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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Don't start that stuff or the pot head loser hippies will flock to this thread and hijack it and blabber on and on about how pot is totally harmless.
  2. Without going into private body parts like some of the people here seem fixated on, wouldn't you agree that the overall sub-par hygiene in Europe made this ruling imminent? Let's face is, most Euro-chicks have the armpit hair of a lumberjack. The teeth of Brits and Canadians look worse than the teeth in most pre-historic skulls, the average euro-toenail is so desperate for help that the healthy cells re-align to spell out "GIVE ME LAMISIL" and a full two thirds of dudes and one-fifth of women have visible ear wax in their sideburns. There is other stuff like the fact that french people wipe their butts with water fountains and things too disgusting to mention. I will say that I am going to invest in Charmin and try to bring it to Europe. I think people will like it once they use it and I will have made my $$$$$ by the time the sewage infrastructure, built in 1284, bursts from cloggage. Given all of these facts it is unsurprising that some judge would want to force everyone to have disgusting nether regions. I don't agree but partially see the point in having a matching body either all gross like a Euro or all clean like an American.
  3. How would I know that Europeans are filthy? I've met some.
  4. Europeans are not real hung up on hygiene. Look at the average Canadian teeth for example.
  5. They're German. It's not like giving them too much power poses any kind of threat.
  6. I don't get it. My uncle Eugene, aka Geno, was very much a person. He died on October the 2nd 1981. I do have two hamsters. Sammy and Carl. Carl is a girl. I didn't know when I named her. Anyway she had babies once but they are gone.
  7. What I don't get is that they are all mad that the uniforms got made by commies but Harry Reid basically never met a commie idea he didn't like. He should be happy about this, not mad.
  8. When is the last time Buddy drafted a known pot head? That is what I asked.
  9. I realize that spelling poorly is about 4,593,628th on the list of things Canadians do stupidly but even so, don't enable them.
  10. 3 pair? Luckily Glad makes those stretchy garbage bags nowadays.
  11. That's Sammy,
  12. Who was the last pot head Buddy picked. Use that as the basis for whether he will tomorrow. He will go to the Bengals, Skins, Dolphins, Pats or Raiders. The teams that like loser pot head criminals. Maybe Seattle.
  13. I don't think Geno would laugh at my everlasting guilt. I mean I heard the ambulance screaming down Main street and I didn't give it a thought. But it was Geno. I can't get over it. And it was over 30 years ago. Geno died on October the 2nd 1981. Why people would make fun of things like this is just sick.
  14. Mocking a dead guy is somehow funny? I think it is disgusting. Whatever you think about Zimmerman/Martin it is not funny that the guy died. There are enough people on here that mock dead people like my Uncle Geno already. I don't really need to see links to idiots making fun of Martin.
  15. Is he short or tall? I don't even know. And I really didn't know comedians got graded on a curve based on their height.
  16. I don't know why you think it is funny that somebody died. It hurts when you think back to those you know that have drown. My friend Brian Temple didn't exactly drown but he was trying to get to the swimming pool. He thought he could make so from the third story he jumped. He only missed by inches. Everyone said he was drunk. I wish I was there to stop him. I miss him. But I suppose his death was worth it so people like you could get a good laugh.
  17. There are still two sides on the discussion of slavery? Is "social critic" the new term for "subpar comic"?
  18. It's good that he signed but guys with this holdout mentality usually carry the unwarranted arrogance onto the field. Look at Maybinot. I wish he never signed. I hope Graham does better but have low expectations.
  19. I think you make good points here but I'm not sure about what. Clearly you posted this in the wrong thread since it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I looked around the rest of PPP and can't figure out where it belongs either but it is really good though.
  20. How was this dude not electrocuted by one of the prototypes?
  21. People do not take life seriously enough.
  22. Nice video but the creepy space snowman at about 1:49 on the solar wing scares me.
  23. My advice to you for both a wedding idea and a wedding song would be: If you do get married congratulations and it has been nice knowing you. It will be a shame to lose another poster from TBD.
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