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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Still alive. Chargers. It think Beerboy had them too. He was very deceptive when I asked him who he had picked.
  2. A newspaper/TV station should NEVER listen to their customer /pearlhowardman school of journalism
  3. If Hollywood celebrities say there is doubt, then there is doubt. I personally doubt ANY of the 38 witnesses ever starred in a movie. What gives them the right to call themselves witnesses?
  4. Shouldn't he know that rule and not argue/cry Mr. Limbaw?
  5. Dude I don't know why you are picking on me. I posted a picture that I thought was funny for other people to make funny comments. You posted the same picture without seeing my thread. Now you're mad because someone else didn't see my thread. Does that make sense? I don't really care about that but your thread is mean to the President by calling him embarassing which must be meant to be embarrassing. HE IS THE PRESIDENT. There is a lot of stuff to make political but a funny picture is not one of them. Do you see the difference?
  6. So what standard are we using? If a hollywood celebrity sees doubt, then there is doubt? If the victim was a cop, there is doubt? If there were only about 40 witnesses there is doubt? If the defense won't even call their own witnesses, there is doubt? If Matthew McConaughy proposed a theory that LRB might be delusional and might not have done it, is that enough doubt? I mean he is a hollywood actor but the victim wasn't a cop. That would be a tough one.
  7. Technically using the term America has a broader sense but would you rather co-opt the word for the USA or risk being confused with a Canadian? OK not you purr say, but most people?
  8. When I told you to make sure code name Dim Kelaney had a good time so she was relaxed for her speech, I didn't mean for you to completely blow her mind. Geez dude, I don't know whether to fire you or promote you. I'm glad I assigned her to you on a hunch. I bet she stops requesting Sven.
  9. I think African Canadians call themselves "African-let's just leave it at that and not fill in the rest if it is ok with you"'s.
  10. Sage, it's called a period. You don't have to ask God. Just ask your OBGYN.
  11. Are those names of Golden Retrievers?
  12. Friggin hippies. I wonder what they think of the Iranian "culture" now. My guess is that if we refused the ransom Iran would have paid us to take them back.
  13. Dude why are you picking on me? I just posted the pic and said caption the photo. Is everyone afraid of a little fun? the new dude posted the same thing and made something political out of it. It is ok to criticize him without criticizing me because: 1. He made it political 2. He failed to notice my original post thus breaking board policy and probably earning a suspension 3. I have a googlebot that finds lots of stuff and can probably find pictures of you on the internet that you don't want posted.
  14. My guess is that self righteousness didn't close their minds, but maybe a dead relative grinding out a shift a BK for a few extra bucks and a mountain of evidence and 20 years in court just may possibly have "closed their minds". So if he made up some mularkey about being innocent and/or remorseful he should have been let off?
  15. Because you don't like people with teeth? What?
  16. Was it just me or did she say Buffalo was like Canada and then proceed to not have as much or more respect for old people than anyone all in one article?
  17. You really shouldn't watch the Kardashian show because not all unambitious lardasses makes as much $$$ as them.
  18. There are things that are impossible to believe?
  19. Of course they are greeted with "Hmmm...that's weird..." why would they be greeted with a vacuum cleaner anyway? How would anyone even know if the neutrinos got sucked into the Eureka?
  20. First of all, Beerboy was just sharing some facts. He did not appear to pass judgment so don't be in such a wholier than thou mood. Secondly, Zumfofo has a 1 in 1600 chance of getting smushed, just like everyone else in Europe. Who knows, maybe it will land on some boring Belgiums. Thirdly, maybe it will crush so of those amoebas you are so bent about. Quadrilaterally, have you ever met Zumfofo? He's a friggin jerk so I won't feel bad for him.
  21. Do these propeller heads have a googlebot? Because if they did they would know the answer already.
  22. So then no one should ever be convicted or jailed for anything ever? Is that what they meant in Sunday school or is it possible you missed the point or maybe it was a Wednesday afternoon Sunday school session taught in Canada.
  23. Because they play Miami twice, that's why. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but I simply cannot imagine the length of that Ralph introduction/ Van acceptance speech combo. We had better clinch home field for the playoffs because it might take that long.
  24. Does that mean you have a 1 in 1600 chance of getting hit if you're a Euro?
  25. Awesome post blaming cops for the whole thing. Maybe the original cop didn't try hard enough to dodge the bullet.
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