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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hotter than what? Didn't Celine Dion just barely beat out that broad that Marshawn hit for Canadian hottie of the year?
  2. I understand the fixx-a-flat, super glue and cotton balls. I can even buy the medical scrubs and the gloves, but the stethoscope? What was that for? To listen for leaks with the fixx-a-flat?
  3. Romney on foreign policy should be the same as on the economy: I am not Obama. Look at where the Los Gatos foreign policy has gotten us.
  4. Professor commies don't always kill you. Sometimes they just let you die which is different. Sometimes they turn off your medicine. Either way they smile and pronounce their own genius to make things easier.
  5. I was going to work hard to run that joke into the ground until I found out that I am not a hard worker.
  6. That's just another thing the bearded commies will solve.
  7. Clue: He is raising awareness of ME ME ME as usual; just like the safety with the self promotional hair.
  8. On a scale of 50-93 how many times a night does that poor girl look at her window thinking MDP is out there stalking her?
  9. The Onion creates articles by stealing material from TBD? How did they get MDP's picture?
  10. I'm thinking maybe we should merge threads. How about we send MDP out on a date with the old broad that was trying to bang Hurricane Ditka and send Hurricane Ditka out on a date with the two broads from this thread? If I am analyzing this thread correctly, MDP's pure desire to get laid coupled with that of the old broad will mask any issues that could pop up and result in success. Meanwhile, across town, Ditka's propensity to overanalyze the situation will be squelched by the power of TWO women physically overpowering him. The danger here is that MDP's estimation of "hot" will result in Ditka fleeing for cover once he sees these chicks. I'll have Beerboy follow him and slash his tires. At the end of the dates only three women will be disappointed and who really cares about that anyway?
  11. If he's sucking correctly there will be no need for that. Do not under any circumstances send them a link to this thread.
  12. Clearly that whole city needs a makeover. Some of those chicks look downright Canadian. Anyway you left out good old #10
  13. I never heard of that movie. Why did your wife pick that one?
  14. Wasn't he the guitar guy for "The Police"?
  15. Do you know if the Nation of Mormon performs gay marriages? Because I think Rahm requires it.
  16. It didn't say that. The article is sketchy but I think Rahm wants Chick fil a to offer wedding ceremonies at their stores or else pay him a big kickback. This ticks off the owner of the store who only wants to have straight marriages take place. At least that is what I get out of the article. Farakkhan must have paid the kickback because now it appears that the nation of Mormon is patrolling the streets.
  17. One of his names might be Ben. I'm not sure. But that is definitely not the rest of his name.
  18. $180k? That must be a nice floral rug. And I'm glad the reporter dug up the real dirt on the color of the trim on the furniture but not the names of the employees that hit "override" on the system. Nice system. Maybe some employees can get in on the action next year by overriding the system some more.
  19. Let me translate this for you: Rahm didn't get no kickback.
  20. You guys are forgetting about the guy they have that has about 4 first names and 3 last names. I forgot his names but he is pretty good.
  21. Fred Willard learned that same lesson but you should really keep this to yourself.
  22. Even if he got 4,000 hits he would only be 50/50 to make the Hall of Fame.
  23. I'm not buying this because you need a chicken to produce an egg which means the chicken has to sit on the egg to produce another chicken which means production slows. And having a chicken confuses the situation as to whether you have an egg or which one should come first. If the government buys you a chicken then the confusion lessens and production can begin. If not you have to decide which should come first, the chicken or the egg.
  24. 4.3 is an error of .8
  25. Did you mean "Hellas yes!"?
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