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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm glad you at least agree about his dad sucking and that being a factor. For the record, I also agree with you that comparisons to Leaf and Russell are not valid. The best comparison is probably Gale Gilbert's kid and that does not bode well for Luck.
  2. It is not him but it resulted from one of his mishaps involving improperly mixing silica gel, the Googlebot's flaser and a Werther's original.
  3. Dude you are making my point. He is saying Maybin caused the Jets to be 3-3. I am pointing out the failocy of his thinking.
  4. Um.....duh. His name would be /James/Null unless /dev's mom remarried.
  5. Didn't Donte just beat the Lions?
  6. Not for nothing but Johnny Unitas forcing fumbles would have been a bad thing because he was a quarterback. :wallbash:
  7. Be careful no to apply this argument to Donte.
  8. For every weak arm to strong arm Aaron Rogers' story there are 100 weak arm to weak arm no cajones Glove Wearing May type stories.
  9. Everyone on this board also leaves out how simply awful his father was, yet not one person here can name a crappy QB whose son excelled in the NFL. Gale Gilbert's kid was good in HS but he flamed out in college. Good luck with Luck. Daddy
  10. Dude Pearl Harbor blew up in the 40s. I wonder if Pat Buchanan was president back then.
  11. This should get thrown out of court in about a second. Hurt by using a "marital aid" with her boyfriend? RTFM lady......for use with a husband, not a boyfriend. And April Bonjour? Seriously? Is that her real name or were they filming a porno?
  12. There are 22 people on the field and no one of them wins or loses for their team. Certainly some help their team win and some do not. The funny part is the reactions to these things. They seem to be based on strange sets of parameters. Let's examine Fitz vs. Whitner. Fitz Fact: Fitz was picked in the 7th round from a non-football school and kicked around the NFL for a few years before landing with the Bills. Fitz Fact: Fitz has been good overall this year and it is great to see the Bills winning. The Bills are 4-2 Fitz Fact: Fitz's bad throws probably cost the Bills a win yesterday. Fitz Fact: Ftiz is still popular and I believe rightfully so. Dope on Donte: Whitner was probably picked too high in the draft and was from a football powerhouse. When he became a free agent he had multiple suitors Dope on Donte: Donte has had a good career and helped his teams win. The Niners are 5-1 Dope on Donte: He made a bad play earlier in the year that cost his team a game Dope on Donte: He was absolutely crushed on this board and everything about him was criticized. Lesson: There is no point in ripping a player after a bad play. Donte's leadership role in crafting the 9ers is proof of this. He is gone now so we can't cry over spilled milk but let's not spill it again and start ripping Fitz. Keep positive about Fitz. We need players to win games. Yes it would be nice if we still had Donte, but we don't because we were so negative. Let's not be having this same conversation about Fitz in a couple of years. Fitz probably got a pass because of his underdog status while Whitner was a stud from a powerhouse schoolbut I worry about Fitz's honeymoon period ending. If a guy truly stinks like Maybinot or the Glove wearing Mary, rip away.
  13. Keeping Canadians out is a losing idea? I don't think so and if it was put to a vote he would be President Pat.
  14. Somebody on here once claimed he was the worst president in our history. But God forbid anyone go on a football website and say anything bad about Canadians.
  15. Usually I give a $1000 plus 19.3% of the bill. At some of the fancier places I have to revise that to make sure I'm giving at least 20%. When I get a coffee at the drive through which is rare, it seems to make their day. Big whoop. $1000.
  16. Don't worry about it. Stuff like this happens all the time. Keep it in prospective.
  17. Floors can be uncomfortable. You should lay on the bed.
  18. Bump. Any ideas?
  19. You used the word "change" where you should have used "flex". They can't "flex" a Thursday game but maybe they can "swap" it. Think of it like government programs. You can't use food stamps at the doctor's offices but that doesn't mean the government won't help at the doctor. That program is called medicaid. So you are correct that the Thursday game can't be "flexed" or "food stamped", but I'm asking whether it can be "swapped" or medicaided". See the difference?
  20. Are you in the Newfie party?
  21. Weird. Who won the Packers/Lions game?
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