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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Good point about Carrey but when Ennifer is on the warpath she wouldn't know the difference between a Canadian, a reptilian and any device requiring batteries. You should know that by now. Anyway, there is still time to stay away from McCarthy.
  2. Careful. dev like it when people call him a moron. You may have a new friend on your hands.
  3. Did you see the movie where the Sabres won the Stanley Cup? I didn't think so. Neither did anyone else. I think they messed around in that.
  4. Did you get a pass from Janet Reno before you turned the thing on?
  5. If I'm not supposed to use a charcoal grill indoors because it is raining outside, then why exactly am I supposed to use a charcoal grill indoors?
  6. Stay on your toes and be safe all. Homeland Security warns citizens.
  7. Then bend over and pick it up. Sheesh.
  8. I have some news for you........ ......actually Ennifer has some news for you.
  9. Umm.... Step 1. Buy a globe Step 2. Locate the US Step 3. Look North
  10. What I lament is the lack of reality left in America. Has anyone seen these people? If so how can anyone get upset by someone suggesting a bath? Geez. Do you know what a bath could do for these loser hippy morons? It could transform them into loser hippy morons without lice, body odor and ringworm.
  11. It represents Booster wondering "WWFLPD?".
  12. Booster is going to need 34 more sources, a videotape, a signed confession and a notarized letter from all 9 Supreme Court judges before he will believe any of your story. Knit cap with earflaps is enough proof for me.
  13. You be worried about getting hit too if your Harvard genius QB kept setting you up.
  14. Captain Checkedout.......after I signed my fat contract.
  15. Can teams get their salary cap money or even real money back if they sign a player to a big contract and a player either immediately "hurts his foot" and decides not to play and/or just plain starts pulling a Billy Joe Hobart and doesn't even bother studying the playbook? Contracts once signed usually have responsibilities for both parties. Do NFL contracts usually have "best effort" clauses in there?
  16. It's always them, never you right Mr. Criss cross applesauce?
  17. Ever since Billy Joe Hobart Fitzpatrick signed his contract he has stopped preparing for games.
  18. That way you avoided accidentally grazing the shoulder of one of the hippies on the way out and being sued by his lawyer daddy for $100 million.
  19. I see you are still avoiding the criss cross applesauce argument.
  20. Whatever dude. Your definition of hippy requires beards and stuff. I classify them as losers who have no idea about an honest day's work but know plenty about how to complain about other people. Whatever. It is all symantecs anyway. You are obviously trying to divert attention from the criss cross applesauce issue.
  21. Those kids were not kneeling. They were sitting criss cross applesauce. Please get your facts straight before barging in here with your pro-hippy crap.
  22. Cinga you're new so I'll warn you. Don't do any of Booster's homework assignments. He hands them out like Halloween candy and when you do one he tells you to do more. It doesn't matter if there are a trillion examples that are all known full well by everyone on the board of Obama doing favors for cronies on the taxpayer dime. That would only mean he needs to see a trillion and one. You know that teacher you had that made you show all of your work? You know how he/she did that for your benefit but you thought he/she was just being a jerk? You know how you actually learned more in that class than just about any other class? Well, this is just like that except the teacher doesn't understand the topic, and instead of helping you to understand he wants to find just one hole in a pile of work and then give you an F based on one mistake and the teacher will ask you to document how 2+2=4. My advice when dealing with Booster is to simply as yourself WWFLPD?
  23. I take it wine won't help with dehydration either?
  24. I hope the investigation was held in Canada. That would explain the first two years and 362 days being used waiting for ice to melt so they could have three days to drink the water. How else could they spend three years on this? BTW do you know when you'll realize that crap like this makes the west easy targets for terrorists that don't waste their time doing meaningless studies to prove their own stupidity? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  25. If you think Latins have a dead tongue you have not been around Ginny's backup maid Consuela. But I regress. Please stay away from the swear words.
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