Cinga you're new so I'll warn you. Don't do any of Booster's homework assignments. He hands them out like Halloween candy and when you do one he tells you to do more. It doesn't matter if there are a trillion examples that are all known full well by everyone on the board of Obama doing favors for cronies on the taxpayer dime. That would only mean he needs to see a trillion and one.
You know that teacher you had that made you show all of your work? You know how he/she did that for your benefit but you thought he/she was just being a jerk? You know how you actually learned more in that class than just about any other class? Well, this is just like that except the teacher doesn't understand the topic, and instead of helping you to understand he wants to find just one hole in a pile of work and then give you an F based on one mistake and the teacher will ask you to document how 2+2=4.
My advice when dealing with Booster is to simply as yourself WWFLPD?