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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Yes. It was the Michelle Bachman filet show thread.
  2. Code for "I want to smoke pot".
  3. I realize people on here deserve criticism for their bad math and posting while stoned and the like but there is no need to be vulgar. Beerboy has shut down threads for less.
  4. Beerboy broke a record the other day by closing his own thread for being vulgar. It had never been done before so one is the record. I will break that record. Told you so.
  5. I will just have to remember to think about "WWFLPD?".
  6. It seems like you are paranoid. I wonder what causes that.
  7. You actually think they cut/traded/allowed veterans to walk based upon where they went to school 5 years earlier? If Maybin had gone too LSU he'd still be here? Good one.
  8. :wallbash: It is in Michigan
  9. With the exception of Evans, another thing those guys have in common is that they suck. Maybe that is the theme. They get rid of players who suck instead of developing them. Imagine how great Edwards could have become if he just weren't a Glove Wearing Mary from Los Gatos.
  10. Listen dude you don't want to mess with they.
  11. It is no more indicative of overall taxation than knowing the number of miles he traveled in a car and saying he must not travel a lot in a plane. When trying to do the math here ask yourself "WWFLPD?" .
  12. He's stoned. It makes it difficult to stick to a point. If you think he is sticking to a point you must be absolutely baked.
  13. Like dude like your original point in the thread was like totally based on a statement about like federal taxes dude. Why should I dispute your point when you like killed it in the opening entry to the like thread? Am I am losing the argument? I am not even arguing. At least you have a .500 record arguing with yourself in this thread. It doesn't really matter which side won.
  14. He smoked so much of his strawman that he still doesn't realize his initial post was actually about federal taxes and he is whining about other people even mentioning federal taxes. Imagine if they start taxing pot. Only losers smoke pot + most losers are poor = only poor people pay pot tax = taxes are unfair to poor people.
  15. If you had any straw I'm sure you would have smoked it by now.
  16. Whoa man then maybe you like shouldn't have like totally started the thread with a rant from that old dude about FEDERAL taxes if you like totally wanted to talk about total taxes. Maybe you ate all the Cheetoes and needed a way to vent?
  17. Dude your original post had a quote in it which specifically called out FEDERAL taxes. Now you're slamming someone for discussing FEDERAL taxes? Are you stoned again? Because it sounds like you're stoned again.
  18. To honor the occasion let's build a wall on our northern border.
  19. Were you at least in a private setting when you saw Marilyn in that particular pose?
  20. I took it off topic? If you just did what I told you to do there wouldn't be 9 argument posts. Geez. Anyway Jesus Diaz isn't the Jesus you're thinking of.
  21. Ok but I will remember this insolence. Anyway, you have taken us way off topic here. Are there any updates on the UFO at the bottom of the ocean which is not F at all?
  22. Ooooh that could have worked out poorly. Well, wait a minute. If they are making all of this $$$ doing it with simple duck blinds, imagine what I could make with the real thing. Keep your plans with Sven. Sammy and I will see you around 6:30. If you see us first, it'll be ice pick time.
  23. Dude what part of "double blind" did you fail to understand once I mentioned Sven would be with you? Take one for the team. There is a chance I could make a few bucks on this and think about the relief when you are with code name Posey. You've pretty much seen all there is to see at this point anyway.
  24. That's pretty cool thanks. I didn't know some dudes can talk to aliens like that. Anyway I still feel like GvG is much more cool than that. Want me to see if I can get the big man to mess with the zetas and cause some havoc on Earth? Also I have a separate money making idea. Sorry to take this thread a little OT. I keep hearing about these double blind studies on all sorts of infomercials and stuff. I want to get into the act. I don't really know what to do but I figure I'll get started tomorrow. I would like you and Sven to meet up in the morning and hang out. Just stare at the sun all day long. Don't take your eyes off of it and don't blink. I'll check in with you about 6:30. I'll bring Sammy and an ice pick just in case.
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