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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I agree that the chanting and dramatic voices are rather convincing, but if the world were filled with
  2. Just one minute here....... Can exposure to uranium, say over the course of 33 years or so, make people incredibly idiotic?
  3. Blame/thank DHS, not the Bills. I agree most kids would not bring see-4 into a stadium but they could hide it in a balloon. Also, in our age of terrorist threats, balloons innocently popping could cause a stampede to the tunnels and get some people trampled. I am sure this guy's letter would have been worded even more strongly if his kid got a busted leg scrambling for the exit. If he is to cheap to go to WalMart after the game and buy a bag of balloons that is not Ralph's fault.
  4. So when they say all those people will be hit do they mean by radiation?
  5. That's not what it says. It says one oout of every 3200 people will be hit. Be careful out there.
  6. Did you see my thread about the satellite? If not, I would like to let you know that you can use any of the outdoors pools or any other outdoor venue on my property on the 23rd as long as you make sure the security camera are running and recording. Think of it as survivor pool II.
  7. It is not falling until the 23rd and there are no football games that day.
  8. If we do win it I hope we all remember our fallen friend or friends from TBD.
  9. Don't look up I know there are a lot of people reading this board. A big satellite will be crashing to Earth sometime between Bills/Raiders and Bills/Patriots. A disturbing quote from the article: I don't know about you, but 1 in 3200 doesn't sound too remote to me. I would bet that more than 3200 people post on this board so odds are someone on here will be getting hit. I can't imagine surviving. We should pray for each other if so inclined. I will be thinking of you. Enjoy what may be your last Bills game.
  10. I have always wondered why I have never once seen the Auburn Tabernacle Choir sing the national anthem at an Auburn game. You see them practically everywhere but there. This seemed like a good thread to ask.
  11. Neither what goes with nor? Why did you put a period at the end of that contraption?
  12. I am far from average but I choose fast food very quickly which under your system allows me to go practically without exercise.
  13. I had the Googlebot read her lips and it it's actually a gay slur based on a misunderstanding of kilts. She said ".....and all them dressed like #$%^ing %ags".
  14. Never criticize Capri Sun.
  15. Nice slam dude. Geez I was just pointing out the mistake. Don't shoot the messenger. Even the vaunted NY Times makes mistakes but there seems to be no shortage of people here to come up with complex calculus to prove the NY Times correct. They forget the theory of Occum's shaver which basically says the most simple explanation is the best. The simple explanation uses the uses the transitive property which is third grade math, not calculus which is either 12th grade or maybe college. The transitive property says that if A=B then B=A. Simple right? Well then if 52% of week one winners make the playoffs then 52% of playoff teams won in week one. When you add the 23% of week one losers you get only 75% playoff teams which is basically impossible. It HAS to add up to 100 because it is in percentages. I suppose 25% of teams could tie in week one but from memory that does not sound right at all. The more complex solution offered in this thread makes no sense because of Occum's shaver. I don't know why so many people love the NY Times so much that they don't even think they can make a mistake, but I guess those same people really like the emperor's new close.
  16. Well if your idea of research is spreading poop on meat then you'll be spending more on research AND health care. I'm pretty sure people that eat poop get sick more often.
  17. So with a little rounding 52% of week one winners make the playoffs and 23% of week one losers make the playoffs. That is only 75%. Maybe they are talking about some weak teams not really having a chance once they get there but weren't the Packers a #6 seed last year? There goes that theory. The article doesn't even discuss teams missing the playoffs so you seem to be barking up the wrong tree.
  18. The NY Times is not selling enough papers I guess. The budget cuts must have come from their math department. What happens to the other 25% of the teams? They don't make the playoffs but don't miss the playoffs? :blink:
  19. Aren't "society" and "government" two different things?
  20. Didn't see it, who did it?
  21. Ceremony First of all, I thought this was a nice tribute all around. Amazing Grace gets me every time. Anyway, check out the national anthem. Lady Antebellum sang it and she did a nice job. It was not over the top. She does not get too much camera time during the song as they are showing celebrities and players etc. Try to pause it when they are showing her. Does the backup singer on the right look familiar? I thought he was with the Seahawks.
  22. I will examine the slate soon. There are no advances but you are in as one of the initial "investors". Keep in mind your % will be increased if you help me win AND help Beerboy get bounced out quick. Don't be too obvious by giving him the Chiefs next week or Bengals or something. Be sneaky.
  23. Brilliant. The idiot Charger fans would have went berserk if they fleeced some team out of a draft pick for Kaeding.
  24. Customize huh? If you were in business would you try to make things easier or harder for your customers? Would you try to sell more items or fewer? Would you try to sell items quickly or slowly? Geez if I ran a grocery store I wouldn't put Lucky Charms and Cocoa puffs and Rice Krispies in big bins and then tell everyone it was great because they could customize their order and all they had to do was pick their cereal, put it in a bag, box it up, weigh it and pay for it. I'd sell them ready made boxes. Have you ever heard of a little company called Kellog's?
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