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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. That one I have heard, but "turing the channel" is a new one. Anyway do you think Lance Armstrong was doping when he won the Tur de France?
  2. I've never heard that phrase before.
  3. Doobage makes it desirable to sleep in parks and annoy the crap out of other people.
  4. Short on specifics, long on mean. Bad combination.
  5. Can you name a year where tie breakers did not come into play in the NFL? The Bills are not in a bad position with tie breakers. YET. Not too many teams will go 0-4 v. the NFC so 1-3 and maybe even 2-2 won't kill them.
  6. Not only did I luckily survive but A LOT of people are out because of the Giants. i went against a team traveling from coast to coast like Seattle, but this team --Tampa -- had played an emotional game on Monday night. I went with San Fran. Beerboy has been quiet. I think he might be out. Anyway you can still help me if you'd like despite your Giants pick. I am rooting for the Bears a little tonight because a few people have the Lions.
  7. In every tie breaker scenario importance is given to certain games. First comes head to head, then division games, then conference games. This leaves non-conference games like the one against the Eagles as the odd man out. Let's say the Bills end up tied with a team that went 0-4 vs the NFC and that the Bills lose their remaining games and finish 1-3. If it is a team we did not play this year and they weren't in our division, then the Bills would lose out because they beat the Eagles.
  8. You think you're going to take flak for that? You have some things in there which can be argued back and forth. I was going to start a thread based purely on the FACT that yesterday's win hurt the Bills in every imaginable tie breaker scenario but I decided against it because of all the dust that would stir up and that is even though it is based on FACTS. Your post is based largely on opinions and/or interpretation of facts, therefore you should expect arguments. I shouldn't have to expect arguments but people are emotional and would argue anyway.
  9. Because they are all free thinkers and celebrate individuality!
  10. Hey keep it quiet for a few weeks will ya? I'm starting a new company called Soloutdra which is the opposite of Solyndra so it has to be a win. Give me that government $$$$$$$.
  11. Something to consider, but he also has been known to hang out in dumpsters near Disney.
  12. A comment from below that video: Is there really such a thing as poo people? That does not make any sense. Does he mean people that are stuck working at the wastewater treatment plant?
  13. Do any of you seriously think that a baseball guru like LaRussa would have lost with the Yankees against the Tigers? The answer is no and all you Yankee suck ups can say anything you want. Let's just say it came down to game 5. How would LaRussa have done it differently? First of all Posada had a good series, he really did. He had a good career too and I can really see why he was a popular player in NY. Anyway all of that is sentimental. He should not have been playing in this series Even though he hit. That was just a lucky break for the inferior Girardi. And seriously, how many times do you have to watch A-Rod get overmatched before you do something? 100? Geez. The Yankees plainly needed to get multiple ABs to Montero last night. If they did they would have won. If LaRussa was managing Montero would have gotten the ABs. IF nothing else he should have pinch hit for A-Rod in the 9th. If he did it in the 7th A-Rod would have been pouting but he would have been pouting in the ALCS instead of Madonna's bedroom. You Yankee fans can have your huge payroll half filled with crappy players and no ability to get the most out of starters 2-5. I'll take Tony and his ability to get wins out of guys like Kyle Lohse and Edwin Jackson. And if you want to argue just look at the fact that the Cardinals lasted longer than the Yankees this year and then compare the rosters. How about trading us Montero for tonight?
  14. It was funny at first, but now it is lame
  15. I have good news and I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is you have been doing a decent job with the clients lately and have received a promotion. The good news is you have excellent taste in comedy. The bad news is that your quote above is also your client list for next week.
  16. I stopped reading right there. More outrageous than moving TO Canada? I don't even want to know what he said.
  17. Mr. Limbaw knows as much about humor as he knows about hell.
  18. Most believable post in the thread so far.
  19. Bill Clinton wants to join
  20. Did the hippies get part of what they wanted or is it a moving target? With the death of Steve Jobs are they now the 99.0001% and only angry at .99999% or did some guy get promoted to the top 1%? Do we know who this new 1%er might be?
  21. Beerboy can answer the phones but no negotiations. He'll end up committing me to three years of scripts for a pack of Werther's Originals. Anyway have him out you in touch with the Googlebot who has an auto-negotiate program now.
  22. No can do. For a couple of reasons. First I don't think I could be precise due to prior commitments. I can help with the outline but that would probably be it. Second, the whole ghost thing is lame. Usually ghosts come in at the end of a series, not the beginning. Could I work something in? I suppose. If we go with the kind caring african ambassador he can speak with the ghost of Nelson Mandela for example. But think about it, what would Mandela's ghost know about people from Atlantis with webbed feet speaking in clicking noises? It's not like he knew any when he was alive. Unless we made up some junk about one of his cell mates for all those years secretly being from Atlantis. That might be able to work. And I would never last in the biz because I swear to God if one producer wanted to work in a bunch of crappy Peter Gabriel music just because Mandela's ghost was starring in the show I might haul off and punch the dude for being so lame. Plus you just know they would want Morgan Freebird or whatever his name is to play Mandela which is such a stereotype. Personally I think if it is a comedy maybe we get Randy Quaid to play Mandela's ghost or even OJ but that would piss people off. Any ghost other than Mandela screws things up. An evil ambassador wouldn't listen to ghosts unless maybe it was his mom or something. That might work. I don't know about ghost writing. It just doesn't seem to come as naturally. It doesn't feel right for a UN show. It's too much like Mork and Mindy even though that wasn't technically a ghost.
  23. If you remind me I will post in next year's derby thread. You may be able to find some of the old ones proving my skills.
  24. I don't think Ralph Nader would go for this and what would be the carbon footprint of the gas powered whatever? PM to Dwight Drane?
  25. Huh. Never knew that. Do you ever do a golf
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