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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. The Bills win the tiebreaker over the Pats so this site is wrong. Talk about large market bias. It doesn't really matter thought because there are still 11 games to be played.
  2. Not even just that but the original post was on a Monday, not a Thursday.
  3. Flexing only applies to Sunday games. The Thursday game would be a swap, not a flex.
  4. Makes sense but do you think the Dallas game can be swapped?
  5. I don't get it.
  6. I think they have different names for the political parties in Canada. There are no democrats and republicans so a republican won't get elected. You'll be staying in the good ole USA. I think the two main parties are the eskimos and the illiterates but it is a multi party system.
  7. I don't get it.
  8. I like the tradition of Detroit and Dallas but prefer that they "flex" or "swap" Buffalo into the game instead of Miami. We'll see what happens I suppose.
  9. This talks about the Sunday games, not the Thursday games. I was right that "flex" stood for flexible with regard to Sunday games. Is there another program available for Thursday, Saturday and Monday games beyond the "flex" program? Maybe they call it swap scheduling or something like that.
  10. I'm pretty sure "flex" is short for flexible which implies changes can be made.
  11. Why? Is it because the Bills are a small market team or because it is too early in the season?
  12. I don't understand some of the replies. I realize my question must be unclear. I'm asking if the NFL would have the Bills play Dallas on Thanksgiving instead of Miami playing them. Then Miami could play Dallas when the Bills were scheduled. I think it would help ratings but maybe Thanksgiving is too early in the season. Is that possible? I realize they would never move Dallas or Detroit off of Thanksgiving but I bet they's d like to get rid of Miami. Detroit plays Green Bay so that game is a good one.
  13. Games that involve non-contenders in primo national viewing slots. They move contenders into those games.
  14. I am wondering how far in advance the flex games get changed. I know they try to get contenders in the national spotlight and leave the also rans out. I also know it is too early to call the Bills a contender but you absolutely know that Miami is not so......... What are the odds they switch things around a little and we get to see the Bills on Thanksgiving against the Cowboys? There would be a fair amount of work to do with the scheduling and Thanksgiving may not be "late enough" in the schedule but I have to believe even the NFL sees the writing on the wall here. Put down the turkey and step into the TV room.
  15. wtf? I have no idea of what you're talking about but I am a nice guy and would never be mean about your brother. I am sorry about what happened to him but don't see how it impacted this thread. If he is upset tell him to chill because I didn't mean anything about him. I didn't even know he existed.
  16. There are three other teams in our division and then 12 more in the conference. Odds are ties will be out of the division and you conveniently ignored that there will be no common NFC games in that scenario rendering it a mute point in more than 75% of ties. Look, it is no big deal really, it is what it is. There is no reason for people in denial or upset to ignore facts. As wins go, the Eagles win is a bad one.
  17. Wit my foot. None of that was funny. And if you think it was organized in the sixties you are reading too many books written by hippies. Stoned and organized do not go together.
  18. Dude congrats and let us know how it goes. It is none of my business but if the doc doesn't know if it is a baby or twins or quintuplets and your wife is due any day, you may want to look into getting another doctor. I hope you're not going with any of that hippy child birth no doctor crap.
  19. Dude every year there are ties in the NFL. This means it is inevitable. This is based on somewhat complicated math derived from the fact that there are only 16 games but 12 playoff teams out 32. I won't confuse you with all the formulas but trust me. The tie breakers basically dictate that wins against the NFC are bad. I'm not saying I agree with it but I do understand it. You're saying my understanding of tiebreakers is incorrect. How is beating an NFC EVER better than beating an AFC team?
  20. Well pretty much all of today's democrat leaders and half of today's republican leaders were loser hippies on the 60s. They are still loser hippies but with nice suits.
  21. A lot of kids of divorced parents end up speaking this way about their dads. Many of these dads die with kids who hate them. The sad thing is that a lot of the dads divorced for the sake of the very kids that now hate them. Maybe Whitner and the Bills both knew he and the Bills would be better without each other. They are both 4-1 so it sure looks that way doesn't it? Don't be like the kid who hates his own dad.
  22. Man some people just can't enjoy 4-1. Look, separations are never a pretty thing. Sometimes when parents get divorced the kids stay angry for a long time even though it is better for the parents as individuals and the kids. Yes it is sad, but it is also ok to recognize when things are ok and move on. You don't have to be mad at Donte or the Bills and choose sides just like kids don't have to be mad at mom or dad.
  23. So when they lose it is Donte's fault and when they win he has nothing to do with it? I thought that stuff only got used on QB's. Harbaugh does deserve credit too. He is the one who signed Whitner right? People need to get over Whitner. He is gone and his new team is producing accordingly. We are also doing well. As I said some moves are good for both parties.
  24. Sometimes it it just a change of scenery. The Bills ARE 4-1 without Donte. It is a huge improvement over last year. You also have to acknowledge that he has improved the Niners to the point where they are also 4-1. This worked for both parties.
  25. Is Poz off that list based on beautiful hair alone?
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