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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. You can be more specific by saying who initiated it. That's how. Or you can say "I'm not at liberty to say who initiated it." Saying you are being specific while talking in generalities is more like something a politician would do than what you have done in your past visits to the board. In this post, after a whole day, you are saying that Evans initiated it after handicapping the Bills chances for himself. That is specific. It was awful nice of the Bills to grant him his wish to their own detriment and that of their fans. Did he hand pick the Ravens? jw's article implied that Overdorf had something to do with the trade. He did not say it was initiated or demanded by Overdorf. Overdorf could have simply delivered the message from ??? to Nix/Gailey. This would be consistent with jw's article. Anyone with a 3rd grade reading ability should be able to figure that out. You clearly have that ability as do over 80% on the non-Canadian posters on this board. IMO that is why the shots across jw's bow seem so strange to many people here. EDIT: The other thing that bugs me about a couple of your posts today......and it has nothing to do with you/jw.......you keep saying that Evans wouldn't be around by the time we are a playoff caliber team. Well geez is it an 8 year plan because I would think that Lee has about 5 productive years left in him or thereabouts. I think an expansion team in Topeka would have a shot at the playoffs in 5 years. He has absolutely given credible information about Bills moves on multiple occasions and has been 100% or nearly 100% accurate.
  2. Over the years NGU has posted information about forthcoming events that came true. That helps him build credibility. Today he did nothing like that. He seemingly set out to attack the integrity of a fellow poster on the board, calling him out by his misspelled name. His reason seemed to be based on a misunderstanding of an article that had been written. That portion of the debate seems to be cleared up. IMO his posts today seem to imply that finances had nothing to do with the Evans dump. He implies this by clearing Overdorf but not blaming another member of the financial team. We are supposed to believe the Evans move was for football reasons only. That is a joke. Look, he has a lot of credibility to back up his statement about his own inside sources. Neither jw nor anyone else disputed that. The weird part is that he continues to attack jw for lack of specifics while at the same time leaving his own assertions implied instead of specific. Do you have any credible information about the trade of Evans was initiated? If you can't share that can you at least share whether its initiation was based on football or finances?
  3. Can we forget who was "behind" the trade and ask how the discussion of it was initiated?
  4. If you're right then essentially Buddy said to Chan: What do you think, would you rather have Lee Evans or Buster Davis and a 4th round pick? Chan picked Davis and the 4th and Buddy called Overdorf to let him know. Is that about right?
  5. He seems to be defending his word in the way he sees fit.
  6. Just my opinion but when someone calls your name and reputation into question, I think it is fair that you react in whatever way you feel is right. That could be ignoring it, getting angry, responding/not responding or whatever else. If you won't defend your own name and reputation, what will you defend? Some people on here think I don't have a Googlebot or that my Hamster Sammy can't talk. I choose to ignore those people, but if I chose to fight them or have Sammy post on Youtube and give everyone the middle claw, that would be valid as well. If it is your word, it is your choice on how to defend it. FWIW I think that NGU and jw both danced around their assertions about the team and the Evans situation. That is their prerogative and nobody should complain. I can easily come up with a scenario that if true would not diminish either man's claims about the Evans stuff. In fact I did in the other thread. I'm not sure how NGU can claim that jw has no sources. How could he possibly know? I think that is the part ticking jw off and since it is about his name/credibility I think it is fair to respond in whatever manner he sees fit. I sure hope NGU sticks around the board but I can't knock a guy being defensive of his own good name.
  7. I don't know anything about that but am wondering about Johnny Camper's demeanor. Was it generally happy?
  8. How does this impact the Cards because Arizona never goes to daylight savings time. Does it help them or hurt them?
  9. They will still have to meet the earlier deadline though. I think this is simply an arcane rule and should be changed. Think about it. Years ago there was not all of this electronic media but now there is a strong set of sources that are quick. 3 hours used to be a really short time and info wouldn't get to teams like the 9ers and Raiders. Now it takes about a minute.
  10. It still shows intent. It is still an advantage for the West coast teams.
  11. lol Sage. Really? I wouldn't spray any of that stuff on yourself or your back hair blanket project may come to an abrupt halt.
  12. I thought the final cuts had to be in today by Noon. It is past noon and they haven't been made so maybe I was off a bit. Anyway is this really fair? If the Bills and other East Coast teams make their cuts on time it will give the west coast teams 3 hours to review them before making their cuts. Let's say the 9ers were going to cut a linebacker and keep a tackle. All of a sudden they see that the Patriots have cut a tackle they like better. The 9ers can now adjust and keep the linebacker and get rid of the tackle. A lot of assembling a team is information and it seems unfair that some teams have more info than others. If I were the Bills, Pat, Jets etc. I would just not make my cuts until 3 and pay the fine.
  13. Is this report from 1989 because I had this garbage technology then. Nice try at giving away "secrets". See that fly on the wall? I didn't think so because it was sprayed with invincibility spray which means you can't see it.
