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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Tannenbaum? I did not read the article and usually don't get into religious stuff but I am wondering what some jewish guy is doing with authority over Christmas trees. Can someone recap the article? Because I am busy. Thanks.
  2. Let's add another one. Great idea. Newsflash: I have a Googlebot and could rig every election between now and the end of time.
  3. Sweet setup. Don't let the dog up there even though he looks like a good dog. Anyway, you should do your web show from there to show off the whole new setup.
  4. Here is real
  5. I'll give Kyle a second opinion: You played hard long enough to get the big $$$$$$$$ and then this. It is not what I would have originally thought so I guess you fooled me, but there is my second opinion.
  6. Well Fitz and Williams were playing well until they got the money and then crapped the bed. I'm detecting a trend and we shouldn't sign Jackson and Johnson unless we want them to be terrible too.
  7. A new contract will do it every time. When guys play carefully they get hurt or start throwing picks like Fitz. This is why Fitz and Fred have to wait for the $$$$$$$$. We need them to play well.
  8. Phil Simms played against daddy, and knows what sonny will bring to the table.
  9. Maybe the doctors aren't unethically prescribing for profit. Maybe hippies are getting older and won't shut up with the me, me, me crap and the docs are prescribing pills to get the hippies to leave the office so they can get back to work. Now the hippies turn around and blame the doctors.
  10. First of all this is the US and the religion is called Mormon over here, not Muslim. I don't need to get into that though because it has been re-hashed ad infinitum. Anyway, what does Granada have to do with anything? From the sounds of it all religions were involved and that should be a good thing. I can't see pinning all of that stuff on the Mormons.
  11. I don't know anything about October 21 other than it is in the past and if the asteroid somehow flew by in the past that would mean it had a time machine and the crazies would not be.............crazy for going..................crazy.
  12. All that proves is that those other countries have crappy law enforcement. You couldn't work a t-shirt in there somewhere?
  13. I doubt they even knew what to do with a broken ligament in 1941. Did they tell you if yours was the first broken ligament they had seen since?
  14. The well documented fact that Peter King is a complete blowhard gives me comfort.
  15. Did any of you notice that the article abut human waste suspended in ice was written by the Canadian press? If there is one area for which I'd rely on their expertise this has to be it.
  16. Please decide on present tense or past tense before you post. I got a my grain just reading that.
  17. But they also play defense. Daddy learned the hard way.
  18. I voted other and will specify Howdy Doody because he was the first one. And I wouldn't have voted for him over Howdy, but how does Sweetums get left off that list? From the list I would have gone with Beaker.
  19. I get that but it has its ups and downs. Yes, there are 100 of these guys for every Ajzepp-like show, but the ajzepp's of the world make Youtube great on balance.
  20. I feel bad for him given he is only a kid and he will crash and burn so hard when he sees the real world of the NFL. It is not like the NBA where they just carry over the college stardom in some cases. After being handed all of this in his college career, Luck may have a Lohan-esque meltdown when he flames out. Personally I find it sad for Spears and Lohan and will find it sad for Luck. P.S. Do you think the NBA will play this year or will Lebron have another year to wait for a ring?
  21. I love how the hat is somehow not all the way on his head.
  22. Shameless Luck promotion. Too many $$$$ to pass up.
  23. I agree with the people that say it doesn't matter yet but will also point out that our loss against the Giants has really helped us. I got into a big argument in another thread about this topic and people really misunderstood the tiebreaker. I am glad that I did not post in this thread until page three but i also have to point out that I was correct in the other thread and this proves it.
  24. 1. Hippies that want to live forever. They have whined their whole lives and now they want miracle medicines. Drugs companies have expended the considerable effort it must have taken to create these drugs; it cost a lot, and hippies want it free. Surprise surprise. 2. Hippies who can't get real jobs have been able to glom on to their hippy friends in academia for jobs. Now they want the big $$$$$ despite producing nothing. These costs must be passed along to someone. To summarize: Hippies. Also known as "The smelliest generation".
  25. Don't we have only 8 draft picks? How are we supposed to draft 7.2 defenders? Maybe a db that plays some receiver?
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