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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I am just in a bad mood because no one will help me with my survivor pool.
  2. You did miss it at least three times when I said a 7th rounder shouldn't cause a lot of stress. I was more discussing the FO feeling the need to make up mularkey about why a 7th rounder is on the PS. Why not just say "we are running an experiment; maybe it will work; maybe it won't"? I suppose saying "we are smarter than everyone and we tricked them by practicing a 7th rounder out of position and trading away a very good receiver for nothing and not having a backup center because we really really hope our starting center doesn't get hurt, and it has nothing to do with salary aren't we smart?" is more realistic to you.
  3. So he is going to get better at OT by practicing at DT? If Buddy said he was flapping his arms, would you look in the sky? I hope Jasper makes it. I really do. But to take everything Buddy said in that interview at face value? OK I guess. If you guys will allow me I will continue to think that Lee Evans is a good receiver.
  4. So if the old sheriff played an OL at DL to "fool" 31 teams, he would have been a dipschit wasting time, but the new sheriff put one over. Good one. Look, I get it that a 7th rounder usually won't make it. I don't get why we have to be so sensitive about it and start making excuses and convincing ourselves we are geniuses. I would like to see him make it as an OL. I seriously doubt they wasted weeks and weeks of camp so that no one discovered him. He is under contract. If he is so great you don't have to risk losing him at all.
  5. Maybe she'll sell the remnants on e-bay and you can put in a bid.
  6. Dudes, I know a lot about football but we can all use help from time to time. I entered a small survivor pool this year. Entry fee per team was $10,000 and there are 552 people in it as of now. I don't care about the money so if you help me win I will split it with you and other helpers. It is winner take all and there are usually a few late entries so it will probably end up around $6 million. Anyway, I want to win for pride. There are a few guys in this thing that think they are the cat's meow. I also funded Beerboy with an entry so I could mock him later. Don't help him or you won't share in my winnings. If he starts a thread all whiny about how he needs to pay for his spiral vaginitis treatments just don't help him. I would like to see him out in week one. Maybe you can sabotage him into picking the Bengals or something. Anyway, who do you guys think I should go with in week 1? I was thinking Cards, but am actually a little wary of teams first week with a new coach so the Panthers scare me a little. Any better ideas? Let me know and hopefully we can all win. I will keep you up to date. P.S. If more than one person goes through the whole season there are all sorts of weird rules. If it is a two way tie only it is a simple split.
  7. He's a PC straight shooter? Unless you're talking about his ability to fling a desktop machine across the room, that is basically impossible. BTW I think all the baloney is ok for the most part. I'm not a real fan of him slamming the skills of former players in public but whatever. I think the stuff about Hangartner is true even if Jauron didn't think so. The slamming of Evans' abilities? We'll see I guess. Not nice. Wasting a whole pre-season worth of potential practice is now known as gamesmanship? He's a 7th rounder so it's a bonus if he makes it anyway but geez, isn't it possible that they simply discovered he stinks at DT and they're giving him a long shot chance at OT? Does everything have to be an indication of our genius?
  8. Well, Nix did claim that they played a 7th round pick out of position on purpose because they didn't want anyone to grab him because he is so great at the other position that they wouldn't play him at it because well um they um well didn't want to get too good too fast. How's that for forthright? Not really because when the real season starts Fitz will be playing safety and Shawn Nelson will be brought back to play QB. See how they tricked everyone and protected their QB at the same time?
  9. Maybe they were also doing this with Aaron Maybin. Maybe they will re-sign him tomorrow and he will do his best Derrick Thomas imitation in KC on Sunday. They sure fooled the rest of the league with this. Especially the Jets. Wow. Maybin on the DL and Jasper on the OL. Super Bowl here we come.
  10. Is shawshank another name for machete? Like a shiv but only bigger?
  11. If you make a movie about the Googlebot be careful. He can re-program himself to be a lawyer.
  12. Your original post said they are trying to re-sign Parrish which means they chose him over Evans. Later you said they are avoiding small quick players from the Jauron era.
  13. This post explains why they dropped Evans. So they can re-sign Roscoe and get away from the small speedy Jauron types. Good one.
  14. This is also in a thread on PPP. The article said all the violent stuff began after the ref made a bad call. It only takes a sentence of the whole article. The rest is ALL about the violence. It sounded like it was covering up a really really really bad call.
  15. Are you a racist? Because I only see you looking south and pointing your finger while ignoring the flood of societal degradation from the north.
  16. That is funny but inaccurate. That stuff actually happened in real life as gross as it sounds. The actors had a fling after being on set together so long together. So it wasn't Fonzi and Mrs. C. It was Henry Winkle and Marion Barber.
  17. How did Barney kill him?
  18. I don't remember any character named Andy on Barney. I also don't ever remember Barney being sheriff except maybe one halloween episode. Maybe you are older than me or younger. What color dinosaur was Andy?
  19. I'm not sure about "Did I do that" but dynomite was definitely Luscious as Beerboy pointed out. Luscious always wanted to own the garage and when Fred would say he was "having the big one...coming to see you Elizabeth", Lucious would say dynomite because he thought he was inheriting the garage. Gosh there were some funny episodes. It's not a real thread until someone tries a Peter Pan link. Don't fall for it anybody.
  20. That one was Miss Piggy.
  21. oops. I ws thinking of the kid from the Jeffersons but you get my point about the catch phrase thing. What was the Jefferson kid's catch phrase anyway?
  22. Laugh it up dudes but how to explain the picture of those chicks inspecting the big innertube thingy? I doubt they wer looking for a cool way to go over Niagara Falls. Speaking of Niagara Falls they have totally wasted a huge marketing opportunity. Think about it. So many old people, for whom I have as much or more respect than anyone, honeymooned in Niagara Falls. Now they are old and let's face it, incapable of sex. Unless...........they go to Viagara Falls weekend at their old honeymoon destination. A couple of free pills and think of the economic boon for the town. Hotels, restaurants open before 3PM, Casinos, drug stores, and once the sex starts, funeral parlors.
  23. You have your sitcoms mixed up I think. I think his catch phrase was "Did I do that?" or something along those lines. Anyway the dy-no-mite line was used by Fred Sanford's son LaMont.
  24. And wouldn't killing cats in the back alley and then selling them as sweet and sour chicken constitute organized crime? I mean it can't be legal and it might be a little sloppy but it is planned enough to be called organized IMO.
  25. I take it you like his work?
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