupid, but I thought this one was so bad I'd try it for a few laughs. Sammy's code name for you was so incredibly offensive that I was taken aback. I couldn't even laugh. It was that mean and nasty. I sent it to you in a PM but before you open it make sure you are sitting down. To prove to you that your idea stinks, his code name for code name Ennifer was slutmotronic. Sure it is a fit but how does it differentiate her from the rest of the clients? I'm sticking with my system. Thanks for the update. None of these other dudes did squat.
  8. I'm not talking about calling the guy for the post game interview or something. I am talking about the call of the game. The broadcast itself. Sorry for any confusion there.
  9. I don't ask for help too often but have been looking for something for a while without success. Last year, Stevie Johnson dropped a would be game winning OT catch against the Ravens. I am not trying to re-live this but always wanted to hear Van Miller's call of it on the radio broadcast. Does anyone have this recorded? Could you attach it or possibly link it? Thanks. If not, are there good audio search sites out there?
  10. Do Carolina farmers use the USPS? UT = Utah.
  11. I didn't know he went to Utah.
  12. You're dissing code name Welly now?
  13. Any updates on this?
  14. I never read that because this Atlas dude sounded uninformed and/or uncaring. I mean really. Who shrugs? It is either someone who doesn't know the answer or someone who doesn't give a crap. Screw Atlas and I'm sure as heck not reading a book about him.
  15. You have to be accurate with those shots. I can see the guys with the C4 blowing up crap being bald, but anyone with a gun and a target to hit? No way.
  16. This thread is about Kelsay. Talk about Mauricio on your web show please.
  17. He pwns Bono but excluding Canadians, I doubt Bono can pwn anyone so not big deal.
  18. I can promise you one thing. It wasn't a bald guy. Thanks for the link. cool.
  19. There's also a reason they have ALWAYS lost playoff games since 2003.
  20. Um....all those guys still have their hair. You are all angry in your posts. Coincidence?
  21. But he will have to also go about his life knowing of your inexplicable seething hatred for him. At least he will be able to share his confusion with JP, but Trent will mock them as he is the recipient of your undying affection.
  22. That would suck. I have one of those 5 trillion dollar coins and it would become only half as rare. It is beginning to make sense though. I think it will happen. The other day I got a call from some I'll call code name Gim Teitner and he asked me if it was ok to use my profile on a coin he was thinking of making. I said no but suggested they use Beerboy's face. Code name Gim lol'ed and decided on using an animal for the first time ever on the front of a coin. CONGRATULATIONS SAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. You know what would be a more realistic logo? If they had a truck next to it spraying de-icer on the wings.
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