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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. He really isn't smart, athletic, personable or skilled in any way. You can't really blame him though, he spent his early years on the run. His dad wrote TV commercials and really pissed off Mao Say Tongue and the family was at risk.
  2. I didn't see the whole episode. Maybe they started him with $10k just to make it fair. Did you see the whole episode? It's him. He's not smart but he is even
  3. And look what happened to "Ouch" Williams and "Billy Joe Hobart" Fitzpatrick once we signed them.
  4. What also hasn't helped is that our QB got a fat new contract and transformed into Billy Joe Hobart.
  5. No Beerboy isn't old and I can prove it. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but I do not respect Beerboy. See? That's proof. Anyway, I don't respect him because he kept up his bad behavior as he got older. Sure, anyone can slip up and curse on Jeopardy, but it takes a real jerk to study for years to be a weatherman just so he can pull on TV.
  6. When he was younger, Beerboy was smarter, but still just as rude. I bet none of you knew he once appeared on teen Jeopardy.
  7. Well I don't know but people can't have it both ways. Anyone saying Cam does not suck better also be singing the praises of Tebow because he has more wins with fewer opportunities. I know a lot of people thought Tebow was going to suck but he is better than a guy that went #1 overall.
  8. Billy Joe Fitzbart botched the first quarter too. His utter lack of preparation led to constant great field position for Dallas.
  9. Fitz gave up as many points as he scored yesterday. Geez dude.
  10. I don't really have anything to say about the main topic but would like to point out that this particular new guy is clearly NOT Canadian.
  11. Fitz got the big $$$$ and started prepping for games like Billy Joe Hobart. The first offensive play of the game he didn't even see the unblocked defensive end. Just stood there like duuuuuuuh. Williams stole money, Fitz stole money, who is next?
  12. Fitz scored the same number of points for each team. He got his money and now he preps like Billy Joe Hobart. At least he has the decency to show up, unlike Williams.
  13. The Ivy league Wall Street bankers steal money from the 99%. This has been exposed by the protests. 99% of the people involved with the Bills are merely fans and we are having our faces rubbed in it by an IVY leaguer too. Fitz has stolen money from the Bills with his contract and guess where he is from. You got it....Ivy league economics major. This immediately after Williams signs for big $ and gets "hurt". At least Stevie forget to get his money before he started stinking it up. I like Freddie but want to keep liking him so no $$$ for him. What a joke.
  14. Joe and Jim's father's were not proven NFL losers. Name one horrible NFL QB who had a son that did ANYTHING. You can't. As a matter of fact Gale Gilbert's kid, although highly touted, couldn't even make it in college. Archie Manning was good in the NFL and lookie here. Oliver Luck. lol. Get real.
  15. Remember Daddy? The apple does not fall too far from the tree.
  16. Someone on here once called Buchanan the worst President in US history. They must have had a time machine. :wallbash:
  17. I think I read this thread already except it was 4 years ago and it was about James Hardly.
  18. And one of Harbaugh's first moves was making sure Whitner came to SF. Clearly Harbaugh put a premium on getting Whitner and clearly it has produced results. We are left with guys that are pretty good and we are doing some winning, just not the type of lofty record that guys like Whitner enable.
  19. Why would they issue a stupid sounding statement? Hmmm let's see Canadi........ok I figured it out.
  20. By Cincy you mean a different team also with a lesser record that SF? Sorry about the Cleveland mistake but that is symantecs. As a matter of fact, this shows that two of the winningest teams in the NFL were battling it out for his services while his incumbent team was content to do enough to improve a little but not get a guy like Whitner who clearly enables elite records. Maybe building a team gradually is the right thing to do so I am not complaining and I sort of like our team of no names. Having Whitner would bring some of that "star factor" that we seem to be against. That is ok with me but not a reason to slam Whitner. I never liked the Twitter thing and still don't but to say he is not a star/borderline superstar just reeks of jealousy. I am not saying it is just you but many and not just i this thread.
  21. Well Cleveland and SF were clamoring for Donte. SF got him and Cleveland did not. What is Cleveland's record again?
  22. So you are saying that us missing Whitner has cost us two games? Personally I don't think it is quite that simple but the number is probably pretty accurate.
  23. Niners 7-1 with Donte. What were they this time last year?
  24. That is neither a tax nor a fee. I believe that would be the obscurity duty.
  25. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but I highly doubt the NFL would allow a 124 year old official. The guy would get killed out there.
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