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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Alex Smith went 2-10 last night. If BB is smart he will trade CHF Mallett now for Smith and a #1. In about two weeks he can probably get Smith to the point where another team will offer a #1 for him. That will mean BB turned a 3rd round pick into 2 #1s. Incredible. He may then be able to draft Andrew Luck and trade Brady for two #1's. Just amazing really. You have to respect a guy like that even if you hate his team.
  2. At the time that may have been true but once the Glove Wearing Mary was exposed, the controversy evaporated.
  3. Dude libertarian is a code word for "let me smoke pot". All the other stuff is just made up crap. What household, let alone country can succeed when everyone is stoned?
  4. That would ruin Cat's Saturday night.
  5. I don't know what that is but it sounds like something that The Big Cat tries to avoid when he is putting the moves on Mr. Ed.
  6. I agree that none of this makes sense. Actually I didn't read your post but I can tell you're mad by the title of the thread. Anyway, do something about it instead of just whining. You should do an expose and air it on your web show.
  7. Mallett is a certified CHF and that says it all about where his career will go.
  8. I don't know about Brady being overrated but I agree on Mallett. I mean how many CHFs have had decent careers let alone been a franchise player? It is ridiculous after one pre-season game.
  9. Any updates on this?
  10. This is a funny thread. I especially like it since Mallett is only receiving props because he is on NE. It doesn't matter that Tebow was 1000% better, just that Mallett is on NE. Tebow is an outstanding citizen and played great. Mallett is a complete CHF and played ok, but due to the fact he is on NE, he can do no wrong.
  11. Any updates on this?
  12. Which is exactly what I've been saying. This is why it is important to draft CBs and not OL. Think of it this way: Drafting OL in a passing league would be like building an Igloo in Florida. An Igloo would melt under the heat of the Florida sun. An OL would melt due to the speed inherit in a passing game. A DB is more like a modular building. It can be built out of just about any material that fits its environment.
  13. Here's the thing about the one in the ocean. Why don't they call it a UO? It obviously isn't F. And the one in your living room clearly just seems to be an O.
  14. Any updates on this?
  15. Any updates on this?
  16. Does anyone remember when I put all my money in gold on Jan 1? I guess I will sell now because I don't want to win by too much.
  17. To the outhouse at the commune? Actually; I don't get it.
  18. Baby boomers=hippies=unmotivated pot heads=slackers=taught their kids to be slackers. 29% is good? Are you kidding me. That means 79% are selfish pricks.
  19. .....unless there is a willing Golden Retriever around.
  20. Any updates on this?
  21. Well if it is Oreck is going to be pissed. He wants to be in every market. Is it Dyson?
  22. I didn't read anything about a vacuum being up there. That Oreck dude must have a great distribution model.
  23. lolololololol You had me for a minute until I read this paragraph... If it was truly converting everything into helium it would have floated away by now.
  24. You know when you'll wish you had never banned guns? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
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