  14. I got board reading this thread so I hit myself in the head with a 2x4 bored to wake up.
  15. Thanks for the backup. I almost got it wrong by putting 4/32 but then I realized the Bills never play with themselves.
  16. Someone who constantly asks WWFLPD is reasonable?
  17. Do you think he's stoned again? Because it sounds like he's stoned again.
  18. Sully at the philharmonic....lol. i suppose he had a date in this fantasy land too.
  19. OK well that was a little bit of a longer process than I wanted/expected. I haven't done a GvG in a while but usually it is a pretty easy, albeit secret, process. I couldn't find the Googlebot but then found him shooting pool with Sven. Let's just say the Googlebot's math skills are a little better than Sven's. You know, angles and all. Playing pool with Sven is like shooting craps with Holcomb's arm. Lots of errors. I started the process and it wasn't working at all. After a few diagnostics I knew the problem was.............you guessed it...........Sammy. He had removed the trans-dimensional sensmonifier's adapter kit. He was using it as a pedestal in a shrine to Carl which is weird because it is not like Carl is dead or anything. I really don't want to get into that. He was really pissed when I took it apart to get the adapter kit back. I told him it was to help you out Gene so watch your back if you are around hamsters. Anyway long story short, I got the thing up and running. The big man was happy to hear from me and laughed it up a bit about Sammy's shrine. He just basically gets a kick out of Sammy because of his whole attitude. I told him if he likes Sammy so much......never mind. I love Sammy. So I told him I had a question from you and he was glad about it. I hate it when he is glad about it. He usually tells long stories about something right after he says that. Well anyway it got even worse this time. I think it was about 10:15 when this all started and he said "let me tell you about Gene....". No big deal but the voice was Vin Scully. Ooooh that's a bad sign. Another bad sign was that he started to tell me all the nitty gritty details of how you came to be who you are. You'd think it would start at your birth and with some of his stories it does, but yours started with some fisherman in Mesopotamia named Gronk. I tried to listen for a while but nodded off. I really can't take Vin Scully. Seriously. Next thing I know I hear "are you listening?.....are you listening?. I get that a lot but it is usually from chicks so I woke up and instinctively answered "Of course I am". I glanced at the clock. 2:14 AM. Geez Gene what the hell? So Vin Scully wrapped up by saying "so in my last desperate attempt to get him to see the light I made it reflect off his head". It sounds like it was an interesting story. If he did it in Lee's voice I would know the whole thing. Sorry about that. I know you might be interested. This next part was mainly my fault and a little your fault. Vin Scully asked me what the question was. I was flustered because I had just woken up so I read it right off my TBD flatscreen which is only a 72 inch plasma and it was on the other side of the room: I even said the "4" part. No more Vin Scully. He was now alternating between Andy Griffith, Peter Falk and Angela Lansbury voices. Griffith: "Scrapping what crap?" Me: It's nothing Falk: "I guess if it's nothing, it won't hurt to tell me." Me: "It's getting late" Lansbury: "I am not really worried about time." Griffith: "And why did you start by saying 4? There must be three other questions." After a little more squirming I came clean on your first three questions. I knew this was bad because he is not a fan of wiseguy stuff. He said he wasn't mad but he said it in the voice of Linda Blair. And not Linda Blair from the beginning of that movie. I asked for a 5 minute break and if we could get to question 4. He said ok. After I changed my pants and got back he started talking in a voice I didn't know. When I asked he said it was David Carradine. He was addressing you directly now: I tried to put myself in your shoes because I thought you'd be pissed being called a grasshopper because I think those things eat worms. Gross. Anyway he explained about some old TV show and blah blah blah whatever I gave up on that part. I then excoriated him over the "answering your own question" mumbo jumbo. He said to just relay the message and that you would get it but I called BS. I stood my ground and he finally gave in. In another new voice; we're getting close to a GvG record here; he said like Robin Williams when he does that soft nurturing voice thing: I really didn't get it and given the Robin Williams voice I was a little worried for a while about....well never mind....but that is misplaced. The big man is a good dude. I still don't get it but I am sure the intentions are good. If you don't get it, that is ok. One follow up question is allowed and the answer should be quicker now that the adapter kit is fixed. Try to be precise though because the third question, while allowable comes with all sorts of stipulations. I hope this helps.
  20. The Bills will roll in to K City Most people think they'll do $%itty but lights out is a rocket and if we give Fitz a pocket we won't be a team that needs pity
  21. Is it just me or is the reporter declining to go into the specifics of the bad call? Wouldn't that have an impact on how we all view this video. Granted this stuff doesn't look good but what if it was a really really really bad call?
  22. It was a movie called Better Off Dead.
  23. You are confusing cause and effect again.
  24. Sorry for the typoes.
  25. Probably which is cool, but it also means that there is no Canada on that whole planet.
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